Breathing Is Easier When You're Around


Never had I ever thought I’d be in this sort of situation.

When did this happen?
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?

I can feel his stare, while I found the carpet very important. I’m trying to breathe deeply to keep myself from crying, but it’s slowly working itself towards hyperventilation. My body is shaking and tingling all over, waiting for him to speak.

“I cannot believe this,” my dad spat at me, “that you’re in still in my house. That I have to keep you here. Is it not enough that I have to deal with you alone? Now you have to turn into more of a burden…a faggot!”

“…I-I didn’t me-“ He grabbed me before I could finish.

The ground came at my face fast, and my whole body landed with a loud thud. I could feel the carpet as he dragged me, then the concrete after he got me outside. He let go of my foot, slammed the door, and locked it, all before I even sat up. I guess he didn’t like the idea of keeping me. I wasn’t surprised. I was left outside, without clothes, without money, without anywhere to go. I felt at my face and noticed the red running down my fingers, after I pulled my hand away. Then I felt my body ache as I stood up to walk. I shuffled my way down the sidewalk leading to the front door, stopped, then proceeded to walk to my left.

About 30 minutes later, I had found the park that I was looking for. No one came here after 9, usually. I laid down in the big tunnel off to the side of the park, and thought. I never thought this would happen to me. One night I’m in my comfortable, warm bed, and the next I’m in a tunnel, at a park. Its possible life never turns out how you want it to, how you expect it to. I wrap my arms around my body to get warmer, and finally start to cry. I can’t see anything as my vision get blurrier by the second. I try to stop the choked hollers that I’m letting out, and as I’m slightly successful, I feel something hit me and another body landing on top of me. I can’t see their face as they curse, then laugh. They pull away and look down at me. I feel my breath get caught in my throat at the deep caramel eyes boring into my plain blue ones.

“Hey,” he says.

“Hi,” I squeak.

He clears his throat as he shoves himself away from me and sits down.

“I’m Kaidyn.” He announces, pulling me up into a sitting position.

“D-Deztin.” I stutter.

He nods, and then sighs, looking back out through the tunnel entrance. He starts to mutter to himself, checking outside again every few minutes. After about 15 minutes he seems to be satisfied and stands up. He looks at me and opens his mouth to say something, but shuts it almost immediately.

“Bye,” he half-waves and leaves me alone.

My eyes are getting heavy and I’m yawning constantly so, reluctantly, I lie down and try to get some sleep.


I wake up to someone shaking me, telling me to get up. I open my eyes and rub at them, so I could see better. I look up and notice the boy from yesterday sitting right next to my head. I sit up and give him a questioning look, not understanding why he’s here. He shakes his head and holds out his hand. I don’t know why, but I reach out and take it, letting him help me up. He motions for me to follow, taking long strides that I can’t keep up to. I’m running just to stay by his side. He realizes this and slows his pace.

We’ve taken so many turns I’ve become dizzy. He picked his pace back up without noticing so I slammed into his back when he stopped abruptly. I saw the house and didn’t know what to do as he started to push me towards it. He unlocked the door pulled me into the kitchen.

“Are you hungry?” He asks

“U-um yeah.”

He pulled out flour, milk, and other ingredients, then told me to go away. I slid off the chair by the island and headed for the stairs. I was looking for his room; I just hoped he wouldn’t be mad if he found me in there. I stopped at a door that was as plain as all the others, but it was the last one. My hand gripped at the door handle, turned, and pushed.

His room was black, silver, and red. There was writing all over the walls: mostly lyrics, among other things.

So I’ll find what lies beneath
You’re sick twisted smile
As I lie underneath
Your cold jaded eyes

Dear Agony,
Just let go of me
Suffer slowly
Is this the way it’s gotta be?
Dear Agony

I stand surrounded
By the walls
That once defined me
Knowing I’ll be underneath them
When they crumble
When they fall

What I really meant to say
Was I’m sorry for the way I am
I never meant to so cold

I don’t hear him coming up the stairs, “Hey, the fo-“

“Is this how you feel?” I look at him, shock all over his face.

He walks over to me and looks at the wall where I was reading.

He smiles sadly, “sometimes. Let’s not worry about that though. The food’s done.”

We get downstairs and there’s bowls with homemade pasta in them. That was what the flour was for, the noodles. I’m used to eating out of a box. I took a bite, not knowing what it would taste like, and sighed. It was amazing! I finish before he’s even half-way through and hesitantly hold out the bowl. He smiles and gets me more.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” He asks

I nod and he tells me where they’re at. I put down my food and search through what he has. I pull out The Chronicles of Riddick and hand it to him. He starts the movie and sits back onto the couch. I try to get comfy, but I’m not used to being in a random person’s house. It makes it harder to get comfy right away. I smile when Vin Diesel first comes on the screen; he’s hot in this movie. The way he sees is cool, the purple tint.

“Why were you outside?”

I take my eyes off the screen and turn to see him looking at me. I can tell by his face, that he’s wanted to ask me that. I didn’t know how to answer that, or even if I wanted to. But I tried to explain anyway.

“M-my mom died and I was le-left alone with my dad. He started to lose it after awhile. I not-noticed the small things, but didn’t think anything of them. B-but then it got worse. He would scream at me for hours, if I-I didn’t wash the dishes right, or my room wasn’t clean enough. I tried my hardest and made sure to keep the things that would make him th-the angriest to myself. But he found the worst one out. I don’t know h-how or wh-why, but he did.” I cried out.

Kaidyn scooted over to me and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me and whispered quietly into my ear, trying to calm me down.

“What was so bad that your own father threw you out?” He whispered angrily.

I laughed and sniffled, “I like boys.”

“For that?”

I shrugged. I felt him shift slightly and he picked me up bridal style, carrying me up the stairs. We got to his room and he put me on his bed, lying next to me.

He started to play with my fingers, and then his hand crawled up my arm, sending shivers down my spine. He grabbed my chin with his middle finger and thumb, his index finger ghosting over my lips, and turned my face to his. His face was scrunched, debating on something. He eyes found mine, keeping me in a trance, as his face got closer and closer. I felt out noses touch and our breaths mingle, before his lips touched mine.

I lost all thought as our lips started to move in sync. My body felt like it was on fire, tingling everywhere. I took fistfuls of his shirt to pull myself closer, pressing my body flush against his. His hands were cupping my cheeks, keeping my lips locked to his. I let out a moan; never have been able to experience this before. To have someone hold me, like he is. To have someone kiss me, like he is. He pulls away, needing oxygen, and it takes all my will to not whine.

“Do you like it here?” I manage to ask, still trying to regulate my breathing.

“I don’t know. I’m always alone. Sometimes I like it that way, others not so much.” He looks down at our limbs, tangled together, “times like this. I wish I had someone to be with like this. To hold, kiss, and talk to for days on end, and never get bored. I feel I could be like that, with you.” He looks back at me.

He got quieter towards the end but I still managed to figure out what he said.

I smile and nod, “I’ve felt alone since my mom died. You’ve made me feel better. It’s as if breathing is easier when you’re around.”

He sits up, pulling me with him. He rests his forehead against mine and he’s staring at me intensely, determined. He grabs my hands and laces our fingers together.

He presses a chaste kiss to my lips and says 5 words that make my heart pound, “Run away with me, Deztin.”

I nod, not thinking. He grabs my hand, and we run…

Never had I ever thought I’d be in this sort of situation.
♠ ♠ ♠
My contest entry.
This was hard, but I'm glad I tried.

Lyrics, in order:
Breaking Benjamin - What Lies Beneath
Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony
Creed - A Thousand Faces
Crossfade - Cold