Status: complete :)

I'm Frightened That I Won't Be Strong


It took little over a month for me to find a nice, reasonable sized 2 bedroom flat. Nick had told me not to bother with 2 bedrooms, but I wanted it. If Joe or Frankie ever came to stay with us, as I hoped they'd want to, then I wanted somewhere for them to sleep. I didn't want them stuck on the sofa. And on top of that, I knew that Denise and Kevin Sr. didn't really approve of Nick and I sharing a bed when we weren’t married. But I was planning on rectifying that situation as soon as I was able. I needed to buy a ring first. But it was on my to do list. I'd told them about 2 days after I arrived that I was looking for a flat, and I'd said that I wanted Nick to live with me. They were kind of apprehensive, I mean, to be fair, Nick was only 17. But they'd agreed a day later, after seeing how happy Nick was with me.

I hadn’t told Nick that I'd found the flat. I'd looked at so many, but none of them had really called out to me. But as soon as I saw this one, I knew that it was a place where I'd like to make a home with Nick. I could see us living there for several years, and I could see us being happy. Even after I bought it I didn't tell Nick, I wanted to get it completely finished before I showed it to him, so I got Joe to help me decorate it and move all the new furniture in. Obviously I couldn't really move in any of Nick's things, because he would have noticed straight away and I had kept a few things from England, but they hadn’t been shipped over yet, so I just saved spaces for where I planned to put everything. I wanted to get the flat done as quickly as possible because, despite Denise's assurances to the contrary, I felt like I was intruding. So, just under 2 months after I arrived in America, I was guiding Nick up several flights of stairs while my hands were covering his eyes. "Jesse, what's going on? Where are we?" he kept asking but I didn't reply. I wanted it to be a complete surprise.
"Wait and see," I just smiled. Nick pouted but I wouldn’t cave. We reached the door, which was on the third floor, and I pulled out my key and unlocked the door, still not allowing Nick to see. I pushed open the door, lead Nick inside, and the closed the door behind me. "Ready?" I asked him, whispering in his ear. Nick nodded eagerly and I grinned and lowered my hands from over his eyes. He opened his eyes and then gazed around the small hallway, which had a door on the left leading to a living room and dining room, a door on the right leading to a study room that I thought could be Nick's music room, and a door at the end leading to a kitchen. Around a corner there was another 3 doors which were the bedrooms and bathroom. "Welcome home, baby," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.
"Really?" he grinned and I nodded.
"I bought it just over 2 weeks ago," I told him as he hesitantly walked forwards to explore. "Joe helped me decorate and move all the furniture in so we could move in as soon as possible."
"Oh, Jess, it's perfect," he smiled and I grinned.
"Really?" I asked softly. "I wasn't sure if you'd want something bigger. But I thought that if it was any bigger then we-" Nick cut off my ramblings with a tender kiss and a smile.
"It's perfect," he said again and I smiled. I lead him into the study-turned-music room. It was completely empty right now, as I'd decided to let him decorate it, as it was going to be a room just for him. "What's this?" he asked, frowning slightly, confused as to why the room was empty.
"A music room," I told him and he turned to me, beaming. "I thought you'd want to decorate it how you want. I would have brought your guitars and piano over, but then you would have guessed what I was doing." Nick just laughed softly and wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. He pulled back after a second. I desperately wanted to continue the kiss, but he pulled away too far. I opened my eyes to see him gazing up at me.
"Can I see our bedroom?" he asked and I smiled. He'd said 'our'. So despite what his parents suggested, he had no intentions of sleeping in another room to me. I grinned and took his hand and led him into our room. Both of the bedrooms were similar in size, but this one was slightly bigger and had a better view. I knew that if we had Joe or Frankie stay over, they wouldn’t care about the view. I'd decorated the bedroom quite tastefully, in my opinion. The walls were cream and all the furnishings were a darker wood. Nick smiled as he looked around the room and then he turned back to me, a smile on his lips. "I think we should celebrate," he all but whispered as he raised himself on his tiptoes and pressed his lips to mine in a soft, delicate kiss. But I knew what he was implying. My breath caught in my throat.
"Really?" I managed to gasp. He grinned and nodded, pressing himself closer against me.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting until we were alone...but we were never alone back at my parents' house," he whispered. My heart was suddenly racing in my chest, faster than it ever had in the past.
"And...I wouldn’t want to do anything in your parents' house," I whispered, swallowing thickly as Nick pressed his lips to my neck and sucked the skin lightly.
"Mmm," he murmured in agreement. "But we're alone now." I shivered slightly, as his warm breath skated over the wet skin.
"God," I moaned, holding him tighter. Nick smiled and moved his hands to my shirt and unbuttoned it quickly and then he ducked his head and planted kisses all across my chest. "Nick," I whispered as I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off him as well.