Sequel: Demolition Lovers
Status: Finished~

Salometic Lunatic

I Keep Being Swept Away in the Cracks of Time

When Sebastian entered my room for the second time, I was laying on my bed, almost fulling clothes in my daily outfit. “Young master, can you not even dress yourself without my help?” He asked me, and I barely paid attention to him. “Young master?” He said again, making me rouse out of my half dream state. “Yes, Sebastian, what is it?” I said slowly, sounding drunk even to my own ears. “Young master?” He said again, and I realized that I hadn't actually spoken. “Sebastian,” I said fully and clearly. “Are you okay? Do you need to sleep?” He asked walking over next to my bed. “Yes, will you tell my guests that I can't join breakfast with then, please. Wake me up in two hours,” I said and drifted back to my half dream state.

When two hours flew by, I awoke without Sebastian's help, and dressed myself fully. “Young master, it is time to awake,” I heard Sebastian's voice behind the door, and only a few seconds later it opened. “I'm sorry, but Ms. Leavold insisted on following me,” he said, and Mae almost hopped into the room, her expression bubbly. “Ciel~ Are you feeling any better??” She asked, obviously hyper. I looked to Sebastian and motioned him over, lowering my voice, I quietly asked: “What on earth did you do to her?” He smirked, which was the expression I suspected. “Her mother insisted we make chocolate pancakes with chocolate syrup melted on the bottom of them. Of course, Ms. Leavold here ate almost half of them. We had to make a second batch quickly for the rest of the guests able to eat,” He whispered back, and I looked to Mae, who was basically bouncing off the walls. “I suppose I won't have to give her an answer as long as she's like this... Give her more sugar, I'll be in my study,” I said and walked past the hyper Mae. Unfortunately, I was caught, and she hugged my arm tightly, reminding me of Elizabeth. “Ciel~ Ciel~! Let go on a walk together! No, lets go out to town! I want to ride in a carriage! No, lets go to the lake! Please? Oh, Ciel, whats wrong?” She asked, noticing my blank stare. “Hm? Oh, I need to resume my studies, Eli-- Mae,” I said, giving her my typical 'Shut up and go away, Elizabeth, I'm not messing with you today' response.

I walked away from a heartbroken Mae and ran into an even more hyper Elizabeth. “CIEL! LOOK! I'm going to jump off the staircase!” She said, and I glanced towards her, noticing she was ready to jump. In response I sighed, then quickly said a “That's nice, dear” before walking to my study to hopefully be alone and think.
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Lol i wrote this while Mae was watching :D