Sequel: Demolition Lovers
Status: Finished~

Salometic Lunatic

Listlessness Dance Round and Round

I was visited by Alina Leavold, her eyes bright and her composure determined. At first, I thought that she was here to preform business with me, as she would stop by every three and a half months to determine if my company was running smoothly enough. (I allowed this to keep their business with mine.)

Unfortunately, I was visited her for a specific reason: She wanted me to become her daughter's fiance. Of course, this was said with Elizabeth in the room, and she immediantly threw a fit.

"What! Ciel is mine! No one else can have him! I have known him since I was born!" She screamed, and I motioned for her to be quiet. When she refused, I glanced over to Sebastian, and he immediantly moved to silence the hindrance. "Ciel! You can't actually be thinking about marrying that slut!" It was the first time I had noticed that Mae Leavold was also there, hiding behind her mother slightly.

"Elizabeth, if you are to speak about my guests as so, I will request that your mother come pick you up," I immediantly said, and she shut her mouth for a moment. "Fine. Call my mother. I don't care anymore. We're not to be married, Ciel. I hate you!" She yelled, and immediantly said afterwards: "Sebastian, call my mother and collect my things, I will be outside." He smiled slightly and bowed, moving towards the staircase. "Young Master, do you require me to prepare tea for you and your guests?" He asked me before he moved up with stairs. I looked back and turned, following him. "Yes, we shall be in my study," I replied and looked back. "We will discuss this matter there so there can be no more interupptions," I said the the two girls and walked up the staircase, glancing up at the painting that replaced the one of my mother and father. It was of Sebastian and I, in my office.

When we finally scaled the stairs to my study, I moved the chairs slightly so they could sit next to each other, facing me. "Now, as for Elizabeth, don't mind her. She has always been a jealous child," I said and smirked slightly when I heard more screaming downstairs. "Why are you to be married to her, then, if she annoys you?" It was the first time I had heard Mae's sweet voice speak, and I was stunned for a moment before I could actually speak. Of course, it was saw as me thinking, for which I was glad. "It was predetermined, why would I not? I saw no gain in me denying her," I replied and looked over to the door as soon as Sebastian opened it, bringing in a cart of tea. "Earl Grey Tea, your favorite, Young Master," He said and sat a cup for each of us down. "Thank you, Sebastian," I replied, giving him the clue to leave so we could discuss this important matter.

"Anyways, why did you choose me as a candidate for your daughter?" I asked, afraid that one of them knew about my little habit of watching her every evening before dinner.
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Oh, I just wanted to say that all of the lyrics to MY chapters (which will most likely always be the ODD ones) are lyrics from Bad Apple!!! by IOSYS