Sequel: Demolition Lovers
Status: Finished~

Salometic Lunatic

I Know Nothing About You, Nothing About Myself

Dinner was extremely awkward, mostly because of the fact that Madam Red insisted she sit next to Mae and sprout off random facts about me. Of course, I was preoccupied staring at Elizabeth, who was actually eating silently for once, which worried me slightly. "Elizabeth, are you finding the beef enjoyable?" I asked her from across the table, she looked at me, her eyes blank, and nodded. I sighed heavily, and ate a bite from my own plate.

I stood, "Excuse me, but I'll be retiring for tonight. Sebastian, please," I said and began walking to my bedroom. "Wait, Ciel, I want to talk to you more!" Mae yelled at me, making me look back, confused. "Why?" I asked, intrigued. "To get to know you better," She said sweetly, and I considered it. "Why not," I replied, then looked at Sebastian. "We'll be in the garden," I stated and smiled at my hidden reference. "There, we can talk all we want about anything," I said and winced. Well, maybe not everything, like for one, my eyepatch hiding my contract with Sebastian.

I realized that with her curious nature, that would most likely be a question she asked, so I quickly told a lie on the way to my garden. "You know, when this house first burned down, I almost died. Somehow, my eye got burnt though, it was very strange, so the doctor took it out. It's annoying, not being able to see," I said and smirked, hoping it went over well...
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It's short, Sorry~