Sequel: RemiX 2: Reunite


Chapter 8: Isaiah's Inner Rage.

*Isaiah begins to glow a bright red and as he glows. Aura flows through the ground. And the ground around Isaiah breaks.*

Samantha: Wh- What is this? Well it doesn't matter. He's just a weakling. *Dashes at Isaiah with daggers in hands*

Isaiah: *Quickly uppercuts Samantha into the air and jumps up and grabs her and pile drives her head first into the ground.*

*Samantha begins to glow purple*

Samantha: You wanna play rough? Fine then, *Flash steps behind Isaiah and kicks at him*

Isaiah: *Dodges and dashes at Samantha and punches her* I HAD ENOUGH OF THIIIIIISSS!!!! *Picks her up and throws her into a building.*

*Samantha summons shadows and surround Isaiah*

Isaiah: *Moves hand in circular motion in the air and pushes arms out sideways as a large ring of fire comes spreading out burning all the shadows.* Had enough?

Samantha: I won't stop until your deeeeeeead!!!!!! *Charges at Isaiah*

Isaiah: *Shoots a fireball at Samantha sending her back rolling.*

*Samantha weakly gets up as a aircraft comes and takes her back inside and fly off. Isaiah watches the aircraft fly off towards the docks and straight towards a island.*

Isaiah: Now I think I know where they are. But just need a way to get there....