Sequel: RemiX 2: Reunite


Chapter 9: Search of Duke's Island

*Samantha becomes badly injured in the fight and flees off. As Isaiah watched the ships retreat to a island far off into the ocean.*

Isaiah: Hmmm now I might have a clue on where Maria could be. But first I should take these two back home. *Takes John and Kate home.*

*After John and Kate regain conscious, Isaiah tells them what happened while they were out.*

John: Hmmm a island huh?

Isaiah: Yea and its down by the docks. But do we have any way to get there?

Kate: I'm afraid not.

John: We need some time to think of a way to get there.

Isaiah: But there isn't enough time to think of a way to get there. Who knows what could happen to Maria. I'm not going to just stand here and keep her waiting for us. I don't know about you two but I'm going to find a way to get there. *Runs off.*

*Isaiah arrives at the docks and stares out into the ocean.*

Isaiah: Now I just need a way to get there. *looks around and spots a boat.* Great a boat, this will have to do. *Gets in the boat and starts the motor and sails away from the docks.*

*As Isaiah sailed away, the sun began to set.*

Isaiah: With it being dark out here. There could be Shadows lurking by I better stay alert.*

*Back in Duke's facility, Samantha approaches Duke staggering and falling over. Duke has his back turned against Samantha.*

Duke: So you've returned..... I assume you finished them off.. Am I correct?

Samantha: *Drops on knees* N-no I haven't..... I almost had them... But the kid in the black jacket..... He was too strong...

Duke: *Turns around and walks towards Samantha.*

Samantha: I'm sorry Master, please forgive me.

*Duke places a hand on Samantha's shoulders.*

Duke: Do not be disappointed in yourself. It is almost time for the ritual. The end of this world. My plan is almost put together, and soon we'll rid this planet and the pitiful humans who roam this land. *Hand begins to glow purple.*

Samantha: Master what are you doing? *Passes out.*

Duke: *Shakes head in disappointment.* I told you to not fail me... And you have. I cannot afford another mistake and therefore, you'll no longer be useful to me. Guards take her to the cell room.

*Guards come and carries Samantha away.*

Duke: Not a single human must live. That is why you must die as well Samantha...