Status: Active(:

You Are and Never Will Be Better Than Me

It's The Tearing Sound Of Love-Notes

I caught hell for about breaking Zacky’s face, I didn’t care though. I wanted him out of my life and out of my hair.

I was sent to my room after I got yelled at and then I got a call from my Uncle.
“Hello?” I mumbled
“Frank! How dare you hurt Zachary? He’s just trying to help you”
“Yeah, okay sure, but I don’t need help, I don’t need him”
“Yes, Frank, you do need him, you will fail if he doesn’t help you, and I can’t do anything to get you back in this time” He has gotten me back in school eight times.
“Can’t you just work some teachery magic and give me an “A””
“No Frank, I am not buying you out of this, neither are your parents, that is why they are cutting you off” I dropped the phone, how could they cut me off, Me! Frank Iero! I slid to the floor and picked up the phone.
“Yes Frank, They’re cutting you off from all your money, no more over spending until you get your grades up, and then they’ll see”
I hung up on him; I didn’t want to hear anymore. I covered my ears, the voices coming back, telling me how worthless I am. Yes, I’m Schizophrenic; I have been since I was two.

I fell asleep on the floor knowing that I would have to deal with Zacky tomorrow; I want to call him Zachary so bad. I woke up to my bedroom door opening.
“David called yesterday, he said you hung up on him, did the voices come back?” Mom asked
“Yes” I cried she knelt down and hugged me
“Frankie, its okay, no one will ever hurt you”
“Is he coming today?”
“Yes, he’s here now, come downstairs, or do you want me to send him up here?”
“Can you send him here, I need to finish something”
“Okay, and Frank”
“Take your medicine”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: My Chemical Romance- Cubicles
So our darling little Frankie isn't so big and bad, he has emotions! And he is Schizophrenic