Education For Pleasure


''Again?'' She said in front of the class, purposely ridiculing me. What was her vendetta?

''Heard me didn't you?'' I said, as casually as I could. Although the proximity of her face was irresistible. The feel of her breath on my face was edible. I had to turn my head to refrain from planting kisses on my neck. She was so close, inches, I could smell the sweet lingering taste of peppermint. I saw it on her pearly whites as she didn't stop chewing, the silver in her lip moving with it. Her carefully lined eyes frustrated with me, and I felt guilty, for I wanted her to love what I did. But in front of my class mates I was the cocky addition who could handle anyone.

''Today's reason?'' She asked, combing her sexy hair back with her long fingers.

''Room's being redecorated, can't find it.'' I shrugged.

''Well, how irresponsible of you. I want you back here tonight, and we can talk about your shameful lack of coursework, and lack of application to your studies.'' I loved it when she spoke like that. Her angry tone, and how her nose seemed crinkled... I loved the trouble I was always in with her. I nodded. The bell went, and we slinked away. I left, my pulse still irregular from the sheer proximity of her lips to mine. My underwear was slightly damp.

''She has some kinda issue with you Matt. Seriously.'' Laura informed me, though it was obvious to all who had observed.

''I know that much. I just don't know why. It's an anthology for fucks sake.'' I responded.

''Hmmm, you know what she gets like when it comes to you. Hypersensitive much.''

''Mmmm, canteen?'' I said swerving from conversation. This was one that I certainly did not wish to crash in. Which I undoubtedly would.

The lesson after lunch was the same as before. English with Ms Aim. Jem Aim. She didn't look at me when I arrived, nor in the lesson, even when I raised a hand to contribute. Ignored. I was simply trying to redeem myself for the anger I had caused previously. Ignored. The lesson closed in, my points still unexplained. I had almost escaped. I was passed the doorframe.

''Mattie- May?'' Jem called ''Going somewhere?''

''It's Matt, and yeah. Home.'' As cold as I could muster.

''Ok Matt, well if you cared to join me for a little chat that would be great.''

''I get a bus.''

''I could drop you home.'' Now that was an offer I could not possible ignore.
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