Education For Pleasure


''Fine.'' I said blankly. She summoned me to the seat next to her. I was beckoned like a puppy and yet didn't mind. I could smell her. Honey or something, and coconut, I think, it was overpowering, drowning, and I wanted to be even closer. I wanted her hair between my fingers, and I wanted her lips on mine. Her tongue in my mouth. Maybe between my thighs. Maybe... Hmmh..

''So Mattie, sorry, Matt. What are we going to do about this?'' I simply shrugged. I was so far behind. I was missing four essays or so. My concentration was somewhat... lacking. But could I be blamed? ''I am trying to get you through these exams Matt, but you are making it difficult for me, and I have thought of an appropriate way of helping achieve something.''

''Yes?'' I say.

''I will be tutoring you. I have spoken to your mother already.''

''What the fuck? No. I'm not wasting my lunch in here!'' Although I would have.

''No, I don't think that will be necessary. You will come from school home with me, and we will go through all the essays outstanding, and I will then drive you home.''


My heart was slightly hurting, not used to the strain, my pulse was fucking insane, pounding in my neck. My cheeks were flushing, knuckles white.

'' 'Spose I could..'' Biting my lip, furiously, tasting that unforgiving, heavy, dirty. Of which I could only remember from my childhood. Lost tooth, cut finger.

''You alright?''

''Yeah, I'm careless, I do this all the time.'' I said, licking my lip.

''Look,'' she said, pulling a tissue from a 'mansized', ''come here.'' I obeyed, of course. Do what the teacher tells you. That’s me. Fucking obedient. She dabbed at my lip softly, moving in, and in some moment of momentary madness I honestly thought she was going to kiss me. Nutter.

''So that's settled then?'' She said after a few awkward seconds, ''starting from tomorrow.''

I took the tissue from her hand, and I left with a swagger. Not a word. Her benefit. Not mine.

''Uh, Matt?'' She called.


''I was going to give you a lift..?''

''Oh yeah. Yeah, I'll meet you in the turning circle.'' I replied, already walking away.

I counted the stairs as I took them: Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

I counted my heartbeat as I had them: Sixteen, sev- eight-. Nope. I wasn't keeping up.

I forgot about my counting, more, gave up on it by the time I met her car. A little black golf. Nothing fancy, nice. Simple. Sweet. I looked it, dark interior. I liked it, oooh! I liked it more once I saw the Incubus and alexisonfire CDs on the passenger side. I fucking knew she'd be into ace music.
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