Sequel: Back 2 Good
Status: Finished! Look for the sequel soon! :)

Mutiny Below

Alone Time


It was yet another Bachelor Night. I'd only been around for a short time but I already hated being left on my own with a bunch of guys for an entire night. They were loud and crazy and I preferred to sit in the quiet with a good book in my hands.

Eric pounded loudly on the bathroom door while I was drying my hair to tell me that the guys had arrived. When I made my way into the living room, I was met with way more guys than I'd been expecting. On top of all five guys of The Maine, there was Stephen, John, Brian, and Josh from The Summer Set plus Andrew and Justin from Rocket.

Thirteen guys at once was just a tad overwhelming for me so I went over to Nick, who was leaned against the counter talking to Jared and pulled him aside.

"I don't think I want to go tonight."

"What? Why not?"

"Are you kidding? Do you see how many people are packed into this room right now?"

"Nat, come on. I thought you were getting better about people?"

"Yeah, a little. But I barely know most of them and it's alot of guys at one time, don't you think?"

"But it's not like Eric and I won't be there too. Come on, it'll be fun."

"Your idea of fun and mine are two very different things, Nicholas."

"Natalia, please just fucking come with us. Eric!"

I groaned and crossed my arms over my chest as Eric got up from the floor where he was sitting and came into the kitchen with Nick and me.

"What's up, man?"

"Natalia doesn't want to go with us tonight."


"Natalia, come on! It'll be fun!" Eric interrupted. He threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his body. "Pretty please go with us?" He got really close to my face and pouted. I sighed and looked over at Nick but he just shrugged his shoulders. He knew getting Eric to beg me would make me cave.

"Fine, Eric. But if this turns out badly, I'm never going to Bachelor Night again."

"Yes!" He kissed my cheek then swiftly moved back over to the other side of the room where Garrett and Stephen were. I just stood there staring after him until my eyes landed on John. There was a hint of something behind his eyes but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. When I looked back at Nick, he had a big goofy smile on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled.

"Alright then. Well, were are we even going?"

"Well, I was thinking that maybe you could cook something first?"

"Nick, you want me to cook for thirteen boys? Do you know how much food that will be?"

"Yeah, that's why I asked you first before I said anything to them."

"Why don't we just order pizza instead?"

"I guess we could do that."

I picked up the phone from the counter and turned back to Nick. "What kinds should I order?"

"Well, some of them are vegetarians so just get cheese, I guess."

"How many?"

"You should probably get alot."


"Ten might be enough."

"Ten?! That's almost a whole pizza per person!"

"We're growing boys, Nat."

Nick smiled and lightly punched my arm as he left the kitchen, leaving me to order the pizza.

Twenty minutes later, the pizzas arrived and the guys wasted no time in digging in. By the time they were all done, there was none left, which didn't surprise me. We ended up watching Zombieland, which Garrett was stoked about since he's zombie crazy. I didn't particularly care for dead things but I kept silent and watched hesitantly.

Alot of the guys left after that movie was over, leaving just John, Kennedy, Pat, Nick, Eric, and I. No one put in another movie so I just curled up on the couch next to Eric and tried to tune out Kennedy happily chatting away about Gemma to Pat and listened to Eric, Nick, and John's conversation.

"Hey, do you know what's been up with Jayce lately?" John asked, looking at Nick.

Nick looked up from his phone and his eyebrows furrowed like they do when he's confused. "Why would I know what's up with your girlfriend, man?"

"Well, I just saw you guys talking alone last night and I thought maybe she might've mentioned something to you."

Nick's face completely changed but then he smiled a little. "Oh. No, she didn't say anything about something bothering her. I don't think she really knows me well enough to tell me secrets, do you?"

John looked utterly confused. "No, I guess not. Oh well. I just wish she'd tell me so I could fix it."

Nick snorted and went into the kitchen when John and Eric looked at him. When he returned, John began a new line of questions for him.

"So what about this girl of yours?"

"What about her?"

"You still haven't found her?" John asked.

Nick cleared his throat and shook his head solemnly.

"What's she like, man? You're obviously in love with her."

"She's....amazing. Perfect. Funny. Beautiful."

When I looked up at Nick, he was staring at the wall with a small smile on his face. He'd never told me about this mysterious girl. He'd always been so elusive with details when I asked about her. She was all he thought about but he never did tell me about her.

That hurt me. Nick and I had always had the kind of relationship where we told each other stuff. I knew everything about my brother. I knew every girl he dated, that he had a crush on his history tutor, and that he came home and cried after he got bullied on the playground in elementary school. He knew everything about me too. But the fact that he hadn't told me about his girl made me wonder what else he hadn't told me about.

I got up from the couch and wordlessly walked toward the door hoping to slip out without being noticed but Eric called my name. I turned back to him and I felt my eyes watering. Great.

"Where are you going?"

"I was just going to go for a walk. I'll be back later."

I glanced at Nick before turing back toward the door and walking out, not knowing where I was even headed to. I just walked around for awhile, eventually finding myself at the complex's pool. It was empty so I slipped in the gate and took off my sandals then sat down on the edge and put my feet in. I wondered if Nick really didn't want me to know about his girl. I wondered why Nick didn't want me to know about his girl.

I heard the gate clang shut and I jumped a bit but then realized it was John. Another problem on my list. He kicked off his vans and sat down next to me, putting his feet into the water.

"So why'd you run off?"

"I didn't run off. I just...felt like walking."

"Okay, fine. But you're clearly upset."

"How would you know?"

"Natalia, I may have not known you for very long but you're like an open book."

I scoffed and looked away from him. I could just feel him smiling though. He nudged me with his elbow.

"So? What's bothering you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You know, this would be alot easier if you'd just tell me so I don't have to tickle it out of you."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, I would." As soon as he reached toward me, I squealed. "Okay, fine! Just don't!"

He smiled and dropped his arms. "Well?"

"It's just...Nick."


"Yeah, why?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I just figured it was about...Eric."

"Eric? Why would I-"

"Okay, forget it. What about Nick?"

"I don't know. I guess I just-...he tells me everything. Well, usually. But he's never told me anything about this girl and it makes me think he doesn' me anymore or something."

"Nat, I'm sure there's more to it."

"What could it be, John? He's never not told me about something that's important to him. And this girl is. She's all he could think about for months after he last visited."

"I'm sure he has a good reason though."

"Yeah, sure."

"You should really just talk to him about it. You said you guys have that kind of relationship where you can talk to each other. You should tell him that it's bothering you."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Okay! Problem solved. Now, tell me something interesting."

"Something interesting?"

"Yeah. Anything."

"Bart Simpson is voiced by a 50 year old woman."

"What? No way."

"Yep. It's true."

"Well, that is interesting...."

He chuckled and laid back on the concrete, looking up at the sky then pulled my shoulder until I was laying back as well. I looked up at the bright white clouds and John nudged me with his elbow and pointed to a cloud toward our right.


"Umm....frog in a top hat."

"A top hat? Really now?"

"Yep. See? Right there."

I pointed to a cloud right above us and he stared at it for a moment. "If you say so."

I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at the sky.

Alone time with John? Kiiiinda nice....
♠ ♠ ♠
Nat's outfit

So, warped tour was fucking hot. Anybody else been already?