Love Is for Suckers

Love is for Suckers

I looked out the window of my orange ford pick up truck - yes, it's a Twilight car... deal with it - and I sighed. We were in Louisiana, and by we I mean myself and my friend, Alexavia - Xavia - Carton. We were down here to experience the south at it's finest. Xavia wanted to go to New Orleans, but since I was driving, I told her maybe. As I continued to look at our surroundings I smiled, it was so beautiful down here, and with the windows rolled down and the wind in our hair it was perfect.

"Sonnie, I'm hungry," said Xavia, "I want food!"

"It's seven at night... where the hell are we going to get food at seven at night?"

"Merlotte's Bar and Grill?" She pointed at a sign that told us to turn left if we wanted to taste some of the best food in the area. I sighed and turned, finding a place to park in the dirt parking lot.

Getting out, we locked the car and made our way to the building. It was cute, something you would totally find in every single county down here in the South. Upon entering it, however, the people in the bar gave a cold welcome. Xavia and I looked around and found a "Please Wait To Be Seated" sign and stood by it. We were soon joined by a man with very dirty blond hair and blue eyes, "Hi, Welcome to Merlotte's, I'll seat you two."

He turned around and Xavia looked at me, a sly smile on her face. She always went for very pretty boys, and this man was indeed very pretty. He lead us along a wall of booths and seated us near the window, as he gave us our menus, I noticed him. He sat further down from us near the other wall, his dark brown hair covering his eyes. He sat alone with a glass of red wine, not sipping from it, but just sitting with it. His eyes locked with mine, but I dropped the gaze, it's rude to stare you know.

The blond guy came back and he gave us our drinks, "Hi, I'm Sam, I'll be your waiter tonight."

"Hi Sam," said Xavia, "We'd like to start off with the cheese sticks, and I'll have a Cesar Salad with the Cajun shrimp."

Sam nodded and turned to me, "I'll have the cheese and bacon burger, with pepper jack and lettuce, and... pickles. And I'll have the fries please."

Sam nodded and left to place our order. Xavia sat back leaving me with a clear view of Mister Mysterious. He was already looking at me, his expression interested. He had scruff along his face, trying to grow a beard maybe, and his figure was hunched as he rested on the table. Xavia was talking about something, but I wasn't really paying attention, at least not until I heard the word vampire. Turning to her I said, "What?"

"I said I bet these parts are just running wild with vampire stories," Xavia said, "And I bet they're all French vampires too."

"That's the last thing you need... a French vampire."

"My French vampire doesn't exist," she said with a little pout, "He's only a book character."

"And that's where they ought to fuckin' stay, the blood sucking mother fuckers," said one of the other parties eating at the restaurant. The room was quiet now, everyone looking at the three of us, "The last thing we need are vampires." As he said vampires, he looked at the man sitting by himself with the wine glass.

"I'm sorry," said Xavia, "But are you implying that there really are vampires in this part of Louisiana?"

"And all over the rest of it too."

Xavia looked at me and raised her eye brows, this was one of the reasons why she came down here. Xavia has always wanted to come down to Louisiana and meet a vampire. Her preferred vampire to meet was Lestat de Lioncourt from the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. But seeing that he doesn't exist, she has to settle with other blond french vampires. Ha. I wanted to drop the conversation so I sipped at my tea and stared hard at the table. But sadly the man wouldn't let it go.

"If you young ladies are looking for vampires, you can just go on and get. We don't tolerate fang bangers here."

"Shut up Billy," Sam said, "This is my joint and I say who I tolerate and who I don't." Coming over to our table he handed us our basket filled with cheese sticks and added, "I'm sure these young ladies are down here for a good time, but not that kind. Right?"

"Right," I said, "Xavia was just joking. She's really into cultural backgrounds. She came down to learn more about Hoodoo," I gave Xavia a look, "But I don't know if that's going to happen."

Xavia stuck her tongue out and grabbed a cheese stick, "I do not want to learn about Hoodoo. I just simply wanted experience the atmosphere."

I shook my head, "I apologize."

Sam gave a laugh, "It's alright. It's nice to get people from up north down here."

Xavia smiled back, "Well, happy to oblige."

I shook my head as Xavia and Sam flirted with each other and caught eyes with Mister Mystery. Sam noticed and said, "Word of advice, he's a vampire."


"Yup. His name is Bill Compton. I'd stay away from him if you want to have a good rep down here. People 'round here don't take well to vampires or people who take to vampires."

"Thanks for that, Sam," I said, "But I think I can take care of myself."

Sam looked unsure, but nodded anyway, "Can I get you another drink, Xavia?"

"Sure." Xavia flashed him another smile and I shook my head.

We finished our dinner and made our way back to the truck. Bill Compton had left as our actual meal had arrived, his wine was left at the table untouched but paid for in full. As Xavia and I got ready to eat, a group of college kids a few tables over were telling us to look out for AIDS on our food, seeing that a "fag" was cooking our food. Xavia took one look at the men, the to the kitchen window where a black man was standing watching us, then to her food. Sam was standing off to the side by the bar watching, as the boys continued to taunt the cook, when Xavia picked up her fork, stabbed the biggest shrimp and popped it into her mouth. "Oh my God," she said, "Sonnie! Eat try your food! Damn, AIDS taste good!"

The guys stopped laughing, "Hey, Missy, AIDS is a serious thing."

"That's right sir," she replied, using her best southern accent, "So is ignance. But there is nothing wrong with this food, I'm from Chicago - I know bad food."

"Well, looky here," said one of the other guys, he had blond hair was was even better looking than Sam, "We've got ourselves a city slicker!"

"I'm not a city slicker," Xavia said, "I'm just cultured."

"I'm cultured too," he said, "Why don't you and I head on back to my place and I'll teach you a thing or two about our culture."

Xavia smiled, "Awe, that's nice, but I don't think you could keep up with mine."

The guy frowned, "Are you saying I'm stupid?"

"No... just not properly educated."

Sam laughed and so did the cook. The guy looked back and yelled, "Hey, shut up Lafayette!"

"Jason Stackhouse you best sit your ass down before I come over there and smack it with my spatula!" The cook made a 'Z' snap.

Sonnie and I giggled, "Great good Lafayette," called Sonnie, "AIDS or no AIDS."

"Thank you sugar!"

But now we were outside, Xavia was sporting a number on a napkin from the one and only Sam Merlotte. She was glowing with inner light as she walked through the dark parking lot. I shook my head at her, then saw someone leaning against my car. It was Bill. I poked Xavia in the side and directed her attention to him.

"Is that vampire man?" She asked.


"Hm... very Edward Cullen."

"Shut up."

She giggled, "I mean he looked very sullen."

"He does not!"

"What ever you say."

As we got closer I addressed him, "Hi, can we help you?"

"Are you the owner of this truck?" He asked. He had a southern accent and I felt Xavia cringe next to me. She loved going down to the southern states, she just hated southern accents... with a passion....


"It's nice."

Xavia muffled a groan and Bill looked at her confused, "Don't worry about her. Her food is attacking her system, she should just go in the car and roll up the windows."

"Oh, what a great idea," she said as she went around the car, "I'll play some music while I wait for you Bella."

"Your name is Bella?"

"No, that was a joke, my name is Sonnie. Um... Sonnie LaFontaine."

"Nice to meet you Sonnie."

From inside the car I could hear Xavia laughing - I knew she was laughing at the way he said 'Sonnie'... it was more 'Sunny" if anything, but then music suddenly thundered to life behind the metal barrier blocking out her laughter. "Please excuse her. She's a loony."

"Where are you from?"

"We're from Illinois. We both live in Chicago."

"How long will you two be visiting here?"

"Um... I guess over night maybe. Xavia might want to stay longer, and I don't mind. This town seems nice."

"It is."

"Um... do you know where the nearest motel is?"

"You could come stay with me.... That is if you like."

"Oh, um.... Sure. We'd love to."

Bill smiled flashing his teeth, showing no fangs. I offered him a ride and he got in, Xavia sitting between the two of us, and she introduced herself to him, also getting the low down on what was going on. "Thanks for letting us stay," she said, "It's really awesome of you."

Bill smiled again and gave us directions. We soon pulled up to a beautiful plantation home and it was all Alexavia could do from gawking.

"Oh my God," she said, "This is your house?"


"It's freaking beautiful!"

Bill smiled, "Built it with my father."

That's when it hit her, "You what?"

Bill nodded.

"Wow! So that means you would have been alive during the Civil War."

"I fought in the Civil War."

Her eyes widened, "That's so cool! In a historical sense... I mean war is not cool."

"I understand."

The three of us got out and Bill showed us around the house, the kitchen - which had no food in it - the two guest rooms we were allowed to use, the bathroom, the master bedroom, and he bid us a good night, claiming he would see us tomorrow.

In the morning I woke to the sun hitting my face and I groaned. Rolling over I was then faced with the sight of Alexavia in my door frame dressed and ready to go. I groaned again, "What?"

"I'm going out for breakfast with Sam. Just thought you should know."

"How are you getting there?"

"He's picking me up."

"From here?"


"Okay, keep your phone on."

"Whatever mom."

I stuck my tongue out at her and she disappeared. I fell back asleep. When I woke up again it was around one in the afternoon and Xavia wasn't here. I looked at my phone and found text messages saying that she would be out later than she though, then later than that, then that she would text me when she was coming back. Sounds like she was having fun with Sam Merlotte. I got up and got dressed and looked around the kitchen for food. I looked around the grounds and came across an apple tree. I fought back the ironic remarks and picked three, washing them off in the kitchen sink and eating the first one out on the porch. The hours flew by and I found myself looking around the first floor of the house, looking at the decades of history, the decades of stories. I was in the living room looking at a family portrait when the sun finished setting.

"Do you like it?"

I jumped and spun around. Bill was standing in the door frame, "Yes. Is... is that your family?"

"My wife and children yes."

"What happened to them?"

"Nothing unnatural."


"I died as I was coming home from the war. They never knew what happened to me."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

An awkwardness filled the room and I moved over to one of the couches and sat down, "Your house is incredible."

"Thank you." He moved and stood off to the side of the couch, I moved over so he could have a place to sit next to me, he did, "This house means a lot to me."

"Isn't it hard though? Living in a place full of memories? I mean, wouldn't it be easier to live in a place where the past wasn't hanging around ever corner?"

"I rely on the past... to keep me human."

I fought back the Twilight references of not wanting to be a monster and said, "Oh."

The awkwardness was back, but it was short lived, "Where is Alexavia?"

"She's still spending the day with Sam Merlotte."


"Yeah... is that bad? Should I be worried?"

"No. You have nothing to fear. Sam will take good care of her."

I nodded, "Good."

"Did you find something to eat?"

"I um... picked some of your apples. You weren't anywhere to be found, and I didn't know what else to do, so-"

"It's alright. Those apples should be picked. I bet you're the first one to pick them in over a hundred years."

I laughed, "Probably not."

"Were they any good?"

"They're weren't any worms in them."


We smiled at each other and let the silence fall over us again. Bill got up and lit a fire in the fire place, the blaze adding a sense of old fashioned flair to the room. He sat back down, closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I was nervous, seeing that he was a vampire, a man, and extremely attractive, and I had no idea what was going on.

"So um.... How do you like the Twenty first century?"

"It's different."

"I'll bet."

"The manners are different."

"Well yeah."

"For instance, when a guy likes a girl, he just goes up assumes she's his.... Where as in my time, the man had to court the woman before any assumptions came to his mind." Turning to me, he said, "Sonnie, you're a very beautiful woman. I don't think I've ever felt this way about a human since... my death. But I would like your permission to court you."

My jaw dropped, "Oh... um...."

"I know it's sudden, but the moment you walked through the door at Merlotte's I knew you were the one I wanted to be with. That is, if you'll have me."

"Um... Bill," I had to think, this was way too fast. He was asking me to date him. Shit. I looked into his eyes and my heart melted, "Yes."


"Yes. I give you permission to date me."

Bill smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I leaned in and it was like fireworks. It was wonderful, at least, until Alexavia walked through the door.

"Oh!" We pulled apart to find her looking at us shocked, "I'll um... be upstairs." As she walked away she quickly added, "Use protection!" Then the sound of her quickly running up the stairs came. I started to giggle.


"Loony that one."

Bill smiled and he kissed me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah.... Jackson was in this but not Sookie.
He's better looking than she is. ha.

Comments are nice.