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This is NOT a Love Story.

Pay Attention; Or You Might Miss It

Ali sat in her 2:15 biology class, the room that overlooked Lake Michigan. She couldn't think of anything other than 6pm tonight. She hated herself for lusting after a man almost 12 years older than her. But you had to admit, he was way to gorgeous for his age. He SHOULD be 21. No more than 25. But that was just Ali's wishful thinking. Her of all people knew it was illegal. Being an honor student, Ali had just about everything to her advantage. She decided to leave early. She was a senior, and an honor student. Nobody would ask questions, and if they did, no one would care.

Besides, she promised Kimi a cupcake from Mandy B's, and she had to get off one stop earlier for that. Raising her hand, Ali put on her sickest face. "Yes, Ms Vho, what is it?" "Can I be excused? I don't really feel well." Ali was many things, among being an honor student, she was a great actress. "Sure. I hope you feel better." Ali grinned inwardly and took the pass from her biology teacher.

After grabbing all the things she needed, Ali exited the school and ran to catch the 2:35 train.



Ali got off one stop before the usual, and headed down the way to Mandy's. She could smell the it from way down the street. Entering the bakery put a smile on her face. She could almost taste the cupcakes now."May I help you?" A heavyset, kind looking woman peered at her from behind the counter. "Yes, I would like the Dreamsicle, the Strawberry Shortcake, the Hulk, and the Chocolate Lover." The names of the cupcakes were so inventive, Ali loved ordering them. "That'll be 8 even." The lady smiled as Ali paid for the cupcakes. Yes, they were expensive, but they were the best damn cupcakes in the Chicagoland area.

The woman handed her the plastic container that held heaven, and Ali exited the store. The teen debated whether to get back on the train or walk, when she smelled Chipotle. Yeah, the walk would be good. Ali never spoiled herself like this, but she felt different today. Almost, Rebellious. First she allowed herself to skip school, even it it was only an hour and a half left. Then she splurged on cupcakes. ONLY for Kimi. And now she was at the counter in Chipotle, ordering a Fajita Burrito. Yeah; This was a special kind of day.

It took her 10 minutes to get to the daycare center. Sarah looked up in surprise at the teenager. "You're here early,"she said, surveying Ali. "And you come bringing cupcakes." ali just smiled. "Yep." "Sarah, when is-" Kimi caught sight of the older girl and squealed. "Ali! You brought my cupcakes!" Ali laughed. "You have to share with Elly, Kimi!" Kimi pouted. "Booo!"


Alihanna bit her lip in concentration. This move was particularly difficult, not to mention she had an audience of two children, who were hyper off cupcakes. "Ali!!" Someone was calling her name. It was Sarah, and she was ushering in a girl who looked very much like the two sitting in the corner. "Zarii!" the youngest girl shouted, and ran up to her. "Ali, this is Zariiah, she's Mr. Daniel's OTHER child." Ali blew out a silent breath that she didn't know she was holding. Sarah continued. "She's gonna be coming here right after school, right Zariiah?" The girl nodded shyly. "Hi Zariiah, I'm Alihanna. You can call me Ali." The girl nodded again. "If you want to , you can sit and watch with your siblings." The girl did as she was told, sitting down next to her brother, who patted her knee affectionately. Ali smiled at this display, and went back to her dance.

An hour later, around 5pm, Ali stopped to do homework. Eloit had fallen asleep on the mat again, Kimi was playing with a baby laptop, and Zariiah was doing homework in the corner. Ali decided to go talk to her. Sitting down with her book bag Ali offered the girl her last cupcake, the Chocolate Dream. Zariiah smiled, and took it. "How old are you , Zariiah? do you mind if I call you Zarii? Zarii swallowed a bite of cupcake and shook her head. "I'm 11." Ali smiled at her. "11, ooh. Nice. What do you like to do?" The girl put down the half eaten cupcake and smacked her lips. "I like to write, and I like to sing!" An artistic one, eh? "Thats awesome, Zarii! I like to write too, and dance, as you can see." Zarii smiled a genuine smile. "You're really good!" Ali smiled down at the younger girl. Then she took a peek at her homework, and made a face. "Ew, math. Do you want me to help you?" Zarii smiled and nodded gratefully at the teenager. "Yes, please." Kimi padded over, in her pink socks, and sat down next to her sister. That was were they stayed for the next hour.


Keivan Daniels rushed through traffic to get to his kids' day care center. That night he met Ali, all he could think of was her. He knew he was wrong; He knew he was sick. But he couldn't help it. He was a man. And men have needs.Especially him. He had enrolled his oldest daughter there, not just because it was convenient, but because it gave him a reason. For what? He didn't know. And he did NOT care. He saw them through the glass. For some reason, what Alihanna was wearing made him think of pastries. More specifically, cupcakes. It made him hunger. And not for cupcakes.

Ali saw him as he pulled up. Looking at her watch, she chuckled. 6:29. He walked in, smooth and sure of himself, looking like an extremely handsome business man in his suit.


Giving Ali an easy smile, he looked around. "Where are my kids?" Keivan's smooth voice sent shivers down her spine. The kids. OH RIGHT! The kids. "Hold on, I'll get them." Ali jumped up and walked to the back room, sure that his eyes were burning holes into her back. "Kimi, Elly, Zarii, your dad is here." Ali felt so strange calling the kids of a man she was lusting after. It only assured her of her non-existent sanity. The kids grabbed their things and ran out the room to their father. Zarii spoke first. "I like it here dad. Ali helped me with my homework and gave me a cupcake too! Here I saved half for you." Keivan couldn't believe he was just thinking about cupcakes in the car, and here this girl bought his kids some. It was uncanny. Not to mention,she looked like a pastry. He looked over at the teenager, who was looking down at her pink and blue sneakers. "Thanks, for taking care of my kids so well. They speak very highly of you." Keivan sent her that heart melting smile again, and she smiled down at the kids. "Its really no problem, I love them like my own." Yeah, I wish they were yours, Keivan thought to himself. "Hey, Ali, do you mind if I could have your number you know just so-so-" He stuttered. Keivan Daniels NEVER stuttered. "You know, so if I have to tell you if I'm gonna be late." Smooth save. He couldn't tell by Ali's expression what she thought. "Okay," was all the dancer said.

Taking out his phone, Keivan smiled inwardly. This was just the beginning. Ali entered her number into his phone, and smiled down at Kimi. "Kimster, did you ask your dad what you wanted?" Kimi's eyes widened, and she jumped up and down. "Daddy, can Ali teach me ballet!?! She said she could, I had to ask you first!" Keivan's eyes glinted. "Of course! But..when will you have time for that?" "Well, about that, I could teach her some here, but I have school work and my ballet to choreograph and I would probably have to come to your house-" Ali looked up, face turning pink from the embarrassment. Keivan's smile put her on edge. "Don't worry, I'll call you." Ali smiled uncertainly. "Okay. Bye Kimi!" she kissed the girl on the cheek. She also kissed the toddler boy on the cheek."Bye Elly!" She hugged Zarii, because she didn't know her well enough to kiss her cheek. "Bye, Zarii! See you guys tomorrow!"


Ali's train ride home was nothing short of uncomfortable. This man gave her thoughts not 17 year old should be thinking, especially not about a man more than twice her age. But that smile, and the way he said "I'll call you," sent the worst and best shivers through her. She took a bite out of her cupcake that she had saved.

Sinfully Delicious.
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