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This is NOT a Love Story.

Dancers Luck

Alihanna didn't remember how she ended up in Keivan Daniel's penthouse. Alihanna barely could remember her name, at this moment, as she was watching Keivan make dinner. Shaking her head, she looked at the small girl on her lap. "Kimi, you ready?" Kimi nodded. Ali got up, and took Kimi's hand. They decided to clear out the living room, which had wooden floors, but it was also adjacent to the kitchen, leaving them in full view of Keivan. Ali had bought Kimi a leotard and ballet slippers. Kimi was so excited, that Ali and Keivan shared an amused smile. Neither of them knew it, but the other's smile sent sparks of electricity dancing up said people's spines.


"Okay, Kimi, you have to pay attention. We'll start with the basics. Just look at me for now." Ali didn't know that her soft, musical voice carried to the kitchen, nor did she know she had more than Kimi's eyes on her. "First, we're going to stretch so you don't hurt your little body!" Ali smiled down at Kimi, and Kimi looked determined. "Okay, so first, you stick your leg out and bend your body to the side- No, if you do it like that, you'll hurt your back. Watch me." Ali demonstrated, and Kimi imitated her perfectly. "Excellent! Now, continue to watch me." The command had more than one obediently watching. Ali's leotard left little to the imagination; and her leg muscles twitched with every movement she made. Watching her made Keivan almost cut his hand with the kitchen knife. not that he would bleed. All his blood was currently below his waist. Turning away quickly, he splashed cold water on his face. This was only the first lesson. If he kept watching, at this rate, he'd have those strong thighs wrapped around his waist by the end of the week.Not that he would mind. It was just wrong.

"Okay, Kimi, last one and then I have to go. This is called a Demi-Plie. Watch me." Ali bended her knees halfway, making sure to keep her back and shoulders straight, and then straightened up. "You try it now." Kimi stuck her tongue out in concentration, making Ali shake with silent laughter. Kimi did a shaky, undignified copy of Ali's plie, and looked expectantly at the older girl. "You'll have to work on that, okay Kimster?" Kimi nodded happily. "Tankk yewwww, Ali! I love it awready." Kimi was a smart kid, and that was one of the reasons Ali loved her. "I can tell you're gonna be a natural. Just keep practicing!" Just then Eliot padded into the room, wearing his superman pyjamas. Ali laughed when she saw him, and picked him up. "Where did you fly in from, Superman?" Elly giggled and leaned into her. She walked over to the kitchen, were Keivan was pressed up against the counter top. "Here, take your superbaby." Ali smiled and he damn near passed out. "Come here, Elly. You harrassing the pretty lady?" Eliot just smiled and clapped his hands. Ali's blood sizzled, being this close to him."Well, I gotta go. School work to do." As she bent down to kiss Kimi on the forehead, Keivan winced inwardly and pressed more into the counter. He would have some issues to deal with later tonight. "Bye guys. Thanks for bringing me over, Mr Daniels." Keivan smiled at the tall girl, who wasn't nearly as tall as him. "Call me Keivan, Ali. And it was no problem at all. Thanks for teaching Kimi ballet." Ali nearly melted on the inside. "Oh shit! I mean, crap,(Sorry Kimi!) I gotta go, I'm gonna miss the 8:15!" Ali shoved her long toned legs into some jeans, grabbed her dance bag, and yelled a rushed good bye as she left the penthouse.


At dinner that night, Kimi said something that made her father choke on his food. "Daddy, you should marry Ali. She'd make a nice mommy."

Ali sat on the train, thinking about earlier. "Call me Keivan, Ali." She loved the way he said her name, and she knew he was watching her little ballet lesson.

She was either gonna sleep amazingly well, or she wasn't going to get any sleep at all.
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