Hey Romeo, Don't You Think You're Just a Tad Overrated?


There's this small area of grass inbetween the infirmary and the Pearson Theater House, surrounded with tall oak trees and basically a nice private place to be with a special someone.

"That kind of looks like a mutated elephant. With small ears," Max pointed at an oddly shaped cloud in the azure sky.

I laughed. "It can't be an elephant if it doesn't have big ears!" I insisted.

We were both lying in the lush grass next to each other, gazing up at the blue sky and talking about pointless things, namely, the clouds in the sky. It was a surprisingly warm day for October. But when the wind started blowing, it could get a bit chilly.

"Ah crap," Max muttered as the distant ringing of a bell reached our ears, ending double lunch Tuesdays. "If I'm late to Latin again, Doc's going to killme," he emphasized as we both got up, brushing stray pieces of grass off our clothes. "I'll see you later?" he smiled as he leaned in.

"Yup," I responded automatically, leaning into him as the gap between us closed.

He parted with a wide smile and a wave.


Mrs. Jameson sent our entire Lit. class to the library to do some research on Pride and Prejudice. Fortunately, Will was in my class. Unfortunately, it was the only class he had with me.

"This is complete B.S," he muttered as our small class ambled slowly across the courtyard to the library, taking our time. "I mean, no one cares about Elizabeth Bennet. She's a stupid character! Didn't she have some sort of affair with an old guy anyway?"

"That's Abigail from "The Crucible"," I corrected him. "How did you get those two confused?"

"How the heck am I supposed to know?" he countered.

"Really nice Will, really—ow!" I stumbled forward as someone's bag deliberately swung into my left arm, knocking me aside. Will quickly reached out and steadied me.

"Oops, I'm so sorry," Brynne voiced from beside me, sounding not sorry at all.

I scowled. Did I forget to mention that in addition to being in my Calculus class, she was also in my Lit. class?

"So, how's the math team coming along?" Brynne asked, flashing Will and me a false smile.

I smiled cheekily. "It's coming along great, actually. Bobby Willis thinks I'm going to be a great asset to the team, and I'm going to be competing in the first meet against Deerfield." So I kind of twisted Bobby's words; I failed to mention that I was actually going to be observing the first meet against Deerfield…not actually competing in it.

Will raised his eyebrows at my small lie, as did Brynne. "That's interesting," she said slowly. "Anyways, how's your boyfriend?" she continued, abruptly changing the subject.

Will's eyebrows disappeared into his hair.

"Um, fine, I guess," I said, my answer more of a question than a statement.

"I see," Brynne mused. "I'm actually surprised that someone like Max would remotely like you. I mean, his last girlfriend was an Italian supermodel after all," she informed me, flipping her neatly layered hair over her shoulder.

"And I need to know this, why?" I snapped, loosing my patience with her.

Brynne shrugged delicately as we entered the library. "I was just wondering…Max could do better, I guess."

"Okay, everyone! Grab a computer and start researching! I want to see some work done today!" Mrs. Jameson suddenly announced.

"Come on," I muttered, seizing Will by the arm and dragging him over to the corner of the room, thankful for the interruption.

"What a bitch!" Will said in my ear. "I don't believe it! She likes Max!"

"What?" I whirled around, facing him.

Will motioned for me to lower my voice as we sat down. "I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier!" he whispered. "Brynne is jealous! I mean, she keeps giving Max these looks during our Spanish class, but I didn't realize! How could I've been so dense?"

"I didn't notice anything," I mumbled.

"Well, it would be more obvious if you were in my Spanish class. Cute shirt, by the way," he commented.

"Thanks," I said, momentarily distracted. "Wait, so she's jealous? Of me? Are you sure?"

Will made an exasperated sound. "Well, let's see. Brynne likes Max. Max likes you. Therefore, Brynne hates you."

"Did Max really date an Italian supermodel?"

Will slapped my hand lightly. "You're digressing, Aurelie! Well, it was a rumor last summer, but whatever."

"An Italian supermodel?"

"Is there a problem, Ms. McAllister, Mr. Harrison?" Mrs. Jameson suddenly appeared, peering at us behind her spectacles.

"No, Mrs. Jameson. I was just asking Aurelie about uh, Mr. Darcy's personality," Will invented.

I nodded fervently. "Yeah! He was a…a crafty man! And a witty man!" I added.

Mrs. Jameson looked at us suspiciously before she walked away to heckle some other students.

We sighed in relief. "You are a terrible liar," Will said.

I made a face at him. "You're not much better!"

"'He was a crafty man! And a witty man!'" he mimicked.

"Shut up."


"You're actually not doing bad," Cam commented as he graded my worksheets.

I perked up immediately; it wasn't every day that Cam Gallagher would compliment me on something. "Really?" I said, excited.

"However, you still lack the ability to reason and think logically, and you're altogether entirely too slow," he continued as he slashed one of my answers completely wrong with his red pen.

I slumped down in my chair again. I knew it was too good to be true. "Well, so-rry!" I muttered sarcastically.

He ignored me and tossed the worksheets at me. "Sixty-two percent. Better than your previous eighteen percent, but still somewhat…well, terrible."

I flipped through the pages, looking for my mistakes. "At least I'm improving," I countered. "You said so yourself!"

"It was my fault. You weren't doing that bad, until I started grading page three. Then it was disastrous," Cam amended, leaning his chair back onto its back two legs.

"Whatever," I grumbled as I started to fix all the problems that I had gotten wrong.

"Might I remind you that the first quarter is going to end in a couple weeks, and your final average in Calculus right now is a seventy-two?" Cam suddenly announced.

"What? How do you know that? Wait, how did you even get my grade? I thought that stuff is supposed to be private!"

He smirked. "I'm a prefect, remember?" he pointed at his badge.

I stared at the gold piece of metal pinned to his chest. I swear it just winked at me. That thing has a life of its own! I blinked and shook my head. Stupid prefect business.