Hey Romeo, Don't You Think You're Just a Tad Overrated?

Mr. Prefect the Perfect

~McAllister House, Dining Room~

"WHAT?!" I exploded, dropping my fork. It clattered loudly against Rachel's fine, china plates, and she winced.

"You're not going," David reminded me forcefully. "I already bended the rules by letting you go bowling on Saturday. You're not going to the Winter Formal."

"Bowling was like a month ago! And I've been pulling my grades up! David!" I protested.

"I'm sorry, but rules are still rules," David said firmly.

I sighed. "Fine," I muttered.

"There's always the Sweetheart Dance on Valentine's Day," Rachel reminded me.

"That sounds so cheesy. And everyone says the Winter Formal is the best dance during the year," I said, picking at my pasta.

"You can help set up the auditorium with the committee crew. That way, you'd still be part of it," David suggested.

I wrinkled my nose. "David, the committee crew is made up of sophomores. And I'm pretty sure they don't want me helping them."

He shrugged and forked a mouthful of pasta into his mouth.

"Can I still help Alyssa and Beth pick out dresses this Saturday?" I asked hopefully.

David considered for awhile. "Fine. Only because you're doing very well in your classes so far."

I lit up immediately. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"


~Reagan's Dorm for Boys, Common Room~

"Who are you gonna take to the Winter Formal?" Roger asked his friends. He was sprawled across the couch, and Andy was sitting next to him, trying to push Roger's legs off of him.

Cam was sitting on the opposite couch, a Chem. book in his lap, and a green blow-pop in his mouth. Tyson and Mark, two fellow teammates and friends, were fighting over the remote control for the T.V. Max was curled up on the floor, playing solitaire quietly.

"I 'unno," Cam mumbled absently, shifting the apple-flavored blow-pop from one cheek to the other. He flipped the page idly, absorbed in the quantum theory.

Roger rolled his eyes and nearly kicked Andy in the face in an attempt to get comfortable. "Cam, you've got half the female-population in the school waiting for you. They're all like 'Cammmmmmm please take me to the dannnnnnce. I'll lick your feeeet', Roger fake-swooned.

"It's so boring," Cam muttered.

"Boring, my ass, Cam. You hooked up with that hot freshman chick last year," Andy snorted, punching Roger in the stomach.

"The one with the huge tits?" Tyson suddenly joined in, excited. "She was smokin'."

"I did not hook up with some random freshman last year! I just danced with her!" Cam took the blow-pop out of his mouth.

"By dancing, do you mean, sticking your tongue down her throat?" Roger snickered. "What was her name anyway? Maggie? Margaret?"

"Megan," Cam muttered, shoving the blow-pop back into his mouth.

"So you did hook up with her! Where's she now? How come I never see her around?" Roger said triumphantly.

"Of course you don't see her. She's a sophomore now. Our schedules are completely different," Cam closed his textbook, seeing it was futile to study with the ruckus. "And I didn't hook up with her," he added on an afterthought.

Andy snorted derisively. "Cam, don't be a prude. Everyone knows you some at the Winter Formal last year. He's only denying it 'cause he's 'Ooohh Mr. Prefect'," Andy said the last three words in a falsetto voice.

Mark, Tyson, and Roger all burst out laughing. Cam chucked his blow-pop at Andy with exact precision, and it stuck to the chest of his white dress shirt, making the three of them laugh even harder.

Andy swore. "Cam, you freakin' dickweed!" He plucked the blow-pop off his shirt and threw it in the trash.

"It'll wash out," Cam said calmly.

"Should I ask Brynne?" Roger mused. "She's hot."

"No way man, she's gonna turn you down. Everyone knows that Brynne likes Max," Mark said.

"What? Brynne likes Max?" Andy said incredulously. "I didn't know that!"

"Neither did I," Roger muttered at the same time as Mark said, "Yeah, since freshman year."

"What the hell! Max always gets the girls. And Cam," Roger complained.

Max finally looked up from his game of solitaire. "What?" he said, annoyed.

"Are you gonna ask Brynne to the dance?" Roger inquired. "She's into you."

"I'm not going to the dance," Max muttered, dealing the cards again.

"What the hell, Max? You're not going? How can you—don't tell me you're still moping over your girlfriend," Roger suddenly realized.

"I'm not moping over Aurelie!" Max suddenly snapped. "Geez, fine, Roger, I'll come to the stupid dance!"

Roger raised his eyebrows. "Touchy, touchy. So you won't mind if I ask Brynne?"

"Go ahead," Max muttered. "Why don't you ask Aurelie while you're at it too?" he continued bitterly.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? I thought you got over her already," Cam asked.

Max stood up. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed," he announced.

"Whatever, he's a douche," Tyson mumbled as Max left the common room.

"I'm asking Brynne," Roger declared. "Hey Cam, you should ask that Megan chick." He motioned to his chest.

"It isn't respectful to women to talk about their bodies like that," Cam said.

There was a moment of silence, then Roger, Mark, Andy, and Tyson all doubled over with laughter.

"Yeah, Cam, it isn't respectful to rape women on the dance floor either. Like you did last year," Andy sniggered. "And you'd think Cam is a goody-goody prefect."

"You guys are all retarded," Cam said, flipping his Chem. textbook open again.

"Maybe I should ask that Beth girl who's in my French class. She was trying to flirt with me at Sam's Bowling Alley too, remember?" Tyson mused.

"There's a girl in my Roman History class that's pretty cute," Mark said. "I'll ask her."

"What about you Cam?" Roger directed his attention towards his friend. "Megan or someone else?"

"I don't think I'm going to ask anyone to the dance," Cam said, knowing full well that it wasn't the truth.


"Why am I doing this with you again?" Alyssa asked.

"Because Rachel somehow persuaded me into doing it," I answered.

"How did you persuade me into doing this with you? I mean, we're working with sophomores that we don't even know!" Alyssa hissed. "And I still can't believe you can't go to the Winter Formal! What kind of blasphemy is this?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed open the double doors to the auditorium. "I'll come with you guys to pick out your dresses," I assured her as we entered the enormous room.

We immediately spotted a group of sophomores huddled together at the far end of the room, discussing the decorations, which were lying in huge heaps next to them.

"Hey, we're here for the committee crew?" I asked hesitantly as we approached.

The sophomores separated, looking confused at first as to why two juniors would offer to help with the committee crew.

"Sure. We could use an extra hand or two," a pretty girl spoke up. "I'm Megan, I'm the President," she offered a hand.

The first thing I noticed about Megan was that her boobs were probably the size of two watermelons. I mean, seriously, her polo barely covered them! And she was skinny, too. It was like all the fat from everywhere else in her body just went to her boobs.

"Er, hi, I'm Aurelie," I shook her hand.

"I'm Alyssa," Alyssa introduced, dragging her eyes away from Megan's chest to her eyes.

"Hey, aren't you the headmaster's adopted daughter or something like that?" Megan asked.

"Well I…uh…"

"Oh, sorry. Anyways, you guys can start by hanging these streamers across the room," she instructed, pointing to a pile of silver, blue, and purple streamers on the floor.

We nodded, grabbing the decorations and making our way across the room.

"What the hell is wrong with that girl's boobs? It's like she got ten boob jobs or something!" Alyssa whispered.

I held back a laugh. "I know! Do you even think they're real?" I muttered.

Alyssa shook her head rapidly, and we both burst into small fits of laughter as we started to hang up the streamers.

"Oh my gosh, do you think he's actually going to ask you to the dance this year?" a sophomore girl asked Megan.

Their voices echoed around the auditorium, and Alyssa and I could easily hear what they were saying, even though we were across the room.

"I dunno, I hope he does! I mean, I barely see him because of the schedules but…" We heard Megan sigh dramatically.

"I can't believe you actually hooked up with him last year. And you were only a freshman," another girl said.

"Who are they talking about?" Alyssa mouthed.

I shrugged, just as curious as Alyssa.

"I can't believe I didn't see it!" someone mourned.

"It was dark, of course you didn't see it," someone else said.

"How far did you guys go?"

"Is he a good kisser?" another girl asked excitedly.

The sophomore girls flocked Megan like she was an uber-celebrity.

"Of course he's a good kisser, Cam Gallagher is good at everything," a sophomore girl spoke up. "Right, Megan?"

"Yeah. I really hope he asks me to the dance!" Megan said dreamily.

All the sophomore girls squealed.

I looked at Alyssa, my eyes wide with shock. She looked equally surprised.

"Cam Gallagher?" she whispered.

"The prefect?" I said.

So much for Mr. Prefect the Perfect.