Hey Romeo, Don't You Think You're Just a Tad Overrated?

Illogical Reasoning

~Phillips Hall Auditorium, Winter Formal Dance~

Cam tugged at the collar of his shirt, attempting to loosen his tie. The auditorium was getting hotter as more students arrived for the dance, and music was pulsating over the large speakers. The flashing lights illuminated a small part of the darkened room, and they made the brilliant sparkling snowflakes that hung on the walls in masses shimmer. Silver, blue, and white streamers hung over the ceiling and white balloons were strategically placed around the room. Over the DJ stand was a huge, decorated arch, screaming the words McAllister Academy, 2008. Round tables draped in white tablecloths were set up in the back of the room, with decorated chairs around them. The committee crew had really outdone themselves in setting everything up. Cam was standing by the wall near the snack table with a few of his friends, watching everyone on the dance floor. Every now and then, his friends would nudge him, pointing out a hot girl, or pointing out people that they knew.

Roger suddenly jabbed him particularly hard in the ribs with his elbow.

"Ouch!" Cam complained and punched his friend back. "What the hell was that for?"

Roger nodded at the doorway to the auditorium. "That sophomore Megan's here," he told Cam with a smirk.

He scowled. "And?" he muttered, rubbing his sore ribcage.

"Why don't you…" Roger made a very disgusting motion with his hands and raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Cam's scowl darkened. "You're sick, Doherty."

Roger laughed. "Oh, cheer up, Cam. It's a dance! Go out there and have some fun!"

"I'm supposed to help monitor the dance too," Cam said pointedly.

This time it was Max who intervened. "Stop acting like an old man and have some fun today! All the other prefects are enjoying themselves today," he nodded at Lane Bryans, who was dancing with her friends.

Cam sighed, watching his friend Tyson twirl his date, Beth, around on the dance floor, both of them laughing hysterically. Andy and Mark had just left a minute ago to request a song from the DJ.

"Ooh, that girl is looking at you," Roger hissed at Max, giving him a big push. Max stumbled, but he caught himself right before he crashed into a cute looking girl in a pale pink dress.

Max looked a bit sheepish. "Sorry, my friend's a jerk," he motioned Roger. "So…you wanna dance?" he gave the blushing girl a wide smile, leading her onto the floor.

Cam watched his best friend, crossing his arms. It looked like he wasn't lying when he said he was over Aurelie…why was Cam thinking about her anyways? She wasn't even here! He sighed, spotting Aurelie's friends, Will and Alyssa laughing and dancing together. Lil' Wayne's Let It Rock started blasting out of the speakers, the heavy beat making the entire auditorium floor pulse.

"Damn, Brynne looks hot in that dress," Roger whistled as he spotted his object of lust for the last two years. He turned to face Cam. "If I don't see you having fun in the next ten minutes, I'm going to personally drag you out there, no matter how awkward it seems," he threatened, and then speeding away to coerce Brynne into dancing with him.

Cam rolled his eyes, turning and pouring himself some soda from the snack table.

"Hey, Cam," a familiar voice called to him over the pounding music.

Cam turned to see Megan. Her long hair fell straight, her make-up was applied expertly, and her tight, black mini-dress just emphasized the size of her chest even more. "Uh, hi, Megan," he started uncomfortably. "You look…really…nice tonight," he muttered, trying to be polite.

Megan giggled. "You look rather hot yourself," she said in a seductive matter.

Cam couldn't help it, he smirked. That comment certainly helped boost his ego back to its conceited self. Maybe his friends were right, he should just let go and have some fun tonight, like everyone else was. "You wanna dance?" he offered, chucking his still-full cup of soda into the trash.

Megan's eyes lit up and she quickly turned her head, glancing at her group of sophomore girlfriends who were standing a few feet away, giggling and trying to be discrete. Cam's smirk widened.

"Okay," she murmured shyly, taking his hand.

Lil' Wayne's beat suddenly faded out, and a slow song struck its first few notes over the speakers. I'll Be, by Edwin McCain, Cam recognized with a pang of nostalgia. His mother had loved that song when Cam was young, and he would often hide to watch his mother waltzing with his father in the living room to that song when they thought they were alone.

"I love this song," Megan said with a smile, looking up at him.

Cam managed to return the smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands automatically went around her waist as they started to sway to the music.

"I barely saw you this semester," Megan said, pouting a little.

"I've been…busy," Cam said, trying to ignore the fact that Megan was pushing herself closer to his chest. "Junior year gets really hard," he said distractedly.

"Mmm…that stinks," she replied, tightening her arms.

Cam looked away over her head. A few feet away, Brynne had somehow managed to snag Max and was now wrapped in his arms. Roger, off to the side, was staring jealously at Max and frowning. Cam felt a grin crawl to his lips.

Edwin McCain's powerful voice softly faded away into the saxophone solo near the end. Megan looked up, her wide, amber eyes locking onto Cam's dark ones.

"I…missed you," she whispered.

"Uh…I…" Cam didn't know how to respond.

She leaned up bravely and closed her eyes. Cam's eyes widened in surprise as Megan's lips met his own. Her lipgloss tasted like sweet caramel candy, and she had pressed her entire body up to Cam's, her enormous boobs mashed against his chest.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Max staring at him, his bright green eyes illuminated in the faint light. A wistful image suddenly flashed in his mind, and he let go of Megan's waist and pushed her away.

She stumbled backwards a bit, caught off guard. "What's wrong?" she asked, confused.

"I…I have to…have to go…patrol," Cam muttered lamely, quickly maneuvering his way between all the couples on the dance floor, exiting the stuffy auditorium and then Phillip's Hall itself, the cold night air rushing to clear his senses.

Cam sat down heavily on the top of the building's steps, yanking at his stiff collar and tearing his jacket off, the cold winter air enveloping him. It was so hot in that auditorium…

He ran a hand over his dark hair and closed his eyes. What the hell was he doing back in there? For a second, he hated all of his friends, especially Roger. Stupid, annoying, pushy… he sighed, opening his eyes again. From the steps in front of Phillips Hall, he could see Reagan's Dorm across the street, and a little ways further down the road, the McAllister House. Cam distinctly noticed the soft glow lighting up one of the second-floor bedrooms in the headmaster's house.

He stood up, glancing back at the auditorium. He could vaguely hear Rihanna's Disturbia and the "bum ba be dum ba ba be ba dum" that started off the entire song.

"You're going to get in trouble for this," his rational side spoke. "You're being illogical and arbitrary."

"But that's just it," Cam replied to himself as he quickly jogged down the steps of Phillips Hall and heading down the sidewalk and across the street. "I am an arbitrary person."