Hey Romeo, Don't You Think You're Just a Tad Overrated?

What Comes Around, Goes Around

"So how was detention?" Will asked, cracking open his Evian water bottle.

"Torture," I groaned, spearing a very suspicious piece of parmesan chicken with my fork.

"Most girls would kill for a detention with Cam Gallagher," Alyssa snickered.

I swallowed. The chicken tasted surprisingly good. "He left me locked up in a stupid classroom for one whole hour. Yeah, it was so fun," I rolled my eyes, dragging out the 'so'. "What's so great about him anyway?"

"Well, first off, he's hot," Alyssa started listing off the facts. "His eyes are so dreamy!"

"He's really smart too, from what I've heard," Beth pitched in.

"And have you seen him in the locker rooms before?" Will whistled. I made a face at him. He laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a girl."

"And, he's the varsity lacrosse team captain," Alyssa said.

"Yeah, I figured that out pretty much for myself," I muttered, finishing my last piece of chicken.

Dinner went by eventfully. We chattered about our new classes, our teachers, Coach Gunner's affair with the school nurse over the summer, and of course, Cam Gallagher. We all parted after dinner, Alyssa, Beth, and Will all going to Dorms A, B and D respectively. And I went back to the McAllister house.

David opened the door, all smiles. "So, how was your first day of school?" he asked as I trooped inside, dropping my bag at the staircase.

"Painful," I replied honestly.

David chuckled. "You'll get used to it," he assured me as we walked into the spacious kitchen.

Rachel was there too, and she greeted me. "I hope you have some appetite left, Aurelie," she said. "I baked a cake this afternoon. In celebration for completing your first day of school eventfully!"

David quickly slid a slice of homemade chocolate cake in front of me. It looked delicious.

Rachel smiled, taking a seat next to him. "How are your classes?" she asked.

I shrugged. "My Calc teacher seems hard," I said.

David nodded. "Mr. Harbing," he said, nodding. He turned on the sink, washing his hands. The doorbell suddenly rang. "Can you go get that, Aurelie? I'm a bit busy right now."

I hopped off my stool and padded into the foyer, unlocking the door and yanking it open. And who I saw immediately made me scowl. "What are you doing here?" I muttered, fully prepared to slam the door back shut in his face.

Cam Gallagher made a face at me. "As a prefect, I have to report every act of disobedience that occurs on the school grounds. In fact—"

And then I slammed the door on him. Seriously. Except I didn't have enough time to lock it, since Cam just grabbed the door handle again and yanked the door open.

"Who is it?" David called as he walked into the foyer, drying his hands. "Mr. Gallagher, what a pleasant surprise," David said, actually sounding, well, genuinely surprised. Huh, go figure. "Come on inside!"

I took this as my cue to escape up to my bedroom.

"Prefect, schmefect," I muttered, stomping up the stairs, deciding to tackle the load of calculus homework that Mr. Harbing decided to wonderfully assign on the first day of school.

I was probably struggling through the second problem when David started yelling.

"AURELIE!" Oh no. He was using the 'headmaster' voice.

I dropped my pencil right there and then. When it came to Headmaster McAllister, no one mess. I sprinted down the stairs and into the living room, seeing a rather angry David sitting on the couch. Across from him, Cam lounged in a loveseat, his arms crossed comfortably and a telltale smirk on his face.

"Uh, what's wrong?" I asked David.

"So, is it true you earned yourself a detention on the first day of school?" David asked, surprisingly calm.

I turned and glared pointedly at Cam. His smirk widened. "Yes," I muttered quietly.

David took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I don't know what to say, Aurelie. This is just not acceptable. I'm afraid I'll have to take away your afternoon study hall time for a week."

"What?" I exclaimed. No. This can't be. Afternoon study hall was basically the only time I had to hang out with my friends! He can't do this just because I got one detention! My own freaking Father, so to speak.

By now, Cam was grinning like a satisfied Cheshire cat. His unnaturally white teeth glinted. That damn bastard! Did he seriously come all the way to the McAllister house just to rat me out? I ground my teeth, resisting the urge to pick up one of Rachel's favorite antique vases and throw it at his obnoxious head. But then even if I did, I'd probably miss.

David sighed. "Thank you for reporting in, Mr. Gallagher. I'll be sure to warn Billy Warring about his little attitude problem. You may go now."

Cam stood up, all gentlemanly. "Thank you for your time, sir. Have a nice night," he said smoothly, and exited.

I gawked. I swear David just melted a little when Cam called him 'sir'. Geez! He even had my father wrapped around his stupid finger!

David nodded satisfyingly as Cam left. "He's almost an epitome of perfection," he said, chuckling.

No. No. NO. He did not just call Cam perfection. He probably likes him more than me! Why couldn't David adopt Cam in the first place anyway? That way, I'd still be being emo back in Maine, and I would have never met that obnoxious jerk Cam Gallagher.

"However, you, young lady, have some talking to do," David turned to me, frowning. "Detention on the first day of school? If this keeps up, you're not only endangering your own reputation, but mine as well!"

Oh ho. So it was his headmaster reputation that he cared about the most. "I was only late to class! I couldn't find the right room!" I protested. "And then Cam Gallagher had to be all arrogant and write me a detention!"

David sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. "Don't blame it on Cam," he chided.

SEE? There he goes again! All protective of Cam, like he's an angel! Psh, yeah right. More like the devil in disguise. Cam probably has devil horns supporting his halo.

"Just make sure this never happens again, okay, Aurelie? You can go," he said, picking up a newspaper.

I turned and resumed stomping up the stairs again, even louder this time. I must have sounded like a symphony of stampeding elephants, since a minute later David was yelling again.

"Don't stomp on the stairs!"

I rolled my eyes and slammed my bedroom door shut.

"Don't slam the doors either, Aurelie!"

Ah, what a beautiful beginning of a beautiful relationship.