Hey Romeo, Don't You Think You're Just a Tad Overrated?

Christmas Presents

Everyone was coming back from holiday break today. I watched as the cars slowly started rolling into the parking lot, and the campus started becoming rowdy again. Christmas and New Year were both bittersweet for me. David and Rachel took me skiing again at a different resort, and I had enjoyed the trip immensely. It was the first time we actually went out together as a proper family. On Christmas Eve, we drove for four hours to visit David's mom and dad, my new grandparents. They welcomed me warmly, and we had a grand dinner with all the cousins and the relatives. We all had a great time exchanging gifts, hanging out, and watching it snow on Christmas day. Two days after New Years, we drove back to the campus. I had a lot of fun meeting everyone, but I just couldn't help remembering that just one year ago, I was still back in Maine, celebrating Christmas back home, helping my mom with the turkey and decorating the tree with my dad.

My cellphone vibrated noisily from my desk. I reluctantly lifted the laptop off my lap and eased myself off my bed. I flipped my cellphone open, the screen flashing "1 New Message".

"I'M BACKKKKKKK!!!! Get your lazy ass down here and greet me. NOW. Or else I'm not giving you your present. =P And then we are visiting Alyssa in the Eisenhower Dorm. –Will

I grinned and shoved my cellphone in my pocket, pulling on a jacket and shoes. "Rachel, I'm going to the dorms for a sec! Will and Alyssa are back!" I called into the kitchen.

"Alright, see you later," she answered, looking up from the cake batter she was mixing.

"Is that chocolate?" I asked, stepping into the kitchen for a moment.

"Want a lick?" she offered the wooden spoon, a playful smile on her face.

I took the spoon. "Ugh! It's so bitter! What is this?" I stuck my tongue out and handed the spoon back to a laughing Rachel.

"It's unsweetened chocolate. When you come back, I'll let you try it again and see how it is," she explained.

"Okay, be back later!" I yelled, slipping out the back door.

I zipped up my jacket and crossed the street to where Will's dorm was. He was waiting outside by the door, a large bag in his hands.

"About time!" he complained when he saw me, but then he grinned and enveloped me in a huge hug.

"Hey, Will. I missed you!" I greeted him. I held him at arms length. "You got tanner! How was your break?"

He frowned. "Cancun was good. But I had to take care of my little sister after she got food poisoning and I gained four pounds from eating too much exotic food." He glanced sadly at his still flat stomach.

"Shut up!" I laughed, smacking him lightly.

He grinned. "I got you a present! I'm pretty sure you'll like it."

"Aw, you're making me feel bad, I didn't get you anything…" I said as he reached inside the bag and took out a flat white box.

"Nah, it's okay. You can just make it up to me by giving me another hug later." he answered. "Open it!"

I sat down on the bench outside Will's dorm and eagerly lifted the top of the box off, revealing a tight-fitting cashmere sweater in emerald green. "I love it," I breathed, rubbing the soft fabric between my fingers and observing the rich color.

"It should definitely be your size," Will said, smiling. "And the green should bring out the green flecks you have in your eyes."

"Thank you so much!" I placed the sweater back into the box, standing and giving Will another hug.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Come on, let's go see Alyssa. Beth's not back yet…I think her flight got delayed…"

We chatted as we made our way to Alyssa's dorm. Alyssa was on the second floor and we knew exactly where her window was. Luckily, it was open and Will and I screamed her name on the top of our lungs until she poked her head out, rolling her eyes and telling us to shut up with a smile on her face. A minute later, she met us outside with warm hugs.

"Hey guys! I missed you all so much! How was vacation?" Alyssa asked excitedly.

"Great," we both answered as the three of us started walking, sharing stories about our break.

As we slowly passed the Reagan's Dormitory for boys, Max Austerlitz, my ex-boyfriend and someone I hadn't talked to in weeks burst out of the building and immediately grasped me by the forearm, attempting to drag me away.

"What the hell?" Will shouted, obviously still sore at the fact that Max didn't treat me properly when we were still going out.

"Sorry, but I'm borrowing her for just a minute!" Max said, his voice pleading. "I promise it'll be okay."

Will and Alyssa glanced at me anxiously, and I sighed. "I'll catch up," I told them.

"Are you sure? We can come with you," Alyssa looked suspiciously at Max.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine. See you later!" Max was already tugging me away.

"I can walk," I tried to pull my arm out of his grasp.

"Sorry," he said. "So…uh…how was your break?"

"It was fine. Where are you taking me?" I asked as I followed a very eager Max past the fountain with the lady with the large bust and into the Macgregor building.

"I'm giving you your belated Christmas present," he replied shortly as he walked quickly down the halls and past the closed classroom doors.

"Christmas present? What are you talking about? Max…hey, wait, whoa—" I stumbled as Max suddenly stopped in front of a classroom door, yanked the door open, and pushed me in.

It was our Calculus classroom. It was completely empty, except for one person.

"Max, what the hell are you playing at, Mr. Harbing isn't even—Aurelie," Cam Gallagher turned around, surprised.

I twisted around, trying to run out the classroom, but Max was blocking the doorway.

"And here's my Christmas present to you both! Enjoy and have fun!" Max beamed at us, and then slammed the door shut.