Hey Romeo, Don't You Think You're Just a Tad Overrated?

Dress Shopping...Yet Again

It was already March. The days were growing longer, and the weather was agreeable. When the second trimester reports came out, I was elated. I had increased my ranking from ninety-four to forty-nine. So it was possible to go from a C to an A- in one trimester.

"All those hours of hard work paid off," Will told me, grinning, as he scanned my report card.

"What can I say? Thank you for spending all your summers in Madrid with your cousins and being fluent in Spanish?" I said jubilantly as I reread my Spanish teacher's comment on my report.

"Student has shown outstanding improvement and demonstrated a solid effort. Keep it up!

"I know, I'm amazing," Will joked. "But like I told you before, the only Spanish phrases you need to know are 'te amo' and 'te quiero'. For the hot foreign boys." He started laughing.

I smacked him playfully in the arm. "I already learned that from Enrique Iglesias," I replied, and we started laughing again. "But seriously," I added as soon as the craziness died down, "thanks for helping me, Will. I couldn't have done it without you."

Will waved my sincere thank you away, looking slightly abashed. "Ah, it was nothing. You also have to thank your boyfriend for all the other subjects," he pointed out. "Which is quite amazing. How do you two get work done anyway? I imagine you two would be making out the entire time," he added thoughtfully.

I turned red. "Will!" I rebuked. "Unlike you, I have self-control!"

A malicious smile spread over Will's face. "Sure, I'm sure you do, but isn't Cam Gallagher a horny bastard?" And with that, he ran away from me, laughing, with me hot on his heels.

Sure, my second trimester report card was a story, but Cam Gallagher was a completely different book. My boyfriend (yes, I could officially say that now) and I have been going out for nearly three months. Will was right; I did owe half of my improved grades to him. It still amazed me how he was able to balance his prefect duties, his reputation, his friends, and his girlfriend perfectly and still be at the top of our class. Of course, he wasn't exactly perfect, even though that was certainly the impression he gave to most people.

We have had our fair share in petty arguments, sometimes over the stupidest things. There was this time I got angry at him because he dished out three late detentions in less than two minutes to three unsuspecting freshmen girls who had gotten lost trying to find their new classroom. We got into a whole fight concerning his prefect duties and the unfairness of situation, which somehow lead to unconstitutional rights and unjust civil liberties. How we got there, I did not know. There was another instance where I believed I was angry because he lied to me about bumping into Megan and conversing with her at the library. And the other time where he accused that I don't try hard in anything and I don't put in any effort. But nonetheless, we got over our little faults and apologized, thus resolving our differences.

I was glad to have Max back as a great friend. He treated me almost no differently than before, and he was still the same easygoing and fun Max that I knew. He was easy to talk to and one of the first people I went to when I was in a bad mood (usually about Cam) and he would actually listen when I went on endless rants. He was always agreeable and very understanding, and I often felt bad that all my rage would be unleashed on him. When I told him I was sorry about that, he laughed it off, saying that it was rather amusing and entertaining, and he would always be there to listen to me. But the best thing was that everything was going along pretty well, and I was glad to say that my life, as of now, was perfect.


It was Saturday, and Will, Alyssa, Beth, and I were once again in town, dress shopping.

"I don't get it," I finally spoke up as the four of us sifted through endless racks of lace, silk, and chiffon. "Can't you just wear the same dress from Homecoming or the Winter Formal or something?" I asked as I pulled at a promising looking blue satin, to only be disappointed by its over excessive frilliness.

Beth, Alyssa, and Will both turned and stared at me with an unmistakable look of shock and scorn combined in one.

"Hon, you have got to be kidding me," Will said flatly as he lifted a silver-gray floor length strapless, holding it up against Beth, and the shaking his head and placing it back on the rack.

"It's Junior Prom, Aurelie!" Alyssa emphasized. "It only comes once in your lifetime, and you have to look perfect for it," she said, a dreamy look coming to her eyes.

Junior Prom. The latest buzz that has been going around with all the juniors at McAllister Academy. It was still two months away, but everyone was already in full party mode.

"Well," I mumbled, "I thought the Winter Formal was already a big deal. And Rachel insisted on giving me her credit card for today's trip."

Alyssa grinned and flashed her very own gold Visa. "Way ahead of you, darling."

"So let me get this straight…a new dress for every occasion? Isn't that a little too extreme? I mean, I understand that you at least have to have a few dresses to rotate for special occasions, but a new one every time?"

"Every occasion is special and different," Beth remind me.

"Well yeah, but Winter Formal is going to come around next year again. Couldn't you wear last year's Homecoming dress then or something?" I asked.

"NO!" the three of them chorused at the same time.

"It looks trashy," Alyssa explained.

I sighed. "I have to sorta get used to that," I muttered, pulling out a pale pink gown, decided it looked too racy, and put it back.

"I guess it is a bit different for you, huh?" Beth looked at me, understanding in her eyes. "It's just how everyone in this society is."

"I wish I was a girl," Will suddenly said wistfully. "I would have so much fun picking out and trying on different dresses! Guys never have variety; it's always the same boring thing. Pants, shoes, shirt, jacket, tie."

"I'd gladly switch with you," I volunteered. "I like dress shopping, but too much wears me out," I sighed, giving up for the moment and taking a seat. "You can never find anything!"

"So, who are you going with?" Will asked all of us, changing the subject.

"I dunno. I still have to find a date," Alyssa said absently, holding out a long white dress. "What do you think?"

"Too bridal," I said.

"Too much décolletage," Beth decided.

"Virginal sacrifice," Will stated.

Beth and I burst out laughing as Alyssa frowned and put it back.

A strange gleam suddenly came to Will's eye as he stood up, crossing the room and plucking a dress from a different rack, holding it out like a prize as he walked back towards us.

"Tah-da!" he proclaimed. "I have just found the perfect dress for you, Aurelie!" he announced, showcasing it.

My eyes widened. It was nearly an exact replica of the purple Betsey Johnson dress that I had saw and wanted so long ago. The shade of this dress leaned slightly towards indigo more than purple, and the black ribbon was slightly different and it was designed by Calvin Klein, but other than that, I loved it.

"How did you know, Will? I never even told you!" I whispered as I took the dress from him. "It was so long ago!"

Will shrugged. "I saw it in your eyes. You really liked it. I guess I just remembered." He offered a small smile, and I got up and gave him a hug.

"Thanks, Will," I said.

"Ah, it's no biggie," Will smiled.

"It's beautiful," Beth said, holding up the dress. "I think you'd look gorgeous in it."

"Go on, try it on!" Alyssa urged, pushing me into the dressing room.

A couple minutes later, I flung the curtain aside, spinning slowly in one big circle. "What do you think?" I asked, striking a silly pose and then laughing.

"It's definitely you," they all agreed.