Hey Romeo, Don't You Think You're Just a Tad Overrated?


Where does beauty hide?

If you look closely, you may find it everywhere.

Within the fine pages of a story,

In between the whispers of the autumn wind,

Inside laughter ringing with joy,

In the smile of a toothless child,

Between the tresses of a lover’s hair,

In the arguments between best friends,

Concealed in the silence of the night,

Somewhere lost in a snowstorm,

Hidden in the droplets of fine rain,

On the outermost layer of general appearances,

Deep within the heart where emotions lay,

Beauty is everywhere if you truly search for it,

The only thing to determine is,

What is truly ugly and what is truly beautiful,

Because beauty can be anything,

The wonders that some people hate,

And the wonders that some people love,

So it is up to you to decide

Your conception of beauty.

-final excerpt from Camaxtli Gallagher’s blue notebook
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I hope you enjoyed the story. It was the first full one I've ever seriously written. =]