Status: Goin' strong!

Drowning in the Ashes

The beginning.

Have you ever felt like your life is a lie? That if you let one person in, they'll ruin the life you've made for yourself. The life you've created keeping everyone out. Welcome to my world.

Maybe, I'm not as alone as I thought I was.

My parent's have never given me anything more than my name. You can find my first name in the bible. My last name dates back to a powerful Latino family in Mexico, my dad managed to give me that much. A worthless name. A worthless childhood. And what's turning out to be a worthless life filled with nothing but regrets, and mistakes.

I'm Jordynn Santiago, and this is my story.

I never had a lavish life. I never got things handed to me, everyday has always been a struggle. I grew up with one parent and one brother. My ma never left me when I was littler but my dad dipped out when I was two. My ma always did her part until I got older. As for bubby, he never did wrong. Maybe life in the D.U.B was always right for him, that was his path, or the perfect destiny. Be a gangbangin' low life like the rest of this town, but who am I too judge? I'm starting to live the same life. When I walk the streets of this fucked up town I see why no one gets out alive. I'm friends with people whose parents gew up with my mom. People talk in this town and word spreads. Fast. So when word spread that Baby Jae was hangin' out with some gangbangers, my ma was the first to know.

Everything happens for a reason, so I'm told. But what fucked up reason could possibly be behind my life?

Where should I start with my story? Well, we're going to take it from the beginning. I am who I am today because of the people who molded me into this creature. My whole life people have walked in and out, with no regrets. My father is the main reason I am, who I am. . This world I live in. These fucked up people I call family. These ways I call habits. These people I call friends. These streets I call home.

Are you along for the ride?
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New story.