They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 10

Leah’s Thought’s

Last night was AMAZING. Words can’t even describe what it was like. He just a fucking sex god. I can’t believe it though, we had sex at his aunt’s house; I guess I’m going to have to wash those sheets for aunt Maddie. I wonder what he’s thinking about right now; about this situation. I wonder where all of this is going to lead.

I woke up to the sound of someone moving out of the bed, most likely Max of course. I kept my eyes closed so he wouldn’t realize that I woke up. I felt his presence above my body. He kissed my forehead and whispered:

“I love you.” He whispered. I tried so hard not to smile.

When I heard the door click shut, I opened my eyes fully and allowed my eyes to adjust to the sudden change in sunlight. I stretched my arms and legs out and I sat up right. I rubbed my eyes and walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. I scratched the back of my head and pushed the door open. I turned on the faucet of the sink and I cupped my hands under that cool water. I brought my hands to my face and I splashed the water onto my now cold skin. I turned off the faucet and I pulled a small towel off the towel rack and onto my face. I rubbed lightly and placed the towel back. I walked back into the room and pulled out my Iron Maiden Tee and some skinny jeans out of my duffle bag. I quickly slipped out of my pajamas and I put on my clothes.

It took me only a couple of minutes before I actually left the room and descended down to the kitchen. Aunt Maddie and Everyone but Max were still at their cousins house I guess. Max was sipping some coffee and watching the small kids outside; playing around and oblivious to everything around them. Max seemed to be in a deep thought but I had to take him out of his trance.

“Oh, hey Leah. I thought you were still asleep.” Max said.

“Nope. I just got up.” Said while pouring myself some coffee.

I pulled out the chair from beneath the table and I sat in it. Max has told me that he has told the guys where we were staying and that they knew all about what happened that day. I’ve been getting calls non stop from my mother and voice mails telling me to come home but I’m not going to. She pushed the limit and now I guess I’m going to make my life here with Max. As crazy as it may all seem it isn’t half bad. Max is exactly the kind of person I should be around. He’s so kind and sweet it’s too hard to even believe that he is so endearing.

Time lapse 2 weeks

Everyone was talking and laughing about pure nonsense but they were at least trying to talk to one another. My mother didn’t even try to talk; it was just mindless chatter that never meant anything to her or me. I guess me and my mother will see anything eye to eye.

Max wand I were sitting on the couch and just watching T.V. Max had one arm wrapped around me and I had my head resting on his shoulder. Our legs were intertwined with one another’s and we weren’t talking. The silence was comfortable for the both of us. Max’s breathing was calm, almost serine in a sense. Though that cut off by the sounds of cop cars surrounding Aunt Maddie’s house. Everyone started to talk and ask why the cops were there. Max lifted my body off his to go check what this was all about.

“What’s going on Max?” I asked, worried about what was happening.

“Leah, it’s your mom. Run up to our room and grab our things and jump from the window,” Max commanded.

Without hearing another word, I bolted up the stairs and I shut the door. I quickly started to pack random crap into our duffle bag. I ran out of the room and into the bathroom to get al of the makeup and other things before I stumbled and I let some of it fall to the ground. I quickly got back up on my feet and shoved everything I could find in our bags. I threw the bags outside of the window and I grabbed Max’s bass guitar. I slowly crawled my way down to the ground and bolted over to the car with my bags at hand. The passenger side was open so I quickly crammed everything into the back seat and waited for Max to drive us off. It’s seemed to take him too long to get downstairs and my nerves were getting the best of me.

I was playing with my thumbs when I heard a woman shouting. I looked through the car window and saw my mom pointing at the car I was currently in. I sat in the car seat like a deer in headlights as the officers and my mom ran towards the car. I started to panic when my mom had her eyes boring into mine from a distance. I looked around in the car and out of the corner of my eye I saw the key in the ignition. One of Max’s cousins must have left the car keys in the ignition without thinking. Since I no longer had any other choice I swapped my seat and I sat in the driver’s seat. I quickly turned on the engine and I pressed my foot to the gas petal. Within seconds the car was moving at a fast rate.

I could hear the police cars around the corner because of the sirens blasting while chasing after my car. The grip on the steering wheel was so tight my knuckles were turning white and you could see all of the veins popping out in my arms. My heartbeat could be heard from at least a mile away. I felt way more panicky because I didn’t have Max to calm my nerves. I feel so bad for putting him in this situation; this never would have happened if I hadn’t agreed to go out with him. He would be with some other girl and this would have been totally avoided. I sighed and took a sharp turn into an alleyway. I parked in the darkness and I watched all of the cop cars pass me, not noticing that I had already stopped.

I felt a wave of relief when I saw that the cops and my mom were out of sight. I composed myself and pulled out of the dark alleyway. I decided that Max would be better off without me in his life and that I should stay as far away from him as possible. I drove back onto the road with only one thing in my head.

Keeping away from Max


“Mommy! Can I get some ice cream please!!” Hannah pleaded me. I simply nodded while she bolted to the kitchen.

“Yes munchkin head, ask Allie to make it for you!” I told her.

I bet you are wondering who that ball of sunshine is. Well she’s my daughter. Her name is Hannah and she is four years old. No I haven’t been with anyone since I left New Jersey. Oh did I forget to mention that I moved to New York? Anyway I haven’t been with anyone since Max so you guessed it, he has a kid. My only regret was never telling Max when I found out that I was pregnant. Now I’m stuck with Hannah and my roommate; Allie.

Allie helped me go through the pregnancy and she helped me out when I first arrived to New York. Allie has been my rock and is my best friend. She does know who is Hannah’s father and she has not once judged me for it. I met her at starbucks once when I happened to pour my coffee on her by accident and we started talking from there.

Ever since I left Jersey I haven’t kept in contact with any relatives. It’s better if they just think I died and someone threw me in a dumpster. I know if I ever told anyone were I was that they would call my mother and tell her were I reside.

I was currently watching Steven’s untitled Rock show on T.V with a smile on my face. I work a long with Steven as a V.J. He would do some of the interviews and so would I. He’s sweet and goofy once you get to know him; he also dealt with some of the world’s strangest rock stars, Like Bert McCracken. I’ve done my fair share of wacky interviews and I always seem to have a blast.

I sat there playing with a strand of my now multi-colored hair when I heard Steven’s voice on the T.V. I immediately smiled and sat up to watch the rest of the show.

“Hey. Welcome back to Steven’s untitled rock show, I am of course Steven and we are here with My Chemical Romance.” Steven said. My Chem had to be one of his Favorite bands to interview.

“ OK guys I have questions from you here and I wanted to ask only about two or three, sounds good?” Steven asked them, they nodded.

“OK well everyone knows that you and Epitaph Records have teamed up to get one lucky band signed to their label. We also know that you guys have actually picked the winner already. Would you be so Kind to tell our viewers who you picked?” Steven asked.

“Why of course we will Steven. The band we all picked was Escape the Fate.” Frank responded.

“And they’ll be on SURS tomorrow being interviewed by our own lovely Leah Dawson at 4:00 eastern time.”
Steven said before the credits rolled.

My smile grew wider knowing that I was interviewing Escape the fate tomorrow. Steven mailed me a CD of their songs and they are all really good. It’s not a surprise why MCR picked them to get signed to Epitaph.

Hannah walked back into the living room with her ice cream and spoon in her hand. She was giggling and she had an ice cream outline around her little lips making me shake my head.

“Mommy, do you have to work tomorrow?” She asked me.

“Yes I have to work tomorrow. Will you be a good girl for Allie?” I asked her.

“Yes mommy. I’ll be a very good girl!” She squealed.

She set her cup and spoon down on to the floor and I decided to tickle her. Hannah kept kicking her feet and giggling. I lifter her shirt a little and I pressed my lips to her stomach and gently blowing on her navel making her laugh.

“Aw, look a nice mother and daughter moment!” Allie said while jumping on the couch a long with me and Hannah.

“What do you want Allie, aren’t you supposed to meet Dave now?” I asked,

“He canceled. Said he had a lot of things to catch up on.” She sighed while bringing Hannah on to her lap.

“But anyways, you ready for your interview tomorrow?” She asked while playing with Hannah’s black hair.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to finally meet them. They are really good.” I said with a smile.

“Yeah, I’ll stay with Hannah Bananerz here while you go to work.” Allie said.

“Thanks girl, I’m glad you are my roommate.” I said before returning my vision to the T.V set.

“Ok Leah, you ready?” The makeup artist asked me while putting eyeliner on the rim of my eye.

“Yeah, I’m so excited!” I squeaked.

“ I can tell.” She said before putting the last finishing touches on my makeup.

I stood up from the make up chair and I straightened out my Iron Maiden shirt. I walked down the back of the set and I was and being pursued with people attaching microphones all over me. I walked on to the set and I sat down in Steven’s chair. I crossed my legs and drummed my fingers on the armrest of the chair. The cameraman signaled me that we were going to start in minus 5 seconds. And then the show started.

“Hello New York, it’s Leah here on SURS. I am Happy to announce that we have Escape the fate and they’ll be live in the studio here in only a couple of minutes but before we bring them out lets start out with one of my favorite videos boulevard of broken dreams.” I said.

“And that was Within Temptation with what have you done. I’m back and right now I am proud to present Escape the fate!” I said while looking towards the doors.

I saw about 5 people walking through the back and stepping on to the set. At first glance they seemed familiar but I shrugged it off my shoulders. All of them were good looking like most rock stars now a days.

“Welcome to SURS guys. My name is Leah.” I greeted them, they all smiled.

“Hey My name is Ronnie, My name is Bryan, my name is Omar, my name is Robert and my name Is Max.” They all said. I gulped.

Holy mother fucking shit I knew it! That’s why they seemed so familiar to me! Never in my life would I have thought that Max and his friends won the contest. This shit is getting weird. He definitely changed though, his skin was still pale as a vampire and he had his long black hair. He still had his piercings on his nose and his lip. He got taller and a little more buff.

One hour later

After one agonizing hour, the show was finally over. I rushed over to the back of the set and I took off all of the microphones that I had on. My hands were still shaking after the interview and I felt light headed. The band was in a small room in the back, getting ready to go home. I grabbed my black berry and walked out of my dressing room only to be hit by someone.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” He said. I looked up and it was Max.

“Oh, it’s no big deal.” I said standing up.

“Are you alright?” Does anything hurt?” He asked me.

“Yeah I’m fine. I’m used to falling, I’m prone to falling on my ass.” I chuckle.

“Yeah, my old girlfriend used to be like that. You do look a lot like her.” He said trying to get a better look at me.

“I-uh.” I froze when he grabbed my chin and guided me to meet his gaze.

“Leah? It is you?” He asked with wide eyes.

“Hi.” I murmur.

“Oh my god Leah! Where did you go? You made me miserable when you left!” He said while wrapping me in a hug.

“I moved here Max. I had to get away from it all.” I said with tears stinging my eyes.

“You have no idea how much me and the guys missed you.” He said while kissing my cheek.

“Me too.” I whisper.

“Come on, the guys are going to be so psyched when they see you!” He said while dragging me back to the room where everyone one else was sitting. I was nervous to be face to face with everyone including Max. It’s been so long since I have last seen them and now with Hannah in the picture is going to be difficult.

“Hey guys, you remember Leah right?” Max said while showing me off to the guys.

“No shit, we met her an hour ago.” Omar said.

“Guys this is Leah” He said, everyone’s eyes grew wide.

“Are you fucking serious? This was our neighbor Leah?” Robert asked.

“Yeah.” I murmur, looking down at the ground.

I felt about 10 arms wrap around my small frame when I realize that every one of them were hugging me. I felt uncomfortable at first but I allowed them to continue hugging me. It’s been a long time since I have seen them and it seems like they miss me so I can’t push them away. It was a bittersweet thing about seeing them again. It was nice because I have missed them so much but it’s a bad thing because if Max realizes that we have a kid….

He’s going to flip a fucking lid.
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Hey guys, sorry for the wait. Also sorry if I'm confusing you guys with the title changes, I hope this is the last time I have to change the title for this story.

Comments please!!!!