They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 11

Max’s POV

I cannot believe that I’m standing in front of Leah. The girl who drove me insane when she left. We didn’t even know each other that long and yet I knew I liked her a lot. She definitely changed though; she grew taller and she seemed a lot fuller since the last time I’ve seen her. She had re dyed her hair so it was a bunch of different colors in different places. She also took out her lip and nose piercing. She looks fucking beautiful.

“So Leah were did you go?” I asked her.

“I left for New York. I had the cops hot on my trail but I shook them off and drove to N.Y by myself.” She sighed.

“But why didn’t you tell anyone? Why did you decide to go off on your own?” Bryan asked Leah.

“I didn’t tell anyone because I was under a lot of stress and I thought you guys were going to be better off without me being near you guys.” Leah admitted.

“Leah I don’t think you are aware that we were all worried about you. We had no idea what happened to you.” Ronnie said.

“ I know I know. I just didn’t think properly. I just felt like I needed a new beginning.” Leah said.

“Well, enough about that sad crap, what’s been going on lately, me any guys yet?” Omar teased, I glared at him.

“No. I haven’t. I’ve been single ever since I left Jersey.” She laughed. I felt relief right after she said that.

You could say that I’ve still had a soft spot for Leah after all these years but I mean come on, who on earth would be able to resist her? She’s absolutely gorgeous and she has a good paying job and she’s completely independent. I swear if I could get her back in my arms I would be thanking god; and I’m an atheist.

Leah’s POV

I felt uneasy not telling them everything I’ve been through the years but I think it’s too much, especially now since this is my first time seeing them in four years. But in the back of my mind I had Hannah’s face. She looked so much like Max, there was no doubt about it, but I’m not sure if I can come out with it just yet.

It time for band to start heading out so I gave them my new number and I decided that it was probably a good time to see what my devil of a daughter is doing to Allie. I grabbed my keys and my bag and I headed out for the door. I walked through the swarm of cars and I found my range rover. I got in and once I heard the engine fire up I shifted it to drive and I drove myself home.

“Hannah? Allie? I’m home!” I yell through the house. I can only hear the faint sounds of giggling.

“Mommy!!” Hannah screeched and she ran up to me and hugged my legs. I laughed.

“Hi munchkin head! Were you a good girl today?” I asked while picking her up and showering her face with kisses.

“Yes mommy I was a very good girl!” she squealed.

“Mommy I saw you on T.V today!” She soon added.

“You did! And what did you think? Did mommy do a good job?” I asked her.

“Uh-huh, you did a really good job.” She responded. I smiled at her.

“Where’s Allie?” I asked.

“Up stairs.” Hannah pointed upward.

I placed Hannah on the ground and I set down my bag. I walked toward the staircase and I walked up until I reached Allie’s room. I knocked on the door loudly since she was playing Motley Crue. I waited for her to respond and I covered my ears when she did. She puts her stereo all the way up.

“Can you please turn that off!” I holler. She rolled her eyes and turned the volume to a reasonable level.

“What do you want? She asked.

“Nothing. I just came back from work. So what did you and Hannah Bananerz do today?” I asked her.

“Nothing really. We played rock music all day and I taught her how to play a mini guitar. It’s nothing really.” She shrugged.

“ Which rock music did you play?” I asked her.

“Motley Crue, Misfits, MoterHead, Smashing Pumpkins, Iron Maiden.” She started off.

“Allie. You are going to turn my daughter into a metal Head!” I laugh.

“Hey, she chose all of those bands! I was the one in charge of placing the CD’S into the CD player.” She defended herself.

“I swear she is the spitting image of her dad!” I laugh. She chuckled.

“True. Oh, by the way how did the interview go?” She asked. My smile faded.

“It was alright. Except the part where Max recognized who I was.” I stated. Her eyes grew wide.

“Wait. Max as in Hannah’s dad!!” She exclaimed.

“Yeah. I never meant for it to happen it just did. He gave me his number and he now has mine so he could call at any given time.” I said.

“And he doesn’t know that he has Hannah as a daughter right?” She asked. I nodded.

I heard my phone ring from the inside of my pocket. “Shit. It’s Max.” I mumbled.

“Well answer it!” She yelled.

“Uh hello?” I asked through the receiver.

“Hey Leah, it’s Max.” He responded.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked. Allie left only seconds before I answered.

“Nothing. I’m here thinking about you. But anyways how about me and the guys to your place and catch up more?” He asked I it my lip.

“Mommy!! Who are you talking to?” Hannah screeched. Shit.

“Who was that?” Max questioned. I bit my lip.

“Uh, just some kid I take care of. She thinks of me as her mom sometimes.” I lied.

“Oh ok. Just wondering.” He sighed.

“Max…it’s ok for you and the guys to come over.” I sighed. This was going to be a problem.

“OK, cool. We’ll be around there in about 20 minuets.” He confirmed. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and they weren’t the good ones either.

“Alright. Bye.” I snapped my phone shut.

“Mommy who was that?” Hannah pulled on my pant leg.

“It was one of my friends. They are coming over so be on your best behavior.” I warned her.

“OK!” She squealed. If she only knew it was her dad visiting her for the first time.

I sighed and ran my finger though my hair. I walked back into the living room and I saw Allie looking at me with questioning eyes. I knew I had to tell her about the guys’ visit. Maybe she could Take Hannah out or something.

“Max and the guys are coming over. “ I mumbled.

“WHAT?” She exclaimed.

“The guys are coming over and I need you to take Hannah out somewhere.” I whispered.

“Oh hell no. You said they could come, you said nothing about taking Hannah out while you were talking to the sperm donor.” She hissed.

“Come on! Please do this for me?” I pleaded. She shook her head.

“No, besides I have to meet Dave now so I’m going.” She said before slamming the door.

I decided that I was going to have to deal with this situation I was going to at least clean up around here. I started to pick up Hannah’s scattered toys everywhere. I wanted the house to look presentable for now at least. The only thing on my mind is how Max’s reaction will be about everything. He’ll probably never want to hear from me again, which come to think of it isn’t a bad idea.

I waited patiently for the guys to arrive. Hannah changed clothes and she was calmly playing with her little guitar. She’s going to end up a little rock star I swear. I heard a light knock at the door, which startled me. I composed myself before I stood up and I opened the door.

“Hey Leah.” They all said in unison.

“Hey guys. Come in.” I said.

They all walked in looking around my house. It wasn’t anything big. It was just a regular house like the one I lived in with my mom. I closed the door once Robert walked in. I shoved my hands into my pockets and saw that everyone in the room except Max was looking at Hannah with their mouths wide open. I looked down at the floor and let my bangs all in front my face.

“ Whose kid is that? Ronnie asked.

“It’s the neighbors.” I said a little too quickly.

Hannah seemed to take a liking to Max and he the same. I felt a little nervous because I thought he would find out that Hannah was his child. But he seemed too consumed with teaching Hannah how to play her guitar to even notice that she is the spitting image of him. The rest of the guys seemed to have taken to Hannah and they didn’t say anything. I just want this nightmare to end.
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Hey guys, what do you think???? I want some comments and I want to hear what you guys think about it. I dunno if Max is an atheist but it's my story so don't sue me!!!