They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 13

Max’s POV

I walked back into the house with the same cheesy grin Leah was always able to put on my face. I shut the door behind me and I started to whistle a random tune. All of the guys were in the living room watching Fuse. They really aren’t into anything on MTV.

“Hey, how was your date with Leah?” Robert asked.

“It was really good.” I responded.

“Was the little kid still there?” Ronnie asked.

“Who, Hannah?” I asked bewildered.

“Yes.” He responded.

“No. Why would she be there, Hannah isn’t Leah’s daughter.” I wondered where he was going with this.

“Dude, isn’t it obvious that it’s Leah’s kid? Hannah called her mommy. And she does look a lot like you…”He trailed off. I didn’t want to hear any of this.

“ What are you trying to get at?” I asked impatiently.

“What if Hannah was YOUR kid?” He said right before he gave an exasperated sigh.

“She cannot be my kid. Leah would have told me!” I defended myself.

“Max. Hannah is a little mini you. The only difference is that she is a girl and not a boy.” Omar said, cutting into the conversation.

“And Hannah does appear to be four years old, that’s about the same time when Leah disappeared.” Bryan added. Was today Go against Max day?

“So that doesn’t prove anything!” I answered like a child.

“ Look, we’re all pretty sure it’s your kid. She your spitting image; if I were you I would go and ask Leah myself.” Ronnie said.

I had enough of this conversation. I wasn’t going to take in what they had said to me. Leah would have told me if we had a kid together; she would have told me she was pregnant. Leah isn’t capable to hide something so big away from me, is she?

Leah’s POV

It was only a couple of minuets after Max left when Allie came back with Hannah. I didn’t want to tell Allie that I spent a day with Max. I knew already that she was going to be pissed off that I left abruptly.

“Hey were did you two go?” I asked casually.

“We both went to the park for a little bit. Where were YOU this morning?” Allie asked me.

“ I got called to an emergency meeting on SURS. They were discussing an interview that I possibly wanted to do but I turned it down.” I lied.

“Oh.” Was all her response, but she didn’t seem to believe in the lie I told.

I walked over and picked up Hannah. I set her on the right side of my hip She smiled widely and snuggled her head in the crook of my neck. I patted her back gently and I felt her breathing get deeper. I walked over to her door and opened it revealing her dark room. I set her in the bed and pulled the covers over her body. I kissed her forehead and I left the room only to be met with Allie impatient form.

“Where were you really this morning?” Allie asked getting straight to the point.

“I told you, I got called to a meeting.” Oh god I hate lying.

“That’s a fucking lie. Tell where you were!” She whispered harshly.

“Fine! I was with Max all right! He called me and asked me to go with him to on a date, that’s it!” I said with anger.

“Are you sure that’s all that happened?” She asked me.

“Of course that’s what fucking happened! I’m not going to run off with him and sleep with him if that’s what you thought!” I spat.

“Fine. Just let it be known that if you leave with out consulting me first I won’t play babysitter.” She stormed off.

Just as Allie slammed the door the phone started to ring. My head was hurting from the argument and I felt like all of my energy was drained right out of me. I wanted to relax. I walked over to the phone and I answered in monotone.

“Hey Leah.” Max answered back.

“What’s up?” I asked him.

“Nothing, I just wanted to know something.” He responded.

“OK well ask me then.” I said.

“OK. Is Hannah your daughter?” He asked. Oh shit.

I froze at that moment. How the fuck did he know? Was it the guys that told him? Holy shit I’m screwed. I felt my bottom lip tremble and my hands were shaking violently. I had nothing to say, I was just in a state of shock that this moment came sooner than I had hoped for.

“Leah, are you there?” He asked.

“Yeah, I-I’m still here.” I managed to get out without choking.

“So, can you answer my question?” He asked me. I had no option to tell him otherwise.

“Y-yeah, Hannah is my Kid.” I whispered. My knuckles were turning white from holding the phone

“Oh.” Was his only response. I had a feeling that he knew that he is the father of Hannah and that he might hate me for the rest of his life. I held my breath only to hear him sigh over the receiver.

“Do you know who Hannah’s dad is?” He asked. This was the one thing that I wasn’t going to tell him.

“No. I was raped when she was conceived.” I lied again. This is starting to get way out of hand.

“Oh. So it isn’t possible that maybe I was the father?” He asked.

“No.” My tears started to cascade down my cheeks and to the floor.

“Oh, well that’s all I wanted to ask. I’ll see you later then.” He hung up and I started to full out sob. I never wanted to lie about Hannah and now I find myself telling Max, Hannah’s true dad that she was a rape baby. I never wanted to be in this position. I let go of the phone and clutched my chest. I fell to the floor and I crawled into a little ball. I wanted to be left a lone.

Isn’t it funny how one lie leads to more lies being told? To me it’s just a reality. I had to keep lying so Max would never find out. I’m not only worried about his reaction; I’m worried about his career. I can’t put the stress of having Hannah as his daughter on his shoulders. It’s something I don’t’ want to ruin for him. He’s on his way of becoming a huge success and I won’t ruin it for the guys or for me. It was better off when Max never knew I was in Times Square. I’ll just make him think that was raped until I can find an alibi. This is the only the start of something out of my own control and something I wasn’t going to be happy about what’s so ever.
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