They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 16

Max’s POV

“What the fuck is your problem dude!” Ronnie asked while I banged my head against the table. Why would she lie to me? Why would she try to put her kid on my shoulders? Why the hell didn’t she tell me this before? And why did she cheat? I thought we had something different, but I guess I was dead wrong.

“ Get this, I’m Hannah’s dad supposedly.”

“She told you? Shit, I thought she was never going to tell you.” He sighed. I turned my attention to him and I looked at him astonished.

“What the hell are you implying?” I asked outraged. He’s going to believe that lying bitch?

“ What? Hannah looks like your small stunt double. What do you think, that Leah cheated or something?” He asked.

“Of course she did. That’s why she didn’t tell me sooner! That’s why she left! She left because she was pregnant and she knew that she cheated so she knew that I would find out about her affair!” I exclaimed, which made all of the guys come into the room.

“Max, do you honestly fucking hear yourself right now? We’re talking about Leah. This was the girl that you practically fell for four years ago. You still have feelings for her and you know that!” Ronnie defended.

“And that’s what’s getting me angry! Even after that I still love her and it’s driving me crazy!” I holler. Everyone else stood silent.

“ Look, maybe you’re in a delusional state right now but Hannah is your kid. There’s no fucking doubt in the world that she is your daughter. I’m going to visit her.” Ronnie said whiel grabbing his coat and slamming the door behind him.

“Way to go Max. You just had to piss him off.” Omar said while shaking his head.

“Uh, hello? I should be the only one pissed off here. Leah is trying to put her kid on me!” I whine. The guys just shake their heads and leave the room. This is Fan fucking tastic. Way to go Leah.

Leah’s POV

“ That asshole!” Allie screeched. I glared at her.

“Hello dumbshit, Hannah is the house you know. She can hear you!” I whisper harshly at her.

“Well, sorry. But I still can’t believe that he thinks that you cheated! It’s insane for him to think that.” She said back.

“You’re telling me? I wanted to scratch his eyes out when he told me.” I sighed angrily.

“Well, he’s an idiot. Plain and simple.” Allie said. After that we didn’t talk about it. She knew that I wasn’t in the proper mood to talk about my argument. It’s something that adds more stress to my day. I jumped when I heard someone knocking at my front door. I walked over to my door to surprisingly see Ronnie standing there.

“Hey Leah.” He smiled.

“Uh, hi Ronnie. Come in.” I gestured. He smiled widely and entered my house. I closed the door and walked into the living room where Ronnie was sitting on the couch patiently.

“Come and sit. I want to talk to you about something.” I patted the seat next to him and I laughed.

“What do you want to about?” I asked curiously.

“It’s about Hannah. I want you to be completely honest with me. Is Max Hannah’s dad?” He asked. I knew there had to be a reason for him being here.

“Yes, for the millionth time yes! She is his spitting image! Why would I lie to Max about something that huge! I mean I didn’t tell him because I didn’t know about my pregnancy when I left. But If I did I would have told him!” I exclaim.

“It’s alright. I believe you, though Max is a hard head and won’t be convinced.” Ronnie rolled his eyes.

“Trust me, I know.” I laugh. It was sort of refreshing to see Ronnie and for him to tell me that he believes me. I do have all the proof I’ll need. Hannah looks just like Max’s and is a small metal head just like him. But if he wasn’t so blind then maybe he would notice what this is doing to me.

2 hours later

Two hours have flown by and Ronnie is still in my house. We’re just joking and have a blast along with Allie and Hannah. Ronnie’s phone rang a couple of times but he ignored it. That’s what most people should do in the first place.

“ OK, I think I’d better start going home. My bandmates are probably worried sick about me.” Ronnie sighed while standing up. He walked over to the door and turned the knob to only be faced with none other than…

Max Green himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, my darlings, did you like the update? I hope so!

I might update tomorrow or sometimes during this week. IDK but there will be one up.

I might as well say it, ETF is my obsession!