They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 17


“Hello Leah, Ronnie.” Max said with a fake smile on his lips.

“Uh, Hi.” I said awkwardly. Without another word Max walked into my house without my permission. Ronnie stood at the door while shooting death glares at Max’s back. I fiddled with the sleeve of my hoodie as I waited for Max to start speaking again.

“So, who’s the guy?” He asked.

“What?” I asked him. He lost me at that point.

“Who’s the guy you used to cheat on me?!” He exclaimed.

“ I already fucking told you, I didn’t cheat!” I shout back at him. I may love him and he may be the father of my child but I’m not going to let him walk all over me like that, especially in my house.

“Yes you did! That was your only reason for leaving! You knew that I was going to find out sooner or later.” He spat at me.

“My god, you’re such and idiot.” I mutter to myself.

“Mommy, what’s going on?” I hear a small voice ask. I turned my attention around to a frightened Hannah. She was biting her small nail and her gray eyes would flicker between the three of us.

“Go on Leah, tell her about our conversation.” Max sneered.

“ Shut up Max.” Ronnie growled. Max glared at him.

“Hannah, please go into your room.” I said. Hannah shook her head.

“ I heard screaming. Are all of you mad?” She asked.

“ No, we’re just talking. Please Hannah, go to your room and listen to some music.” I pleaded. Hannah shrugged her head and skipped off to her room. I turned my attention back to the guys and I see Max’s hands balled up into small fists. His knuckles were turning white (which seems impossible but it is) and his nostrils were flared.

“ You always have to lie don’t you.” Max said in a low voice.

“You always have to be an ass don’t you?” Ronnie defended.

“You always have to but into shit that has nothing do with you.” Max retorted.

“You always have the nerve to tell people what they should and shouldn’t do.” I cut in. He is pissing me off. And I’m not cool when you piss me off.

“ Whatever.” Max said, defeated.

“ What the point of you coming over to my house? Because I don’t think it was to start and argument with me.” I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to answer me.

“ Because I think you are lying to me and I want to know why. What on earth possessed you to cheat on me with some other dick? Was I not good enough for you or what?” He asked.

“Are you fucking serious? I’m not going to even answer you. Just get the hell out of my house.” I shut my eyes tight and I waited for him to just leave.

“I’m not moving.” He said.

“ Get the fuck out of my house god damn it! If you won’t suck up your pride to be Hannah’s dad then I guess you can just go.” I snapped. He seemed to get my message because he walked over to the door and walked out of the house. I roll my eyes and I run my fingers through my hair. Ronnie walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m sorry he’s being such an ass.” He murmured.

“It’s alright. Me and Hannah will do fine without him.” I sighed. I didn’t eve know if what I just said was true or not. Ronnie pulled away from me and smiled.

“ You and Hannah are going to be fine. I promise you that.” He smiles. He gave me one kiss on the cheek and walked over to the door. He said his goodbyes and left. I sighed heavily and I walked over to Hannah’s room. I opened the door to find Hannah sitting on her bed. Her thin arms were wrapped around her legs and she was rocking herself slowly.

“Hannah, baby, what’s the matter?” I asked her.

“You-You guys were screaming.” She sobbed. Her gray eyes were tearing up again. I immediately sat on her bed and I brought her onto my lap. I brushed her hair with my fingers and I cooed to her so she would stop crying. We’ll be fine with out Max. We never needed him for anything,

and we never will.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shortness. I wrote this during english class and I got bitched at cause every time she told me not to write I took it back out and kept writing during the lesson.

The man ( or woman in my case) is trying to keep me down! But I refuse!

sorry, I had too much sugar today