They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 18

Leah's POV

It’s been only a couple hours since the argument and I am way over it; I think. I mean, I don’t want to go on with the same crap everyday until I turn all wrinkly and I can’t hear normally, but it gets me angry to know that he can’t trust me and that he thinks I cheated. I’m regretting even coming to New York, maybe I should have moved to California where no one knows me and I could have started off fresh.

Hannah was sitting on the couch, watching Hannah Montana. I know it’s kinda weird but she likes to poke fun at the blond wig. She was giggling at Hannah Montana’s father because of the way he looked. She says that he reminds her of a less hairy version of big foot.

“Hannah, come and eat!” I holler from he kitchen. I heard her squeal and run all the way to the kitchen table. She carefully pulled out the wooden chair and she climbed in it. She folded her hands together and waited for the food to be placed in front of her. I placed her food in front of her and her gray eyes sparkled up. She grabbed her spoon and began to eat her food. I walked towards the living room and I thought that I needed to get away. From everything. From the stress, from Max. From this god damn city. Hell, maybe I could get out of this damn country for at least 2 years. That’s when it finally hit me; I should leave the country, just to get things cleared up. I need time to think everything over and to start fresh.

I quickly ran to the basement and I got out two suitcases. I brought them both up to my room and I began going through everything. Shirt, shoes, pants, you name it I crammed it all in my suitcase. I even had to sit on my suitcase just to get the stupid thing closed.

Once I stuffed everything in I dragged my heavy suitcase down the stairs and I walked into Hannah’s room. I quickly raided her closet and packed everything I could find in her suitcase. I dragged it out of her room and I started to write Allie a letter. I didn’t want to leave and not explain myself.

“Mommy, where are you going?” Hannah asked me. She was desperately trying to read what the letter said but she was too short to see past the table.

“We are going to have a little field trip.” I said while putting the final touches to the letter.

“OK, where are we going?” She asked.

“We’re going to see Europe.” I smile. She scrunched up her face at the thought, but she really doesn’t have another choice, and there’s no way in hell I’m letting her stay with anyone here. I quickly grabbed my jacket and my keys and we both made our way outside. Hannah reached for the car door handle and yanked it open. She got into the car and strapped her seatbelt in. I quickly placed the suitcases into the trunk and I slammed it down. I walked over to the driver’s side and pulled the door open. I pushed the key into the ignition and I sped off to the airport.

Once we both got to the airport I grabbed both of our bags and went straight into the airport. There was an enormous group of strangers there so Hannah grabbed a hold of my hand tighter so she wouldn’t lose me. I pulled her along with the bags and I stopped at a desk. A middle-aged woman smiled at Hannah.

“ Hello. How may I help you?” She asked. There was something about her that was familiar.

“ Yes, I would like two tickets to fly to Finland.” I said. I always wanted to visit Finland and my father was part Finnish so I thought why not? The lady gave me two tickets after I paid her and I pulled Hannah over to the terminal.

“Mommy, I’m bored!” Hannah whined.

“Here you go. Don’t put the volume all the way up or you’ll go deaf.” I warned her while getting my Ipod out of my pocket. She squealed and snatched it out of my hands. I kept looking around the airport and I saw families laughing and playing. I mean complete families. Mother, Father and the children were laughing and enjoying themselves while I find myself in here with my daughter; without Max, leaving for Finland and most likely not to come back.

“Flight 180, to Finland is now boarding.” The woman said over the intercom. I quickly nudged Hannah and she started to walk while I lugged our suitcases. There is no turning back.

And I knew that deep in my heart that I wouldn’t.
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Sorry, I realize these chapters are getting shorter but I seriously have no time between school and other things. I will try an update more but right now I would like some comments!

P.S: Let's get my story to 4 stars!!!!