They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 19

In Helsinki Finland

Leah's POV

“Welcome to Finland. I hope you enjoy your stay.” I woman said in a strong accent. I smile warmly at her and I carry and sleeping Hannah off the plane. I looked around the airport and I smiled. From the inside, the airport seemed well kept. I looked outside of the huge glass window and it was a clear day. The sun was shining high and bright ad the sky looked clear. It was exactly what I needed to think about things clearly without having the pressures of Max, his friends and Allie.

I walked over to the Baggage claim and I easily spotted my luggage. (I don’t think anyone would have two Bouncing Souls suitcases) I quickly got them and I pulled them along with me.

Once I finally got outside of the airport, I hailed a taxi to stop. I saw one in the distance coming towards me. Once the cab driver stopped in front of me he got out and helped me place my bags in the trunk. I quickly got in the back seat and strapped myself in while still carrying Hannah in my arms.

“Were to m’lady?” He asked grinning.

“The nearest hotel.” I said. He nodded and shifts the car into gear. He sped off into the street and I looked outside of the window and saw everyone getting into cars and meeting what I suppose is family members. I looked down at Hannah’s sleeping body and I smile to myself. She’s my little angel and even though Max is acting like a dick, I thank him for giving me my daughter.

Allie’s POV

I walk into the house with an empty feeling within my entire body. I just came back from my boyfriend’s house and I feel like shit. I was sitting on his couch when he came back home drunk. I thought he was just going to pass out somewhere and not talk until the next morning. But he looked at me and smiled. But it wasn’t his regular, it was a creepy smile. He swayed his way over to me and hit me across the face. He kept slurring at me and hitting me. When I would raise my hands up in defense he would yank my hair and hit me over and over again. I shuddered at the thought of him doing that. I kept thinking that it was the alcohol and it was making him like this but I knew that this shouldn’t have an excuse.

I walked into the kitchen and I threw my keys onto the kitchen table when notice a small paper on the table. My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to read what the note said. It said:

Dear Allie,

As you read this you may wonder what the hell possessed me to do this and you’ll probably freak out. But I decided to move…. Out of the country. I know you must have a lot of questions to ask but you have to understand me. I can’t take all the pressures that are in New York. With Max, you, the guys, and my job everything was getting out of control, so I left to clear my head and to get back on track.

I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I promise I’ll call when I’m finally settled. Hopefully you aren’t pissed off or anything. And I hope I can visit you.

Xoxo: Leah.

P.S: Don’t tell the guys that I left. It causes less drama.

My mouth hung open and I dropped the note. I have to pay for this place by myself! Are you fucking kidding me? I can barely pay my bills let alone a house! Sure I helped out with paying for the house, but I can’t do it by myself. And I can’t move in with Dave because I never know what he’s going to do. I sigh in frustration and I grab the phone. I dialed her cell number and let it ring for a couple of seconds.

“Hello?” She asked.

“Hey Leah, it’s Allie.” I said calmly. You have no fucking idea how hard that was for me.

“Oh, hey Allie. I suppose that you already read the note I left.” She said.

“Oh yeah. I did. How can I put this in a way that doesn’t make me seem angry? Oh I’m sorry, there’s no other way!” I holler.

“Look, I’m sorry. You knew everything was getting crazy. I need time to myself and I need to get away from Max.” She explained.

“But you forgot a tiny detail. How the fuck am I going to pay for this house by myself?” I shrieked.

“I don’t know. Move in with Dave.” She suggested. I swallowed hard.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll find a small apartment.” I said.

“That could work. Look I got to go. I’ll call when I can.” Leah said before hanging up.

I sighed and I looked around me. Everything seemed empty to me. I was all alone in this house with no one to talk to or to help me out with Dave. This is going to get complicated. I just know it.

Back in Finland.

Leah’s POV

Right now me and Hannah are in a hotel room in Helsinki and it wasn’t the best room but it didn’t look like shit; which is the good thing. I was in my shorts and my Metallica hoodie. Hannah was wearing the same clothes and was ripping off the heads of her Barbies.

I just finished talking to Allie and she seemed very angry with me. I knew that she would be and I knew she was going to ask me how she was going to pay for the house, but she doesn’t have to keep the house. She can sell it and get a place of her own or move in with Dave.

“Mommy. Why did we have to leave?” Hannah asked me while ripping off the arms to the Ken doll.

“ Because we needed to start over. Some place new. And besides, I always wanted to explore Europe.” I explained. She shrugged her shoulders and continued to rip apart the dolls. I walked into the kitchen and saw that there was nothing to eat so I decided to look around Finland for a bit. I changed into my skinny jeans and I tied my hair up into a messy ponytail. When I opened the door Hannah bolted out of the room and into the hallway. I shook my head and closed the door. I shoved the key into my pocket and I walked towards an eager Hannah.

20 minutes later

“Mommy, can we please go to a bookstore?” Hannah asked. She gave me the big puppy dog eyes and batted her eyelashes at me. It’s obvious that I couldn’t say no to her. She squeaked and pulled me over to a small store. We both walked inside and we saw at least 30 people in the store with books in their hands. Everything was different. The books were all in Finnish and it was messier than the bookstores in New York. We walked around for a bit when Hannah accidentally bumped into a woman.

“Oh my god, I’m sorry.” I apologized. The woman didn’t seem bothered. She appeared to be about 21. She had Chocolate brown hair that reached her shoulder and bright Aquamarine eyes. She seemed to e at least 5’7 and she was curvy. I could see a couple of tattoos on her arms and wrists. She had about three piercings on each ear and she had a stud on the right side of her nose.

“It’s alright.” She smiled warmly

“I’m Alex.” She reached out her hand and I shook it.

“I’m Leah and this is my daughter Hannah.” I pointed down to my smiling angel. Alex looked down at Hannah and gave a small smile. Alex seemed incredibly friendly and complete sane (I hope). She asked me and Hannah if she wanted to show us around town. I nodded and she took us to various places. Everything seemed so surreal to me. I was in Finland with Hannah and I was going to start a new life here. It just seems crazy but I’ll make it work.

Allie’s POV

I quickly search every cabinet in the house, looking for a small book that Leah kept in a drawer. It was her phone book. I had to call the guys and tell them that she left. I don’t think Max would give two shits but I know everyone else would.

When I finally found the damn book I searched through it, looking for their names. I quickly found Brian’s and I dialed it. I was jumping and I was practically in a panic.

“Hello?” He asked. Thank you sweet Jesus.

“Uh Hi. This is Allie, Leah’s friend.” I said awkwardly.

“ Oh, H-hi.” He replied.

“Um, I don’t know how you are going to take this but Leah left.” I said. I sucked in my breath and waited for the explosion.

“Wait, Leah moved where?” He asked.

“ Out of the country.” I said. I could hear him screaming profanities and paper ruffling on the other line.

“Shit. Can I come over with the guys and maybe we’ll get this straightened out.” Brian said.

“Yeah, you guys can come over right now.” I assured.

“OK, we’ll be there in 30 minutes.” That was the last thing he said before the call was ended. I sighed and grabbed the note. I shoved it into my pocket and I waited for the guys to come. I looked around and thought:

How could she just leave me?
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Hey guys sorry for the wait! I've been too busy with projects and shit and I feel like crap,

comments would make me feel better!

Oh and uh........ HAPPY FUCKING B-DAY GERARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!