They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 20

Allie’s POV

I sat in the living room, waiting impatiently for the guys to come over so we could talk about Leah. I thought about what the guys were going to say or who would even show up. I don’t Max would even think about coming since he fought with Leah and all. I ultimately I should be pissed off with him because if it weren’t for his bitching, she would still be here. I heard chatter on the outside of the house and I quickly ran up to the door and opened it to be face to face with five faces. They all kept talking at once, they kept asking, “where’s Leah?” and “why the fuck did you let her go?” I raised my hands up and I already got sick of it.

“Everyone just shut up!” I hollered. They all quieted down and entered the house. I sighed and slammed the door against its hinges. They all sat in the living room waiting for me to explain what happed. That’s not going to be easy since I don’t even know that much.

“Ok. Today when I got home I found this note on the table. She says that she left the U.S and that she needed time to think to herself. Obviously this asshole had to make her feel like crap and make her go away.” I said while looking at Max.

“What do you mean I made her go away? It’s not like a made her disappear off the face of the earth.” He retorted.

“You idiot. If you hadn’t upset her then she would still be here!” I snap. It truly is his fault.

“Well, I didn’t push her on the plane. She carried her skinny ass by herself.” He crossed him arms over his chest and glared at me. I returned the gesture by flipping him off.

“OK, did she mention where she went off to?” Ronnie asked hopefully.

“No. All she wrote was that she left the country.” I sighed.

“Well, is she picking up her phone?” Robert asked.

“ I did talk to her but she didn’t tell me where she was. She refused to tell me.” I said.

“Why are we even talking about this? Let her go off and “clear her head”. Maybe she might come back pregnant again.” Max said sarcastically. I slammed my fist down onto the little table.

“Don’t talk about her you asshole. If you say one more thing I swear to god that I will rip your spine out and do the Mexican hat dance with it. Do I make myself clear!” I asked. He got the idea and didn’t speak after that.

“OK. Awkward.” Omar said while scratching the back of his neck.

“So, what are we going to do?” Bryan asked. I never realized how cute he looks.

“Well, I think we should just leave her alone. Let her come back on her own.” Ronnie suggested.

“But if she calls or something, tell her to call us so we can know that she’s OK.” Ronnie quickly added. I nodded and we all began to talk. Max was the only one not speaking. I don’t think it was my threat that made him shut up, I think it was the thought that Leah wasn’t here and neither was Hannah. Maybe he’s starting to realize what a major prick he was being.

1 year later

It’s been one crazy year and things have looked up. I’ve chatted with Leah on AIM and I got to see how big Hannah is getting. Dave was arrested for abuse and was sentenced to a life of prison. I am NOT single. I’m actually dating Bryan. We started dating about the same time that Dave got locked up. The guys have been making good progress with their fame and have been touring like crazy. Though Max seems quieter. He doesn’t hang out with the guys and he keeps to himself a lot of the time. The guys have also talked with Leah and she says that she’s doing fine. She said the she might visit pretty soon if she gets the chance and that she might bring over a friend that she made. I can’t wait to meet her.

I was in my car, driving over to the guys’ house. I was going to hang out with the guys and just chill since I get lonely in my apartment. I sold the house only a couple days after Leah left. I’ve been paying my own bills and my rent and I’ve been all right so far.

I came to King street and I stopped at the small light that intersected between two streets. I waited for the light to turn green so that I could arrive to Bryan's place house. The only thing I could feel was the side door push against my body and hears horns blaring in my ears. I could feel excruicating pain surging throught my body. I felt light headed and my vision was starting to blur. I looked down and saw that blood was spilling everywhere and then,

it became pitch black.

Bryan’s POV

An hour has passed and Allie still hasn’t come over yet. I’ve tried calling her cell phone and she doesn’t pick up. I sighed and ran my hand through my black hair. Hope she’s OK.

I waited for a bit when the phone began to ring. I quickly got up and answered the call. It was a number that I didn’t know of.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Yes, is This Bryan?” The strange person asked.

“Yes, who is this?” I asked.

“Hi, I am Dr. Freeman from Manhattan Hospital. I am sorry to inform that Allie Silva was in a car accident and she died on Impact.” The man said. My breath was caught in my throat and couldn’t speak. I dropped the phone and I said nothing. All I could do was let those words sink into my head. Max came out of his room and gave me a puzzled look.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asked, I looked at him and I was about to start crying. Yes I said crying.

“Allie’s dead.” I whisper. I let my head drop and I could feel Max’s stare on the back of my head. I felt him walk over to where I was sitting and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I felt my tears trickle down my face and I felt my world crashing down on me. I knew I was going to have to call Leah and tell her for myself.

Leah’s POV

“Mommy, Alex called me short!” Hannah whined.

“But here’s the thing, you are short Hannah.” I laugh at her while she pouts. So far everything has gone smoothly except the whole ax situation. I don’t ever want to talk to him again. All I know is that Bryan ended up asking out Allie and they’re dating, other than that I don’t really talk to any of them.

If you guys remember, Alex was the one that showed us around Finland and taught us everything we know. Alex is now my best friend and I could tell her anything and she could do the same with me. I told her about Max and she said not to worry about him. I was better off without him. And it’s true.

I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket whiel I was picking up in the apartment. I quickly got my cell phone out and saw that was Bryan calling. I flipped my phone open and I answered his call.

“ Hey Bryan, what’s up?” I asked. I thought I heard him cry for a second.

“Leah, something terrible has happened. Allie was supposed to come over to our house and she was in a car accident. The doctors said she died on impact.” I heard Bryan sobbing. My mind began to register everything he told me and my mind shut off. I sooned realized that the one person that stuck it out with me is now dead. My eyes began to water and my hand covered my mouth to muffle out the sobs. I fell down on my knees and I full out started to cry.

Why her?
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Hey guys! this is my second update today! I guess cause it's Gerard fucking Way's Birthday! I'm sorry that Allie died but that's part of my story!

comments and suggestions are welcome!