They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 21

Leah’s POV

“Leah, what’s wrong?” Alex asked me while giving me a hug.

“ My best friend is dead.” I sobbed. I hand my hands in my hair and my tears were falling down my cheeks. My head was throbbing in pain from all of the crying but I couldn’t help it. How would you feel if your best friend died? Pretty much like shit I bet.

“Mommy, why are you crying?” Hannah asked.

“Hannah, we have to go back to New York.” I said while wiping the stream of tears that were on my face.

“Why?” She asked.

“Hannah, just get your suitcase and put your things in, we have to go.” I said while going into my room and pulling my suitcase out. I started stuffing clothes into the suitcase and I grabbed anything I could find. Alex was watching me with a sad look on her face.

“Do you want me to go with you? You know for support?” She asked cautiously. She knows how I get when I’m upset.

“Uh, sure.” I responded. She shrugged her shoulders ad walked over to her room to pack her stuff. My vision was blurry because of my tears. My nose was stuffy and I felt like crap. In the back of my head I knew I was going to have to see Bryan because Allie was his girlfriend. I grabbed my cell hone and I dialed Ronnie’s phone number.

“ Hey this is the Ronsrter, Not here right now, you know what to do.” His answering machine said before it ended with a beep.

“Hey Ronnie, it’s Leah. I’m coming back to New York for a bit with a friend. Call me when you get this message.” I said before I snapped my phone shut. I sighed and sat down on my bed. I rubbed my temple and I shut my eyes. I needed to think. I needed to breath before I did something hastily. I have no place to stay in New York and I’m basically going to have to organize everything for Allie’s funeral along with Bryan.

Next day

I woke up to “scream aim and fire” on my cell phone. I grumbled and I picked up the call.

“What?” I asked while rubbing my eyes.

“Now Leah is that such a way to treat your friends?” Ronnie laughed.

“Shut up ass wipe. What do you want?” I asked.

“Well, I’m calling because you called first.” He giggled.

“ Oh well, I’m guessing you heard about Allie right?” I asked him.

“Yeah, poor Bryan has been moping all week.” He responded.

“I could imagine. Listen, I’m coming back to NY to arrange the funeral for Allie. I need a place to stay.” I said.

“ No problem. We have extra rooms in our house.” Ronnie said. I smiled and thanked him. After that he hung up our call and I proceeded to do my routine.

After I finished my makeup I walked over to my room and I once again began to pack my stuff. I’m not happy about seeing my friends’ lifeless body let alone having to plan on having her buried six feet under ground. But also I really don’t want to see Max. It’s the one thing I don’t want to have to face.

Once I finished, I dragged my suitcase down stairs and I waited for Hannah and Alex to come down with their stuff. “Mommy, can you help me?” Hannah asked. I laughed and walked over to Hannah’s room. When I opened the door I saw Hannah bouncing on her suitcase, trying desperately to close it. I giggle and she gave me a shy smile. I walked over to her and help shut her suitcase.

When we got her suitcase shut, I dragged it into the living room and I saw that Alex was sitting on the armrest of the couch. She was waiting for me and Hannah.

“Finally! I thought you were never going to get out!” She said jokingly. I pushed her and carried my suitcase and Hannah’s over to our car. I opened the trunk to our car and placed my suitcase in a long with Hannah’s and Alex’s. We all strapped ourselves in and Alex turned on the car. She backed out of our driveway and she drove off to the airport.

After the flight

“Hannah, it’s time to wake up.” I said while shaking her gently. She mumbled something incoherently and tried to open her pale gray eyes. She rubbed her small hands against her tired eyes and then reached her arms out. I wrapped them around my neck and carried her off the plane while Alex walked behind us. Once we got out of the crowded plane we entered the terminal where there were hundreds, maybe in even thousands of people meeting with family and claiming their luggage. Before the plane landed I called Ronnie and told him that I was arriving today with a friend. He said that it wasn’t a problem and that he would get to the airport. So me, Alex and a sleeping Hannah went over to claim our bags and wait for their slow Asses. When we got our bags, we walked over to the chairs and sat down for a bit. It was a long trip from Finland to New York, let alone boring. So for me, it was nice having Alex to talk to.

“Well, look who it is! It’s Lee-bear!” Some squeaked. My head snapped up and I saw the guys standing all in a group. Everyone was smiling, except one. It really doesn’t take a scientist to figure out which one of them wasn’t smiling.

“Hey guys.” I said softly so I didn’t have to wake up Hannah. They all looked at her and then they looked at Max. There was no expression on his face. He kept staring at Hannah’s sleeping body without saying one word. I felt awkward and told the guys that my luggage was over there with Alex. Ronnie’s mouth gaped when he saw Alex and I smirked. This visit was going to be very interesting for all of us.
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Today I celebrate my one year anniversary of being on mibba! For some reason, the joined date on my profile is messed up but today is my day!!!!!!

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