They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 23

Leah’s POV

The next couple days were complete torture for me. When I told Max that he couldn’t be apart of my life I knew I was completely lying. I want him and I need him. I want to be a whole family but I was being pulled by two sides, my heart and my mind. My mind said that I should just give it up and let Hannah have her father, but my heart said to allow him back. I knew which one I wanted, but I was too stupid to choose the one I wanted.

“Leah, come and eat, you look pale.” Alex said while grabbing my arm gently and pulling me over to the table.

“I’m always pale.” I replied back.

“Not as pale as this. Now eat.” She commanded.

“I’m not hungry.” I said bleakly.

“You are going to eat. I’m not going to let you like those anorexic models.” Alex said while taking some food and putting it in my mouth. Truth be told I was starving, but I was too depressed to really give a shit. I grabbed the fork and I stuffed the food into my mouth. Alex smiled and walked out of the room. I swallowed the food and I threw the rest away. I stood up and I walked over to my room. I was surprised to see Hannah in my room.

“Hi baby.” I said while walking over to her.

“Hi.” She responded.

“What’s wrong? I thought you would be with Max.” I said.

“Why didn’t you tell me he was my daddy?” She asked. I knew there was something wrong with her.

“Because things were getting complicated. But he knows now.” I said.

“ I know, he told me. H also told me we couldn’t be a family.” She said. That caught me off guard.

“ Hannah, me and Max talked it over, we can’t be a family.” I explained.

“Why not?” She said while looking at me dead in the eyes.

“Because too many things have happened between us.” I said.

“It doesn’t matter. Nothing does anymore.” She said before getting up and walking out of my room. I gave a frustrated sigh and sat on my bed. For a five year old she sure is smart, hell, I think the only thing I did when I was five was pick my nose and cry.

“Hey Leah, I found this in my room crying.” Max said jokingly while carrying a sleeping Hannah in his arms.

“Thanks, just leave her with Alex. I need to plan things for the funeral.” I said while striding past him. I didn’t need to look back to know that he kept staring at me. I just needed to leave for a moment to get things under control in my head.

Max’s POV

I look at Leah’s retreating back and I sigh heavily. Even after all this time, I still love her like the naïve 17 year old I was back then. I want to give it another chance with her, I want to repair the mistakes I have made, but she’s not allowing me in. But I’ll be damned if I can’t be with her. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make her reconsider. And I’m going to get everyone’s help whether they like it or not.

Next day

“Daddy, wake up!” Someone yelled.

“Hi Hannah.” I grumbled.

“Please daddy wake up!” She sad while shaking my limp shoulders. I didn’t want to get up. I wanted to stay and bed and just sleep away my troubles.

“Daddy!” She whined.

“What do you want?” I asked her.

“ I have an idea to get mommy back.” She said. My head shot up.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked her.

“ I can’t tell you.” And with that she jumped off my bed and she ran off. I sat there confused for ten minutes, just wondering what Hannah was thinking. Maybe it could work, and my god I hope it does.

2 hours later

Leah’s POV

“Mommy, come on! I want to show you something!” Hannah squealed while pulling me towards the kitchen. She has been acting all silly today and she keeps saying that she has a secret that she can’t tell me, but she’s going to show me right now. I want to know what this is all about.

I saw that the table was set up kindergarten style. There were napkins and two chairs. The kitchen curtains were opened wide so all of the light was hitting the tiny table. There were two plates and small teacups placed on the table.

“ Are we having a tea party?” I asked her.

“Hold on. Close your eyes mommy!” She smiled. I covered my eye while have a smirk placed on lips. I heard her tiny feet running away and I took a peek. She was gone. I wonder where she ran off to.

“Mommy, I coming back, your eyes better be closed.” She giggled. I closed the little whole in my hands that allowed me to see and I smiled. I felt heavy footsteps coming towards the small table.

“OK mommy, you can open your eyes now.” Hannah giggled. I removed my hands and I saw Max sitting right beside me. I looked over to Hannah and she put a sandwich in the middle of us and I glass of orange juice.

“Uh, Hannah, there’s only one glass.” Max pointed out.

“ I know.” She said before putting two straws. She skipped away merrily and I started to laugh a long with Max.

“ I swear I had nothing to do with this.” He laughed.

“ I figured.” I responded. He shrugged his shoulders and he split the sandwich in half. He handed it over to me and I ate it. We didn’t touch the glass of Orange juice though; we thought it would inappropriate in this situation.

“ So Leah, why do you think Hannah would try and pull a stunt like this?” He asked.

“Well, I’m guessing she’s trying to do something romantic for us.” I said while cleaning my mouth with the napkin.

“ Well, I wouldn’t blame her. We are her parents after all.” He laughed.

“ Hey Leah, do you wonder what would have happened if your mom hadn’t showed up?” He asked. His Gray eyes were looking at me as if he was trying to search for an answer.

“I always have. I can never forget that day as much as I would like to.” I murmur. That was an honest answer.

“ I would give anything to go back in time and stop everything that happened on that day. I should have been there with you.” He replied.

“ No. I was the one who took off and never talked to you.” I said. I felt complete shit now.

“I missed you so much and it drove me crazy to know I didn’t have you next to me when I slept.” He said while caressing my cheek with his thumb. I closed my eyes for a second to spot the potential tears forming in my eyes when I felt the cool, metal of his lip ring against my lips. He didn’t put pressure or force, we just sat there. My brain was flooding with different emotions that I haven’t felt since I was 17 years old.

“Are you two in love yet?” a small voice asked. That made me and Max break apart and laugh.

“ Who wants to know?” Max asked.

“Me.” She squeaked. She ran over to Max and jumped on his lap. She giggled and hugged his upper half.

“ Can we be a family now?” She asked whiel looking up at Max’s face. He looked over to me and I thought for a moment. Should I give it a try? Or should I just move on? I kept looking back at them and I tried to think what was going to be good for all of us.

“Of course we can sweetheart.” I said Max and Hannah both smiled widely.

“Really?” She asked. I nodded and she jumped off Max and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and looked at Max. He had a huge smile plastered on his face and looked liked he wanted to hug us both. It’s kinda ironic how a crappy situation brought a happy one. If it wasn’t for Allie, I wouldn’t be here as happy as I am. And I thank her for that.
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Hey guys! my first long update in a while! tell me what you guys think!!!!!

Oh and sorry for stealing the Full House moment but I thought that episode was too cute.

and for you people who don't watch Full house....... You guys have no clue what I'm talking about so don't pay attention to this (except the comment part)