They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 24

Leah’s POV

Day of the funeral

Today I was up at 6:30 in the morning, getting ready for the funeral that was happening in the afternoon. I wasn’t excited about it but I have to do it anyway; I mean come on, who would want to see a body decay, especially if it’s your best friend’s?

I walked over into Max’s room and saw that he was sprawled on his bed with his arm hanging off the side of the bed. I smiled and walked over to him. I placed my cold hand over his bare shoulder and his eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning sunshine.” I smiled. He yawned and stretched himself out. He lazily got up from the bed and rubbed his gray eyes. He wrapped his tattooed arm around me and kissed me tenderly on the lips.

“ And good morning to you too.” He smiled a toothy grin before leaving towards the bathroom. I smiled and I walked out of his room and headed over to Hannah’s room. I walked through the dimly lit hallways and I found some old pictures of the guys hanging on the walls and them in their goofy antics. You just have to look at the pictures to see how funny they are.

I slowly opened the door and I poked my head through the door and I saw Hannah sleeping on her bed while clutching her black gloomy bear. I walked over to her and brushed her naturally black hair and I whispered to her to get up. She mumbled something in her sleep and turn so her back was facing me.

“Hannah, please wake up.” I shook her gently.

“Mommy?” She asked sleepily.

“Yeah Hannah, it’s time to get up.” I said. She nodded and stretched her arms out. I wrapped her arms around my neck and I carried her out of the room and into the kitchen. The rest of the guys were up and were eating their breakfast. No one was talking; today didn’t seem like that type of day.

Bryan looked liked he hasn’t slept in 5 years. His eyes were shot and he could barely keep his head up. His hair was everywhere and he was distant. He didn’t look up at anyone and he didn’t want to notice anything. I could tell he felt like the scum of the earth today, and I don’t blame him either, I feel that way too.

By now, everyone was dressed and ready to go to the cemetery. Hannah was in a little black dress with a white ribbon wrapped around her stomach. I was in dress pants and a black blouse. I didn’t have any make up on and my hair was let down so it went past my shoulders. Alex wasn’t going to the funeral, she didn’t know Allie that well and she didn’t want to be a disturbance. But she did tell me to send her condolences to Allie’s family. It was sweet of her and I respect her decision not to go.

“Come on! We’re going to be late!” I hollered. Everyone walked out of the house and piled into the SUV. Once everyone was strapped in I pushed the key into the ignition and I heard the roar of the engine. I set the car into reverse and we all headed off the to the cemetery.

1 hour later

Once the funeral was over, we all decided that we didn’t want to stick around anymore. It was to hard seeing her tombstone and to see everyone so upset. Everyone was bawling their eyes out, including some of the guys.

Hannah was very upset about it. She didn’t want to leave at all, she wanted to stay, but we all had to go home and rest. I basically had to drag her into the car. But after 10 minutes of being in the car she fell asleep on Max’s lap.

Right now, everyone was in the living room, jus relaxing after the stressful day that we all had. Hannah was sleeping in Max’s room and max was sitting right beside me with his arm around my shoulders. Me and Max explained what was going to happen between us and they all seemed fine with it.

“So, what are we going to do now?” Alex asked. She was sitting beside Ronnie and it looked liked his pants were about to explode. I knew he liked her. And I knew he was totally going to cream himself if he didn’t take care of his little problem any time soon. Lucky for him that no one else noticed, but I saw anyway.

“ I-uh have to use the bathroom.” Ronnie said before running out of the living room and slamming the bathroom door shut. I began to laugh bat how red he was getting just sitting next to Alex.

“What’re you laughing at?” Robert asked.

“ Nothing, I just was thinking of a memory I had with Allie.” I lied, but it seemed a little more appropriate than Ronnie’s raging hard on.

“ Well, I think I’m gunna hit the hay.” Omar said while standing up and walking over to his room. Robert and Bryan soon did the same and closed their bedroom doors leaving me and Max and Alex alone.

“Well, I think I’m going to go and get a coffee.” Alex said while going up stairs and grabbing her keys and Jacket from her room. When Alex was completely out of sight, Max turned around to me.

“Leah, why were you laughing?” Max asked.

“It was nothing.” I said.

“Come on, most people I know don’t laugh out of no where. Please tell me.” He pleaded.

“Fine, didn’t you notice that Ronnie was squirming in his seat?” I asked.

“ A little.” He replied.

“Well, I think it’s because he likes Alex.” I said.

“Aw, my Ronnie-Bear has a crush!” Max said while cupping his cheeks in sheer amazement. I laughed at him and punched his shoulder.

“ I know it’s cute.” I said.

“ We have to get them together!” He squealed.

“Oh my god, are you sure you’re not gay?” I asked. His smooth lips formed and ‘ o’ and he huffed.

“No I am not gay, but you have to admit it’s adorable to see him like that.” He said. I nodded in response. Ronnie is the typical rock star that could get any girl at any time with only the snap of his fingers. He would score with any chick and then tell it to his friends; though I don’t approve of that, I still know that Ronnie is the sweet guy I have come to know and love. And he wouldn’t be a bad match for Alex.

“Yeah, he’s usually not like that. It would be cute to see them both together.” I said. Max had a mischievous grin on his face and a returned the gesture. It would be a fun “experiment” to see what it would be like. Seeing as they are practically twins expect a few minor details.

“What are you talking about?” Alex said while coming down the stairs and sitting down on the black leather couch.

“Not much. I’m kinda wondering whether I should stay in the U.S now.” I said. Sure I wasn’t telling the truth, but I wasn’t exactly lying to her. I am concerned about that too.

“Oh, and what do you think?” She asked.

“Well, I guess I’m going to stay. I can’t take Hannah away from her dad or vise versa.” I said.

“Oh, well I guess I’ll stay too.” She sighed.

“Wait, why do you want to stay, I thought you would go back to Finland.” I said. I was pretty shocked that she would make that decision.

“ Well, I love Finland, but without you and Hannah there’s not much to do or someone to talk to. I’d rather stay here with you guys instead of killing myself with boredom.” She smiled.

“Aw, she really does love me!” I said over dramatically. I stood up and gave her a huge hug.

“ You know I’ll always love you!” She replied back to me.

“Hey! Leah’s MY girl!” Max pouted. I laughed and went over to kiss him on the lips. He wrapped his arm loosely around my waist and smiled. Things are starting to look up, I’m with Max, Hannah finally has both parents, and my best friend is resting in peace. But my new obstacle:

Get Alex and Ronnie to get together.
♠ ♠ ♠

Cookies and skittles to all of you!
