They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 3

Leah’s POV

I woke up to muffled footsteps down stairs. I clutched a handful of my hair and cringe at the pain of my migraine. Thank freaking God that it’s Saturday AND that my mom doesn’t come back until tomorrow night. I sat straight up in my bed and immediately got dizzy. I mobbed my temples in a circular motion to ease my pain. I swing my legs over the edge of my bed when I hear:


I pause for a second and loook over the edge of my bed. And there lying helplessly was Max. I was shocked to (a) find him in my room and (b) That he’s sleeping with MY pillow on MY floor.

“Good morning” He while yawning in mid sentence.

“And good morning to you to… Um… Why are you in my room?” I asked, completely freaked out.

“What? You don’t remember what happened last night?” Max asked while ruffling his hair.

Nope, Care to explain what happened?” I asked with worry in the tone of my voice.

“Well we were drinking and we were giggling like retards when some Jackass threw a shot at you. I got defensive and I basically played mercy on the son of a bitch, while you on the other hand got into a bar fight with some slut and you smashed her head with a bottle”. Max said all in one breath.

Really? You mean we didn’t….?” I asked while turning a slight shade of pink.

“What? Oh no, I’m not like that.” Max said while standing up to stretch.

“So you mean… We didn’t do anything?” I asked him, getting more embarrassed now.

“Nope, that I remember.” He sighed and got up.

I sat in my bed and watched him walk out of my room. I sighed in relief that I didn’t do anything stupid with Max. I lazily got up and walked down stairs to see all of the guys sprawled out all over my living room.

“What time is it?” I asked no one in particular.

“About 11:30. What are we going to do today cause my head is KILLING ME!” Omar said.
“I dunno, we could just hang out here for the night I guess.” I suggested.

“Naw, I feel lie going to burger King for some reason.” Max said.

“You and burger king, that’s like Casey Calvert with Grilled cheese.” Bryan said while shaking his head.

“ I can go with you.” I said talking directly to Max.

He shrugged his shoulders and locked himself in my bathroom. I sighed and went into the kitchen to make myself a pot of coffee. Coffee is my sweet addiction. I took out the coffee mix and poured in water and coffee mix into the pot. In only seconds the smell of coffee penetrated the air with it’s delicious aroma. I got the pot and poured my cup. I sat down at my kitchen table and quietly sipped my coffee.

Once done with my coffee I got up and stormed up to the bathroom. It’s been 20 minuets since Max has gone in there and he STILL hasn’t come out yet. I walk up to the door and start banging on it loudly.


“I’m coming, gosh woman.” He replied through the door.

“That’s it, I’m coming in there.” I said.

I bet down and removed a clip from my hair that was poking my head. I took the thin side of it and poked it through the tiny whole in the knob. I quickly started to move it until I heard a click. I removed the clip and barged right in to see him using my eyeliner.

“WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!?!?!” I asked.

“A guy can’t put on make up with a moment of peace can he?” He asked me while throwing his hands into the air.


“OK, sounds like somebobody’s on her period.” He smirked.

Completely unaware of what I was doing I brung my knee up to his crotch and kneed him. In an instant he grabbed a hold of his “happy area” and crouched down to the floor. He rolled on the floor while cursing uncontrollably. I stood there with a feeling of accomplishment. I walked out of the bathroom or should I say skipped my way back into the living room with everyone looking at me with bulging eyes.

“What the hell was that all about?” Omar asked me.

“The mother fucker took my eyeliner and he was taking FOREVER just to put some on.” I stated while showing them my eyeliner.

“I knew he was a girl, But 20 minuets to put some eyeliner on totally crosses that line.” Ronnie giggled. (Yes he giggles, everyone does it).

Everyone started to laugh. It was pretty cool to hang out with these guys even though I knew them for 24 hours. They are all really funny and cool and completely laid back, but something about Max that is a little weird. We were both completely wasted and he took me home in the middle of the night and he didn’t try to do anything? Most guys I knew like him would totally take advantage of the situation.

20 minutes later

20 minuets after my little “encounter” with Max he finally straightened himself out and rejoined me and the guys. No one mentioned me hitting him in his happy place but I knew it was going to be brought up sometime tomorrow when they leave. Max sat on the couch right beside Omar and Robert. I knew he was going to avoid me since I practically made it so he couldn’t be able to have children anymore.

“Hey Leah are we still going to Burger King?” Max asked in a childish tone.

“Maybe, if you wouldn’t hog the bathroom we could have been back by now.” I stated with a smirk.

“OK enough, can we just go?” He asked again.

“OK.” I sighed at got up.

I went into the kitchen and got my keys from the counter top. I opened the side door of my house that led to the driveway of my house. I opened the door of my car and got in. I waited for Max’s slow ass to get into my car. He slowly walked over to the car and pulled the door open. He got in and strapped his seatbelt in. I pushed my keys into the ignition and w sped of to Burger King.

10 minuets later

We arrived only minuets later to burger king. I was surprised to see that it wasn’t that full. Maybe people are just too lazy to get up and order food. We both walked into the line and waited for our turn to order. Max was looking around and making funny faces at old people that were sitting at tables that were near us. It was pretty funny actually. I think those ladies think that Max is retarded.

15 minuets later

Me and Max had already ordered our meals. He got a chicken sandwich and I got a salad. I’m a vegetarian and I’ve hated meat since I was 10 years old. I always swore to myself that I would never eat meat again since the day I found out where meat came from. We have been talking about one another and how we grew up, all of that bunch of crap.

“Hey, you want to play 20 questions?” Max suggested.

“Make it ten ‘Cause It’s getting late.” I said while looking at the clock.

“OK, Where were you born?” He started off.

“ Bellville New Jersey. Where were you born?” I asked.

“Las Vegas Nevada.” He asnswered.

It went on like that for about 13 minuets until we both left the fast food joint laughing our Asses off. You see Max wanted to see how long it would take one of the old ladies to come over and ask if he was mentally disabled. He started making these weird ass noises in the restaurant and I was trying desperately not to burst out laughing. It took no longer than 4 minuets for one of them to ask. Max loved the reaction so much that he decided to have turrets syndrome and throw a meat patty at someone’s head. We ended up getting chased out of burger King and being cursed out by the old ladies. We both ran into my car still laughing, trying to catch a breath.

“That’s the most fun I’ve EVER had in burger king before.” I giggled.

“Yup, now I think we’re at our last question.” Max said while strapping himself in.

“Yeah we have one more left, so go ahead.” I told him while starting up the engine.

“OK…. Would you ever consider going out with one of the guys, and if yes say who.” He declared proudly.

I stop in my tracks and thought about the question. Was this a sign saying that he was into me or was it just another regular question? Oh God damn it I’m confused! I never viewed them more as my friends, besides, they’re my neighbors. Why would I ever want one of them like that?

“Are you going to sit there or are you going to answer the question?” Max asked impatiently.

“Well… I…..
Ha-ha, I left it as a cliffhanger. I seriously want some comments on this one I worked all yesterday and today just to finish it. I like it so far so keep those comments coming! Love: Aiden.