They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 4

Leah’s POV

“Well..I…Um . I trailed off.

“Aww! Is the question uncomfortable for Leah?” Max said in a baby tone.

“No. I mean come one I just met you yesterday.. And you guys are my new neighbors. I’m not won over by immature boys.” I stated smartly.

“But.. Still…” He trailed off as well.

“But still what?” I asked completely intrigued about his strange behavior.

“It’s just a question, nothing more and nothing less.” He said while finding his nail very interesting at the particular moment.

“OK. Well Now I wouldn’t go out with anyone of you guys.” I said while pulling out of the parking lot.

The car ride back to my place was silent. That question caught me off guard. Not in a million years did I think he would ask me that. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him play with his thumbs ever 2 minuets that passed by in awkward silence.

15 minuets later

15 minuets later me and Max got out of the car and walked back to my front step. Max anxiously pulled on his hoodie and shivered because of the cold air that was surrounding his body. I pulled my house keys out of my pocket when I heard a crash inside of my house. I looked at Max I quickly shoved the key inside the lock and opened the door. I looked around my house to see if I could find the guys. Nothing. Not in the living room. Not near my room.

“Oi. Where the fuck are you idiots?”Max scoffed. We got no response.

“Ronnie, Omar, Robert, Bryan, Get your ass here, NOW!!!!” I exclaimed.

Without wasting any time, all of the guys came trailing through from my basement. One by one they came up giggling like idiots and had cheesy grins on their faces. I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot lightly on the hard wood floor. They all immediately stopped giggling and looked at me with dead eyes.

“What the fuck did you guys break?” I asked, getting straight to the point.

“We didn’t breaking anything.” They all said in unison.

“Really? Well if you didn’t break anything, what was that hard smashing I heard through the door?” I asked, getting annoyed with the situation.

“Well… We…Kinda broke your toaster.” Ronnie said while avoiding eye contact and rubbing the back of his neck.

“And what was your reason for breaking my toaster?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“Well. We got hungry and decided to look through your fridge. We wanted to make toast but Omar got the toast stuck in the toaster and we wanted to get it unstuck we put a fork in the toaster and the fork got stuck too so Robert thought that if he smashed it on the ground that it would loosen up and give us the toast and the fork but it ended up breaking.” Bryan said in one breath.

“….OUT!!!!!!!” I exclaimed.

Without wasting a moment all of the boys ran for my out of my house. I put my hand in my hair and pulled it a little. I went down stairs to my basement to see what the destruction of my toaster on the ground. I picked up some of the pieces and I found that the piece of toast and the fork were out.

“So much for breaking my toaster…” I mutter to myself.

“I decide leaving my toaster there until my mother comes back tomorrow. I’m WAY too lazy to even clean it up. I walked back up the flight of stairs and fell right on to the couch. I let out an exasperated sigh and shut my eyes. My breathing became deeper with every second that passed by in silence.

4 hours later

I woke up from my little nap to the sound of my phone, blaring throughout my house. I groaned and got up from my comfortable spot and walked over to my house phone. I lazily picked the phone up and held it to my ear.

“Hey sweetheart! How are you?” It was my mother…Great. “Note the sarcasm”

“Hey mom. How are you?” I asked with a completely fake smile on my face.

“I’m good, Where are the boys?” She asked sweetly.

“Umm.. Well, They’re at their house.” I trailed off.

“And why….Wait. Did you kick them out of the house?” My mother asked with Anger rising in her voice.

“I….Kinda.” I said while looking at my etnies.

“Leah Marie Dawson you will answer me! Did you or did you not kick those boys out?!?” She exclaimed through the receiver.





I didn’t respond to her because by then I already hung up the phone on her. Damn it. Why can’t she see it from my point of view? Why does she always take everyone else’s side besides mine? I groaned loudly and I stomped my way over to Max’s house. Once I left the warmness of my home I instantly felt the icy wind on my skin. I pulled on my hoodie and trudged my way over there. As soon as I got to there front step I heard giggling, but it wasn’t a guy giggle. It was more like a girly giggle. Like those annoying prep giggles you hear every ten seconds when they all surround you. I knocked on the door and waited for one of those halfwits to answer the door.

“Umm…Hi?” Max answered the door.

“Hey.” I mumbled.

“What are you doing here?” He asked while cocking his head to the side.

“I…Came to…” I struggled to come out with what I was trying to say.

“Came to what?” He asked with a smirk.

“Apologize.” I said inaudibly.

“What was that again? I couldn’t hear you right.” He teased.

“ I came to….Apologize.” I sighed.

“And why did you come to apologize?” He teased EVEN more.

“For acting like a bitch over a toaster.” I looked away from his gaze.

“Really, I wouldn’t have noticed that you acted like a bitch toward us.” He scratched his chin.

“OK fine, don’t take the apology!” I sighed while turning away.

“Hold on!” He caught my arm in a tight grip.

“Come inside. If you’re that pissed at us then you can break something of Omar’s.” He laughed.

“Fine.” I said seeing as I had no other choice.

I walked in to a room of smoke. I couldn’t see a goddamn thing. All I heard where giggles of girls and drunken rambling of the boys. Unexpectedly, Max grabbed my hand and dragged me down to what I presume as the living room.

“We’re going up steps. Watch your footing.” Max whispered in my ear, sending chills up and down my spine.

His grip on my hand got tighter when he began to go up stairs with me right behind him. I carefully placed my foot on the first foot and repeated the same pattern until we both reached up stairs. He took a right down the hallway and pulled me along with him. He opened the door to reveal a room with Black walls and red carpet. The room was covered with posters like The misfits, Iron Maiden ETC. Definitely one of the cooler rooms I’ve been in.

“Welcome to my room.” He announced in that really annoying announcer tone.

“What do you think?” He asked as I walked around in his room

“It’s cool. One of the better rooms I’ve seen.” I laughed.

“Yeah I get that a lot.” He agreed.

“You can sit anywhere you’d like.” He offered.

With that I decided to sit on his bed only because it was the only clean thing that I could actually sit on. I took a seat the edge of his bed and my eyes wandered around the room. We sat for about a minuet in an awkward silence. He played with his thumbs (He does that a lot) while I just sat there being an idiot. He caught me off guard when I felt a motion on the bed change. I looked and saw that he joined me in sitting on the bed and he was sitting right beside me.

“So…”He started.

“What’s up with those girls down stairs? “ I asked, avoiding eye contact.

“Oh. Those girls are for the rest of the guys, they’re into that sort of thing.” He answered.

“And you’re not?” I asked.

“Nope. Not into it. I like to have my own girl, not one girl you could pick up on the street.” He replied.

“Really? What would be your type of girl?”

“Well, my type of girl has to be smart, funny, cute, understanding and definitely beautiful.” He answered me.

“And you haven’t found any girl like that in Jersey yet?”

“I’m getting to know one.” He added.

“Really? Do I know her?”

“Yeah, you know her pretty damn well.” He responded while leaning in.

Without any hesitation, I leaned in as well. I saw that Max’s eyes were shut and I decided to shut my eyes too. We both leaned in until we both felt each other’s breath on our lips. I stopped leaning in and he leaned in more until his lips were on mine. It was like both of our lips fit perfectly with each other’s. I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip, begging for an entrance to my mouth. I gladly allowed him to. I turned my head to the side and wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands snaked their way around my waist. This on for about 6 or 7 minuets until we both pulled away from the lack of oxygen. I opened my eyes to see max there with a smile plastered on his lips. I bit my lip because I didn’t know if he liked the kiss or not but I felt reassured with the smile.

“That…was… AMAZING!” Max said between breaths.

“I know.” I panted.

“I should probably take you back now shouldn’t I?” Max asked while staring at me with his gray eyes.

“Yeah.” I agreed.

He took my hand and we walked out of his room. The hallway was still fogged up with smoke and so was the living room. Max’s grip got tighter as we went down the flight of steps. I took great precaution with every step I took. I also kept hearing the annoying giggle that entered my ears. I saw a light ahead of me so that must mean the Max must have opened the door outside. I continued to walk until I was able to see the outside world once again. We walked side by side, glancing at one another often. I felt my cheeks turn into a slight pinkish color.

Once we both arrived at my doorstep, He gave me a small kiss on the lips and walked off. I walked into my house with a permanent smile on face. And that smile will be there until tomorrow morning.
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Hey guys!!!!!!! It's me again whether you like it or not! Huge ass ice storm came so I didn't have school!!!! YAY!!!!! That said I had time to do this story, I may continue with some of my other stories, all in good time. That sounded old. Give some comments and YOU get quiker updates.

Love ya lots: AiiDeN