They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 5

Max’s POV

I walked back into the smoke filled house with a goofy smile plastered on my face. I can’t stop thinking about her, she’s like a drug, and I just can’t get enough of her. I shut the door behind me and walked into the Smokey atmosphere. I could hear the sounds of glasses hitting the floor and giggles coming from the living room. It personally grosses me out to pick up some random chick up off the streets but they like it so I’ll deal with it. I walked carefully up the staircase and felt my way back to my room.

I shut the door behind me and gave out a sigh. I walked around my room and spotted my base in the corner of my room. It’s been a long time since I actually played the bass with the guys. I grabbed my bass and held it up to my body. I quickly ran up to my amp and plugged it in. I started to come up with different riffs. I quickly got out a piece of paper and started to jot down what came to my head.

Leah is one special girl.

Leah’s POV

I looked around my house and sighed. I was supposed to clean all this shit by myself but I’d rather not ruin my happy moment. I skipped up the stairs and started to whistle a song. I walked into my room and opened my curtains for the first time since I bought them, which was like 2 years ago. I sighed happily and fell on my bed. I meet new people, happen to take them to a bar and get totally pissed with each of them and then make out with one of them in a matter of 2 days. If this is what it is like having friends, then I am sure as hell going to love them being my neighbors. I laid there for only a couple of seconds when I hear the sound of a bass playing through the air. I walked over towards my window and I pushed my window up to hear the music more clearly. It sounded like it was coming from Max’s house. I squinted my eyes to get a better look as to who was playing the bas when I see Max with a bass at hand. Who knew he was that talented?

I looked over at my alarm clock and it read 9:57 PM. It was way too early for me to feel tired but everything that has happened within the past 2 days has really exhausted me. I walk over to my bed and snuggle under the covers with the sound of the bass, being played skillfully in the air.

6 hours later

I woke to the sounds of small pebbles hitting my window. I’m not a happy camper when someone doesn’t let me get my full eight hours of sleep and if you don’t believe me, just ask my mom. I lazily got up from my warm bed and lifted up my window ceil {I dunno if that’s a word or not} and looked around in pitch darkness until I heard a familiar voice.

“Leah? You awake?” Max asked.

“No shit! Why they hell are you waking me up at 5:58 AM!!!” I whispered in and angry voice.

“I missed you.” I could tell he was pouting from the sound in his voice.

“Don’t try that sappy shit with me.” I said in a snappy tone.

“OK, No need to act all bitchy..” Max said.

“Yes, There is a need to act bitchy right now since it’s 6:00 in the morning!” I practically hollered.

“Can I come up or what?” Max asked, getting impatient.

“Yeah, but you’re climbing up here. I’m too lazy to go downstairs.” I sighed.

“OK, I’ll be up there soon.” Max said while starting to climb up the tree.

I rubbed my eyes furiously, trying to awaken the asleep side of me that has me feeling grumpy. I walked over to my light switch and flicked it upward so the beam of light would blind me. Just as I predicted, once I turned the switch up, the light burned my eyes to the point where I had tears in my eyes. I rubbed them attempting the flow of involuntary tears from streaming down my face. I felt two arms wrap around my tiny frame securely. I felt Max’s head nuzzle into the crook of my neck

“Why are you crying?” Max whispered.

“I’m not. The fucking light bulb burned my eyes out.” I laughed, while trying to wipe all of the tears.

“Oh, Well I’ll have to talk to that light bulb’s father to tell him what his kid did.” He said with a goofy smile.

“I wonder what it is that made me find you cute?” I giggled at his retarded sense of humor.

“Well, it could be my charm, looks, ability to make cute girls laugh or maybe it’s the fact that I’m more calm than the other idiots that I live with.” Max replied proudly.

“You’re such a dork.” I laugh.

“I know, that’s why you adore me.” Max said while turning me around.

I was about to say something when Max’s lips caught mine. It wasn’t a full make out session; it was a sweet but simple kiss. I felt my heart melt and it made the annoying butterflies to jump around in my stomach. I wonder how a guy could catch my heart and treat me with such respect.

“Come on, should so go back to sleep.” Max murmured.

“Yeah, I should.” I agreed.

He slowly lifted me bridal style and carried me over to my bed. He gently placed me under the covers and wrapped it tightly around me. He gave me a kiss on the lips and started to walk toward the window.

“Wait Max!” I said.

“What Leah?” He asked.

“Stay here with me.” I whisper.

“OK.” He said while stepping away from the window and walking toward my bed.

I pushed some of the blanket off my body to leave an opening for Max. He sat on the bed and took off his shoes and then laid down completely. I smiled when he looked at me with his brilliant eyes. I honestly don’t know how we can be so comfortable around each other when no one I actually have met wanted to be my friend. It’s nice to know I have someone there for me. I looked deeper into his eyes until it finally hit me; what are we? A couple, are we going out? Is he just being nice to use me?

“Max?” I murmur.

“Yeah?” He asks.

“What exactly are we?” I asked while biting my lip.

“I don’t know, whatever you want us to be.” He said.

“But that’s my problem, I don’t know how to react to this type of thing.” I say nervously.

“Well. What about if I take you on a real date tomorrow… or later, whatever.” He giggles.

“Yeah, I’d like that.” I say before sleep attacks my senses and sends me into a world of happiness.
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HAPPY NEW YEAR TO THE PEOPLE WHO READ MY STORIES AND COMMENT THEM!!!!! Sorry I haven't udpated in a while, but anyway, please comment so I can write more. Also I hope me and my sister Ashlynn will see you in new york when the ball drops!!! LOVE YA LOTS: Aiden!