They Always Told Me I was Gorgeous In a Way

Chapter 7

Leah’s POV

I walked out of Max’s house with a smile the size of Canada. I’m serious too. I can’t help how dorky they are or how stupid they act, it’s just who they are. I walk back on to my porch and turn the golden knob to the right. I push the door open and I instantly feel the warm heat hit my cold body. I walked back into my house and shut the door behind me. I quickly took off my shoes and threw them off to the side. I was walking up the stairs when I heard the faint voice of my mother calling my name.

“Leah?” My mother called.

“Yeah mom, I’m here.” I responded.

‘Oh god.” She said with no emotion. NONE.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“I should be asking you that same exact question Leah.” She said while crossing her arms over her chest.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, genuinely confused about what she is saying.

“Max. What’s going on between you two?” She asked, getting straight to the point.

“Nothing.” I said. She didn’t look convinced at all.

“Leah, don’t lie to me. When you first meet them you look like you were ready to beat the shit out of them and now you’re hanging out with them.” She stated.

“Well maybe I got to know them better.” I retorted.

“Oh come on, you didn’t like our neighbors until five years after they moved here.” She said.

“Their son was a perv and their daughter was a bitch, why do you think I didn’t like them?” I said, with anger clearly apparent in my voice.

“You like Max don’t you, that’s why he was in our house this morning.” She spat.

“So what if I do? Why do you all of a sudden care about who I see?” I asked.

“When it’s one of our neighbors Leah.” She said, clearly pissed.

“Well I. Don’t. Care.” I spat at her.
“Leah, I forbid you from seeing those boys again.” She said.

“No.” I responded.

“What?” She asked.

“You can’t tell me what to do.” I yelled at her.

“ I don’t give a flying fuck if you are my mom or not.” I spat.

I didn’t hear anything else she said. I already ran up my staircase and slammed the door so hard I thought it was going to break off its hinges. I started screaming and yelling and stomping around. I felt the hot tears spill off my cheeks. My breath shortened and my sobs could be heard from 5 blocks down. I started t throw things across the room and I continued to yell until one of my lungs will burst. I walk over to my desk and push everything off so it landed with a thud on the floor. I started to punch the wall with great force until I felt my fist go through the wall and felt the liquid leave from my knuckles. I took my hand out of the new formed whole in my wall and started to sob. I pressed y back to the wall and slid down until my ass touched my floor. I buried my hands in my blood soaked hands and sobbed even more. No one can help me. I have a hypocritical mom who won’t let me see the best person in my life.

The bitch.

Max’s POV

When Leah left my house, she had on a smile. Showing all of her perfect teeth. Leah is just so beautiful to even explain. There are not enough words in the fucking dictionary to explain how much I like her. I walked into the kitchen were the rest of the guys were. Ronnie was making some toast; Monte and Omar were fighting over who got to have the last Danimals yourgurt and Robert was drinking his coffee out of his Disney cup. I honestly have no clue how I became friends with them. I was about to go over to the fridge when we all heard muffled screams coming from next door.

“What the fuck?” Ronnie asked.

“Shit, I think that might be Leah.” Monte said while stopping his argument with Omar.

“I’m going over to check it out.” I said while heading out of the house.

I ran over to Leah’s window. I looked up and I heard things getting smashed and thrown. That just made me get even more panicky. I climbed up her tree and I reached my way up to her window. The good news is that the smashing and screaming has died down, but the bad news is now I have no fucking clue if she’s still up there anymore. I reached her window and I grabbed the window ceil. I swung my body over to her window and I almost missed it. I pulled my body over her window and landed with a thud on her floor; Head first. I rubbed my head and looked up. I saw Leah’s small body in the corner. Her arms were wrapped around her legs and her makeup was running down her cheeks. I shakily stood up and walked over to her. I bent down on my knees and brushed her hair out of her face.

“Leah, what’s wrong?” I asked softly.

“M-my Mom does-n’t want me to see you.” She sobbed.

“She can’t do that!” I said, going wide eyed.

“Apparently she can.” She stated.

“No. I…No, I’m not letting you go that easy.” I said while looking through her closets.

“What are you doing?” She asked while standing up.

“Getting your shit, I’m not leaving you here with her.” I said, shoving things into a duffle bag I found in her closet.

“But where am I going to go, She’s obviously going to think I’m at your house.” She said.

“I actually have family here in Jersey so we could just crash there.” I said, shoving art supplies and other necessary things.

“Are you sure this is alright?” She asked.

“Of course it is now get your shoes on and lets go.” I said while throwing her bag over my shoulder.

Once Leah had her shoes on we both started to climb out of her window and on to the tree. This maybe the craziest thing I’ve done for a girl to date. We both managed to climb out of her window and land on the ground without breaking our asses off or having her mom know what we’re doing. We walk to the garage door and it immediately opened up. I got out my keys and I walked into the car. Leah got into the passenger seat and buckled up. I pulled the seat belt over my chest and I backed out of the garage and into the street. If Leah’s Mom thinks she can forbid me from seeing her daughter…

She is dead wrong.
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Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates, I've een super busy with school and the oother stories that I've posted. I want you guys to comment, they make me happy when you guys do.