Status: When I have a letter in my heart :)

Letters I'll Never Send

To the boy that broke my heart,

To the boy that broke my heart,
I have very high standards in guys. Even in the ones that I choose just to crush on. Somehow I thought you made the cut. You were smart, funny, cute, and you were nice to everyone. So I thought at least. I hadn’t like that many guys before you. Just the animated guys that were on my t.v. screen( I watched wayyy to much t.v. as a child). You were something different & new. God, I adored you so much. I had sercert fantasies of us growing up & having children together. I mean I thought we’d be perfect together. I wasn’t horribly ugly and your friend had already said you liked me, but I guess not enough? Is this making sense? Not really. I think what really broke my heart was how you treated me. Even after the whole school knew( thanks Kimi) you never talked to me about. I think you went out of your way to make me feel bad. Always ingorning me. Oh, and using me. Knowing I couldn’t say no to you. I think once you actucally called me a stalker. But the icing on the cake ( besides you totally becoming a manwhore and calling me fat. How could I forget that?) was how you told my friends, “ There’s no way in hell I’d go out with her.” Really? Am I really that horrible? Am I really that disgusting? I cried that day.
-Poor 7th grade me
P.S. I’ll never be that way again. I hope I make you beg to ask me out one day. Of course I’ll say no :)
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Yeah he's also the reason I lost a friendshe wasn't a very good one). I learned so much from that expreince.