‹ Prequel: In the Month of May

One-Hundred Days

Day Fourteen: Advertisements

"What would you do if everything you said or thought was displayed in perfect lettering inside the pupils of your eyes?"

I thought for a moment, eyes turned to the ground.

"I would stare at everyone and everything and say all of the things I've always wanted to say without saying a word. I would never say another word, only stare. I would finally let myself let everything go instead of holding back. I would go through the world and life staring and taking in everything and everyone. I would never hold myself back again."

Your eyes are advertisements, stark silhouettes of black billboards against the pale blue skies of irises gleaming and glistening with tears and desperation. You are a walking advertisement of hardship and cruelty, love and hate woven thread by thread, strand by thread, into the skin of your flesh and bone. You are a living, breathing advertisement for every single thing this world hates.

Your hands over mine advertise the strength you possess to hold onto something, anything, be it willing. Your lips curling back over your teeth in that perfect smile advertise the false simplicity of your emotions. If only a simple smile could sum up everything that pretty little mind was running through, my how simple life would be for the both of us.

If only everything was advertised in perfect lettering ringed around the smooth circle of your eyes. I could finally understand you the way you do me, the way that makes me squirm underneath your gaze. You know exactly what I'm thinking just by the way the corner of my mouth may curl up the tiniest bit, or by the smallest little gleam embedding itself in the corner of my eyes. I am a walking advertisement for everything you know, while you are one for everything I don't.

We are walking advertisements, baring our teeth and watchful minds to the passerby world. It takes no notice of us, so starkly silhouetted against a night sky, bright and careful. We advertise the things we think through the posture of our fractured spines, the way we hide our teeth behind lips and our feelings beneath sarcasm. You and I could drown the entire world with the sarcasm that leaks from our words, lashed off of snake tongues.

When your fingers ghost over skin rarely exposed, I advertise those feelings you long to have me feel at your will. You smile, calm yet spastic as you struggle to keep control of your emotions. At times, I wish you would let your guard down, break down these brick walls you build around your boxes of hearts and minds stolen from past lovers. I wish you would advertise the feelings I give you as well as I do the ones you give me.

I wish you would become that billboard, loud and distracting for those passing in the metal birds beneath. I wish you would show every single word you were thinking in the darkest corners of the darkest edges of your mind across the light blue rings of your eyes. I wish you would advertise more than just pain and hate.

"What would you do if everything you said or thought was displayed in perfect lettering inside the pupils of your eyes?"

"I would stop, and I would stare."