‹ Prequel: In the Month of May

One-Hundred Days

Day Twenty-Eight: Through the Fire

Through the fire and the flame you kept your name, still and calm, standing with a non-existent grin across your delicate features. The smoke weaves around your fingers, held loose at your sides. If I could walk through the fire to you, I'd give your broken heart something to hold onto.

I watch you through the smoke, dancing through the barriers in between us. It stings my eyes and cuts my lungs, and yet you stand unaffected. You stand with your body in the flame and you remain untouched by the licks of the fire lashing at your soft skin.

The others surround me, taking in your calm form. We are all too scared to walk through the fire to grab your hand and coax you away from your old home. We are all too afraid to cast away the physical boundaries we have had dropped on us to somehow get to you and bring you back where you belong. You stand oblivious on the other side of the growing fire, holding on to your broken heart and home.

We watch in awe and fright, trembling from the cold heat sending chills down our spines. I take the hand next to me and wish it was yours.

Someone pushes me from behind into the fire. I try to step back but they push me further and further. The fire licks my skin, hungry and impatient. I am pushed forward through the fire, my eyes stinging and heart burning. My empty heart is breaking through to you, through fire and flame, heat and pain of the fire dancing across my flesh. I close my eyes and find my way through the fire to you, holding on to your empty hands as your broken heart falls to the ground.

I walked through the fire to you, to bring you back to where you belong, back to the town you were born into. I'll walk you back through the fire and wrap my arms around you to keep you safe from the hungry flames. I'd take the fire and piece your broken heart back together, and use my hands to make you a new home to replace the old.
I would walk through the fire to you if only to feel you burn my skin.