‹ Prequel: In the Month of May

One-Hundred Days

Day Thirty-One: Precious Treasure

Your eyes are your treasure, two priceless and valuable jewels embedded into your face, the most perfect setting any two diamonds could ask for. They shine bright crystalline blue, competing with the perfect day's sky as you stare at the floating clouds. I watch the light go back and forth from your eyes and the sun, vying for who would shine the brightest today.

I often wonder why you hide your beautiful eyes behind darker lenses, dark chocolate brown false irises to replace your icy blue ones. I often wonder why you encase your eyes in blacks and grays, making them disappear into the hollow spaces of your skull. Your eyes are such a precious treasure, a treasure envied by the rest of the world, and yet you decide to hide them behind smoky charcoals and grays.

When you work covering up natural precious beauty through the entire day, to be able to come home to such natural beauty smiling brightly through the shadows is the only thing I have come to live for now. I cover up such beautiful faces with the visions of how others want them to look if only for the few seconds or minutes or hours they are in front of cameras and crowds of thousands. I shake my head as I work, erasing every little thing that makes a person truly beautiful with dreaded make-up caked on thick.

But to come home and place my hands on your face, soft and free of any makeup whatsoever, makes it worth the days filled with the erasing of beauty. You never believe in yourself, though, in your precious treasure, your gems of eyes and lips and cheeks. You stand in front of the mirror and cover your face and beauty inch by inch and I stand behind you with my arms wrapped around your waist and my face in your shoulder, too afraid to watch your beauty slowly disappear, but too equally afraid to leave you. I refuse to watch you strip yourself of your beauty, and so I eventually untangle myself from you and walk away, forced to retire to another.

I never understood why you would hide your precious treasure, your beauty.
I think the world needs to see it, at least to let everyone else know that beauty hasn't gone extinct just yet.