‹ Prequel: In the Month of May

One-Hundred Days

Day Fourty: Deep In Thought

I stare across the courtyard and watch as you walk closer. I know it may seem as if I am staring at you, but I'm miles away from this tourist town.
I can see, though, from where I am standing, that you're lost deep in thought as well. Your hand swings at your side, closer to the one hanging beside it. I watch as your hand moves towards hers out of what seems to be instinct. I watch until you notice me standing there and return your hand to your own side, far away from hers.

I don't come back to where I'm standing until you are mere inches away. I look up and shake my head, loosening the thoughts that had gathered so quickly. You ask where I was. I only say hello and turn to the others walking towards us.

It's been months since the days where this was a regular occurrence, and in only one more month it will happen all over again, hopefully. I doubt you'll be back for the next year, it is your last after all, what's the point of even showing up.
Unlike you, I still two more to go.

We were both lost deep in thought those five minutes between hours. It was our only break to think freely, for ourselves, and we seemed to take advantage of it anyway we could. You would bring yourself as close to me as possible, and I would back away until I gave up. Your eyes were always empty and you seemed to hope you could cover the vacancy with even emptier words and hollow grins. I always put my head down and stepped away.

I've often lost myself thinking about what you had spinning around in your mind, with your empty eyes and emptier words. I've traveled thousands of miles away thinking, while you've always seemed to somehow to keep both of your feet on solid ground. I used clouds as my stepping stones as you held my ankles to keep me from flying too far.

I lose myself, deep in thought, thinking of you now that you're gone for the moment.
I only hope you do the same of me.