I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

The Magnificent Seven

They were fighting again. Dean didn’t want Sam to die, so he was going to sacrifice himself for Sam, but Sam didn’t want that to happen. Time for me to step in and show them how to save both of them...

“I got a year to live, Sam... I’d like to make the most of it. So what do you say, we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell, huh?” Dean said to Sam and walked past him. That was when I decided to make my glorious entrance. I literally fell from the sky and landed in front of Sam, right where Dean had been standing moments ago. Sam’s eyes opened wide and he froze, completely shocked and not knowing how to react. Dean instantly had a gun on me.

“Hey, I come in peace,” I told him, but he didn’t budge.

“Demon?” he demanded angrily. I shook my head. He asked me about a few other supernatural evil creatures, but I wasn’t evil. Sam threw some salt on me, but nothing happened, since I was pure.

“What are you then?” Sam asked, and I could tell that he was sort of putting it together in his head.

“Think about it Sam... Who did you pray for to come and help you?” I replied and he relaxed.

“Dean, put the gun down, it’s okay,” Sam said, but Dean was stubborn. “She’s an angel! Put it down!”

“What?” Dean questioned, utterly confused. “They exist?”

“Dark magic exists, along with demons and other horrid creatures. Why can’t there be some good somewhere too?” I told him and flicked out my proof of being an angel. My huge black wings spread out from being tucked into my back, casting a black shadow of them behind me. Both of their jaws dropped with surprise that I wasn’t lying. Dean lowered his gun.

“So why are you here?” Dean questioned and Sam looked away.

“To save you from going to hell,” I answered. “Sam prayed for me to come and help and God granted his wish. I have a year on Earth.” I saw the annoyed look Dean gave Sam and I smiled slightly. Brothers were funny sometimes...

“We’ll talk about this later...” Dean said in a low tone to Sam. He then looked at me. “Get in the car.” I walked around behind the untrusting Dean, folding my wings back into my back and getting in the back of his nice car.


“This book is from Heaven. It contains all of the ways to stop you from going to Hell. Basically, if you get a guarantee to go to Heaven, it overrules your deal to go to Hell and you go to Heaven instead,” I explained as I dumped a large book on the table of a hotel room. Sam picked it up first and started flicking through it.

“What’s an ‘Erynthrina’?” Sam asked.

“An endangered plant species in Africa. I really recommend not choosing a method that includes finding rare objects or species because you need more than a year to find them. Besides, half of the species are probably extinct by now,” I informed them and Dean just continued to stare at me. I put a stray piece of my dark brown hair behind my ear as Sam continued to flick through the book.

“I’ll have to have a good look at this...” he said to himself, and I knew he would. I knew he would read every single page of that book to find out how he could save his brother. There were a lot of methods in that book; some more risky than others, and some more impossible than others. But it was a tough spot to get out of. Not many hunters were good enough that God wanted to save them. Dean was so lucky, and I don’t think he realised how lucky he actually was.

“Why are your wings black?” Dean suddenly asked.

“I am assigned to protect fighting evil supernatural creatures. They are associated with the colour black in Heaven, so I get black wings. Other angels have other coloured wings,” I replied and he nodded his head slowly.

“How many other angels are there?” he questioned.

“Not as many demons, I can tell you that now...” I answered, and he continued to ask me questions about angels, demons, Heaven and Hell. Sam begun to read the ancient book properly while I was interrogated by Dean. They soon realised that I was in a host, as my true form on Earth would cause their eyes to burn. God’s angels can’t be exposed in their true form anywhere apart from Heaven. I did say that I had chosen a host that looked similar to me, so if Dean ever made it to Heaven he would recognise me. I was asked what they could call me, and I replied with ‘Jennifer’, which both the boys shortened to ‘Jen’. I told them that I had been fighting and killing demons from up in Heaven, but was finally granted permission to roam Earth. I brought with me new powers given by God to kill demons on Earth. I brought new spells, new techniques, new information for the two hunters that I knew we could put to good use. When I said ‘we’, that brought up a new issue.

“What do you mean ‘we’?” Dean asked, puzzled and intrigued.

“I’ve been assigned to you Dean. I need to stay with you and help you and Sam fight against the dark side for my one year stay here on Earth,” I said, but was disappointed by their reactions. They didn’t seem too keen to take me on board, welcome me into their family. I was forced to sleep in another room on a couch while they stayed up late discussing me and their options. But by morning, I was in the back of Dean’s car again, talking to them about our first destination to hunt down a demon or two...