I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Malleus Maleficarum

As per usual, Sam had picked up on a strange death, so we went to investigate, pretending to be from the CDC. Once again, it was I who posed as the trainee, listening in on Dean’s interview with the boyfriend of the victim while Sam searched the room. I could tell that the boyfriend wasn’t lying and was completely stunned by her death. Sam found a hex bag, so we knew straight away that it was a witch and that she wanted us to know she was working some magic.

“I hate witches...” Dean mumbled sadly as we went away to collect our thoughts and try to figure out what was up with this witch. We decided to follow the boyfriend for a while, and luckily we did because he started choking on maggots, due to yet another hex bag. We got there just in time, and while the boys searched for the hex bag, I attempted to calm the man down so he wouldn’t die before we found the bag. Dean found it and set in on fire, and the maggots soon burst into flames as well, saving the man’s life. He admitted he had had an affair, so we got the lady’s name and went to her house straight away. We arrived too late though; her wrists were cut, and it looked like she had committed suicide. But we found yet another hex bag, so this was no suicide. Dean got a fright from a dead rabbit, which was hilarious, and he just really exaggerated how much he hates witches. I gave him a quick kiss, which shut him up quickly.

After Dean called in the ‘suicide’, we went around the neighbourhood and saw a suspicious garden which was growing herbs out of season. That gave us enough reason to interview the woman who owned the garden, posing as detectives, but a group of other women came to help her with the difficult questions. This made me even more suspicious, and I whispered to Dean as we left that I thought they were witches. He agreed, but we didn’t do anything about it. We couldn’t yet anyway. We got back in the Impala and drove off, figuring out where they had got their luck from on the way back to the motel. We realised it was because they were worshipping a demon, and as soon as we had came to that conclusion, the Impala cut out. The boys didn’t understand, but I did. I could sense it.

“Demon!” I said in an urgent voice, sitting up straight in my seat before getting out of the car quickly, staying alert. Sure enough, there was a demon standing in front of Dean’s car on the road. Dean was right behind me, grabbing a gun and pointing it at her, ready to shoot. I walked in front of Dean, going past the Impala and closer to the demon, getting prepared to get that horrible thing out of that poor girl’s body.

“Jen! No! Wait!” Sam yelled at me, but I didn’t pause.

“I’ve got this one Sam!” I shouted back, feeling my energy rising.

“Jen! I know her! She’s here to help us!” Sam cried out in desperation, which made me stop.

“You are not serious,” I said, turning around to face the brothers.

“Hey, I don’t like it either, and I still don’t trust her,” Dean said angrily, still focusing his gun at the demon. “But Sammy here won’t listen.”

“What do you want Ruby?” Sam questioned the girl behind me, ignoring Dean completely. I turned back around to look at this Ruby girl and she flashed her black eyes at me with an evil grin. I took a few steps forward, closing in on her. I hated seeing those demon eyes. Absolutely hated it... “No! Jen! Stop!” I punched her in the face hard, then walked back to Dean’s side, prepared to listen to what she had to say, but also ready to strike if she tried to make a move on us.

“I didn’t realise angels punched so weakly,” she commented in a sadistic tone while giving me a disgusting look. “Anyway, Sam, I’m here to tell you that you have something bigger to worry about than those witches. Since they worship a demon, he’s decided to come into town. You can’t handle him. He is far too strong.”

“Get lost,” I spat at her.

“Go, before I shoot,” Dean said strongly and Ruby shrugged.

“Whatever. Just trying to help you...” she said, and then disappeared. I got back in the car, annoyed that Sam wouldn’t let me destroy another one of those awful creatures, and we drove back to our motel. The only thing we did all the way to the motel was argue, and it didn’t stop once we got out of the car. We couldn’t stop arguing about Ruby and Sam, until Dean started getting pains in his stomach area.

“Dean! What’s wrong?” I asked, panicking and rushing to his side as he sat down on a bed.

“I... Ah! Don’t know...” he replied while wincing in pain. Suddenly, he started coughing up blood, but I had no clue what to do.

“Look for a hex bag!” Sam shouted at me urgently and we started turning the room upside down, searching for the little bag. We couldn’t find it and Dean was only getting worse.

“Go after those witches, I’ll stay here and try to help and find that damn thing,” I ordered Sam, who agreed and ran out of the door. I helped Dean to the bathroom sink, then searched in the bathroom for the hex bag. Nothing. I continued to look in the main room again, and that was when Ruby burst into the room. “Get out!”

“Relax! I’m here to save him!” she yelled back as I stood up, focusing my energy again.

“Yeah right! What’s in that container?” I asked, feeling my fingertips tingling with power, ready to get that disgusting evil thing out of the host girl.

“Something to fix Dean. Now let me do it before he dies,” she answered in a cold voice. I glanced into the bathroom where Dean was starting to choke on how much blood he was coughing up. “Since you can’t help him, I may as well do it.” I saw the reality then. Dean might die if she didn’t try to help. And since it was my job to protect him, I had to make that call.

“Fine.” I walked into the bathroom and hauled Dean onto the closest bed while Ruby opened her container.

“Hold him down! It tastes awful!” she ordered urgently, so I sat on top of Dean, holding his arms back against the bed. Dean continued to choke painfully on his own blood as my weight held him quite still, so I looked away from him and his suffering. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ruby forcing this black thick liquid down his throat. “Stop calling me bitch!” I kind of smiled, remembering how much he called her that word in the recent argument. Dean spluttered a bit more, but he had stopped coughing up blood and after 10 seconds he had returned to his normal self.

“Wow... Ride me, cowgirl!” he said in a cocky voice with a super confident smile on his face. I got off him shyly, realising that was yet another sexual innuendo. He was definitely okay now. Ruby had saved him. We hurried off to find Sam and see if he had killed the demon or not. We walked in moments before Sam would have been killed, Ruby providing the distraction. The demon seemed to be more concerned that there was another demon in its presence, and didn’t care that there was an angel there as well. Turns out they knew each other, of course, from some witching days way back. That didn’t surprise me one bit. The remaining human worked some magic on the demon and it slowed her down for a moment, which was all that Dean needed to grab the dagger that Ruby had had and stab the demon, ending the fight.

“Get out of here!” Ruby ordered us. “I’ll clean up the mess...” Her kindness fooled the boys, but I knew there was no way I could ever trust a demon. But I left with the boys anyway. We went back to the motel, and I went to bed because I was super tired and Sam had a shower. He crawled into bed not too long after I did, and Dean stayed up on the laptop, doing what I do not know. I was woken up because I sensed a demon. I woke Sam up, then realised that Dean was no longer in the room. I panicked and ran outside in my t-shirt and underwear, searching for Dean. He was standing in the parking lot, alone, with tears in his eyes. The demon presence had disappeared.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him, hugging him and then staring him into his eyes. He was clearly extremely upset about something.

“Ruby said I couldn’t be saved...” he whispered to me.

“Well... She lies. She’s a demon. Now come back inside,” I said, pulling on his arm towards our room. He followed me and got into bed, falling asleep quickly, but I stayed up for a while, pondering on Ruby’s words. I had to save Dean. No matter what she thought or said.
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Can someone please give me some constructive criticism? It would be greatly appreciated :)