I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Dream a Little Dream of Me

Dean and I woke up to find Sam gone. He had left a note saying he was at the local bar, so we went there. It was only the afternoon (Dean and I wanted to sleep in) and when we arrived he was already nearly drunk. He looked awfully upset, so of course we asked him what was wrong.

“I can’t believe Ruby lied to me...” he mumbled, taking another gulp of his alcohol. “And what if I can’t save you Dean? What if you end up going to hell?”

“First off, demons lie like nothing else,” I stated, taking a seat next to him. “And Dean and I are working on our plan. So don’t worry. Let’s just keep on working together and save people okay? It’s going to work out, I promise.” I put my hand on his for comfort, which made him smile slightly. I think it helped and he seemed to kind of trust my words about saving Dean from his contract. Then Dean’s phone rang. Once he had answered it, we learnt that Bobby was in a comatose state, and he wasn’t waking up, so we had to go and save him. We went to Bobby’s hotel room first, finding lots of newspaper clippings gathered together. By working together, we concluded that he was working a case where a professor had died after falling into a coma-like sleep and never waking up. And now Bobby was experiencing that too. Not good. Not at all.

We talked to a doctor’s assistant and found out some crucial information that Sam and I made sense of together. Someone had been experimenting with African Dream Root, and was now able to control dreams and even go as far as killing people through their dreams. Therefore, Bobby was in great danger and we needed to stop the ‘Homicidal Sandman’, as Dean put it. Of course, we needed to get some of the Dream Root so we could get into Bobby’s dreams and help him. While we pondered on how to get some, Sam took a nap and after about 20 minutes, he started making noises.

“What is he doing?” I asked while giggling. Sam was sounding really happy as he slept, and he just started moving slightly, twitching his pelvis area and moving his arms too.

“Oh God...” Dean muttered, rubbing his head in his hand.

“Praying won’t help you right now,” I said and he gave me a look that suggested he wasn’t praying.

“Lesson number 1, my angel; this is what happens when men have really happy dreams...” he said as he stood up and walked over to Sam.

“Oh. So you do that too?” I asked as Sam’s grunting got louder.

“No. Of course not...” he replied, shaking Sam and telling him to wake up. There was a knock on the door, so I went to answer it, knowing there wasn’t a demon on the other side. I opened it to find Bella, the one who had attempted to steal Dean from me in the early stages of our, now a lot stronger, relationship. I let her in reluctantly, as it turned out she has some Dream Root for us. She claimed she was being nice to Bobby, since he saved her once. I didn’t care what her reasons were, we just needed that Dream Root. She left, and Sam quickly made the concoction, which was a yellow liquid. We drunk that with a hair from Bobby to complete the ritual. We lied back on our beds, Dean and I holding hands, and I fell asleep quickly. I woke up at exactly the same time as the brothers, and it seemed like it didn’t work. But Dean looked outside and noticed it was raining upside down, and then we were suddenly transported into what the boys told me was Bobby’s house in its early days.

“Okay, we need to split up and find Bobby,” Dean said forcefully, taking control and barking out orders as he usually did. “Jen, you’re with me. We’ll search inside together. Sammy... Go outside. Be careful.” Sam nodded and went outside while Dean and I turned around and walked in the opposite direction, prepared to search every nook and cranny for Bobby. We found him quick enough, but he thought that he was actually living this nightmare. He had no clue it was just a dream that he could wake up from, and control.

Bobby’s wife appeared with a knife in her chest, another in her hand, and was stalking us, asking Bobby why he killed her. We all ran away, me being a tad too slow and not quite making it in the safe room in time. I stayed outside while Dean attempted to convince Bobby that he could control his dream. The wife seemed completely crazy and she wanted to kill Bobby. She used the knife in her hand to take a few swings at me, glad she might be able to kill an angel. I evaded her every move, until somehow I saw 3 of her and didn’t know what one was real, and she stabbed me hard in the right side of my chest. My eyes widened with pain and shock as she grinned.

“Dean!” I gasped as I fell to the ground. It was getting harder to breathe, my world was getting dizzy and blurred... “Dean...” My eyes were shutting, no matter how hard I tried to keep them open. I let go of that world and woke up gasping on the bed next to Dean.

“Baby... I’m so sorry...” he whispered as he flung himself on top of me, giving me a huge hug and a kiss, through which I could feel his intense worrying. Once he let go, I felt where I was stabbed, but I was fine. God must have healed me, because I didn’t do it... Sam told us he knew who the Dream Walker was; the guy that the brothers had met who was being experimented on (while I was doing research on the laptop in the motel) and who also had the brothers’ DNA from the beer bottles they drunk out of, so he could enter their dreams now. And that meant that he could kill them.

Two days later, the boys were completely stuffed from drinking caffeine non-stop to stay awake so they weren’t killed in their sleep before we could find Jeremy, the killer. Bobby and Bella couldn’t find anything to help us, and it was looking like we needed to go back to sleep to find him. Dean had taught me how to drive so he didn’t crash, and he ordered me to pull over. We were going back into the dream world. Sam made up the drink and off we went.
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