I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Mystery Spot

We woke up in the car, and everything seemed normal, just as last time. I searched for signs outside that things weren’t quite as they seemed, but then flood lights came on, showing that girl that Dean met up with ages ago when we encountered a changeling. She had poured wine and made a picnic and then said something I thought I’d never hear from anyone else.

“I love you Dean,” she said. I flicked my eyes over at Dean, so angry that he was fantasizing about another woman. He stuttered, trying to say something, but gave up quickly.

“Hey! I saw Jeremy! Let’s go!” Sam said urgently, getting out of the car quickly. Boy was I annoyed... Dean and I also exited the car and took off running after Sam who was running after Jeremy. We chased Sam for ages, me ahead of Dean, until we got to a clearing. I nearly ran right into Sam when he stopped so suddenly. “Where did he go?” Sam and I looked around us, puzzled.

“Oh no... Dean’s disappeared...” I commented, sounding very upset. That was not part of the plan. We needed to stick together so he couldn’t kill us one by one.

“Did you hear that?” I glanced over my right shoulder just before I got hit hard with a baseball bat on my side. I collapsed onto the ground in pain as Sam took a beating next. I twisted as I let my wings out, and then flew up so I was out of Jeremy’s reach. That annoyed him. I flew into a tree and crouched there, clutching my side that was throbbing. Meanwhile, he continued to hit Sam and pinned him to the ground with stakes in the crucifix position. Where was Dean? I panicked, knowing something bad must be happening, even though Jeremy was with us.

“Jen! Help!” Sam cried in pain. I had to ignore my pain to save him. He could die. Even though my job was to help Dean, he would not be happy if Sam died because I didn’t help him. I sighed, then jumped out of the tree and landed on Jeremy’s back with a scream. We wrestled each other, trying to get on top to dish out the punches. He managed to overpower me and get on top for a second and he punched me in the face. As soon as I took in a few deep breaths and looked back at him, he punched me again, my head feeling like it was about to snap off my neck. Somehow, Sam managed to grasp control of the dream and summon Jeremy’s father, the one who had hurt him with his baseball bat. This scared Jeremy and he disappeared. The world we were in suddenly went black and then I woke up in the Impala, feeling 100%.

“Dean? Are you okay?” I asked him, breathing heavily. I leaned forward into the front of the car, touching his shoulder and looking him worryingly in the eyes. I saw fright and anxiety in them. He was definitely freaked out by something he had experienced in his dream, and worrying about it.

“I’m fine, Jen...” he answered, but not convincingly at all. We went to Bobby and talked to him about how Sam had managed to control the dream. We pinpointed it down to his psychic powers, but we’ll never know for sure. Then the men realised that Bella helped us with the Dream Root because she wanted to steal the Colt. Dean checked the safe, but of course it was gone. Typical. Men get so easily distracted by pretty women...

Later, we were resting up and Dean was getting emotional, so let out his feelings. He admitted that he didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to go to hell. He saw some bad things while Sam and I were getting beaten up by Jeremy, and that had really shaken him up inside. He had been doing too much thinking lately, according to him. I tried to tell him that if he fell in love with me, it would all work out, but he didn’t know if he could do that, since he was such a player. He really liked me a lot, but sometimes he felt like giving up. After that conversation, I cried. For the first time ever.

I think Dean heard me, because the next day he was a lot nicer to me, and in the morning he just stood there and hugged me for a very long time. We had woken up before Sam, and the alarm woke him up after we had finished hugging. Dean head-banged to the song, being happy. Sam got up and embraced Dean quickly for no apparent reason. He seemed horrified about something that had just happened, yet was glad he was with Dean. I didn’t pry and ask him what he had experienced or dreamt of. I just let him love his brother. Dean didn’t ask either, and I think that was best for all of us. I guess those two really can’t live without each other.

The next day I woke up to a rose in a vase next to my bed. Dean had cooked me breakfast and when I woke he brought over a tray with a selection of delicious food choices. He made me a coffee and after he brought that to me, he jumped under the sheets next to me and we sat in bed talking as we shared the breakfast. He was being romantic and I wasn’t going to complain.

After that, we left Sam to do some research and Dean took me shopping. He bought me some new clothes that he thought I looked good in and that I also felt comfortable in. We walked into a random shop that sold cheap items that were a bit silly. We joked around together, having fun and relaxing for once. Dean found a funny looking pen and tried it out on my hand by drawing a love heart on it. I couldn’t help but have a huge smile on my face, amazed that he could be so sweet. I was finally seeing a caring Dean. The barrier he put up to protect himself and make Sam think he was the strong big brother had come down and he was showing me the kind of person he really was. I appreciated that, mainly because I liked that Dean a lot.
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