I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Jus In Bello

We broke into Bella’s hotel room and started turning the place upside down in search for the Colt. The boys desperately wanted it back, although I don’t understand why. I mean, they did have me after all... She wasn’t there, and as soon as Dean declared that it wasn’t here anymore, the phone rang. He answered, and it was Bella, of course. She was long gone and wouldn’t tell us what she was doing with the Colt. Suddenly, FBI agents were in the room shouting at us to get down on the ground. What was going on?

“That bitch set us up!” Dean yelled at me as I refused to get down on the ground because they had guns. That was not threatening at all. “Get down, Jen! Just do it!” I rolled my eyes before I was shoved onto the ground by an agent who was behind me. I was cuffed and taken to a tiny sheriff’s station where I was un-cuffed and put into the cell opposite of the brothers. They apparently knew the black man who had arrested us and had a bit of history with him, which did not help at all. The FBI agent posted men at the doors to watch over us while he was gone. We were going to be flown out of here into a maximum security prison. Not good at all. I didn’t know if I was able to get out of prison because I was an angel... God wouldn’t like me breaking the rules of the human social system. I heard the chopper landing and started panicking. We still hadn’t broken out.

“Dean! Sam! What do we do?” I hissed at them, attempting to be quiet enough that the guard didn’t hear. Sam shrugged. Dean mouthed ‘wait’ to me. I nodded and paced in my cell again. I was getting nervous, which never happens to me. I sighed loudly and walked faster, not knowing how to cope with these new human emotions I had been getting lately. Another agent came to see us, apparently someone who was in charge, but I knew he had a demon inside. I froze in my cell and my jaw dropped, sensing its power was higher than usual. My eyes didn’t leave the man as he walked closer to the brothers’ cell. Dean saw my expression and nudged Sam. They both knew now.

The demon turned and looked at me, flashing me its horrid black eyes. I glared at it angrily and it turned back around to the brothers, pulling out a gun at the same time. Then it shot Dean in the shoulder. Luckily, Sam pulled the demon’s arms through the bars and the gun went off at the roof while Sam started performing an exorcism. I joined in, the words coming naturally, making the exorcism far more powerful and work quicker. But before we could finish, the demon evicted itself from its host. Of course, the original FBI agent, Henricksen, came back in and saw his boss dead on the ground and Sam with a gun and assumed the worst.

“No! We didn’t shoot him! Check for bullet wounds!” Sam argued, and Henricksen let his men check the body. Nothing. Not even a scratch, of course. But he still didn’t believe us about the whole demon thing. I seemed to be being ignored by everyone, so just stayed silent, knowing they’d need me sooner or later. We heard an explosion and the officials disappeared to attend to that. I had a feeling there was hardly any alive humans left. Just lots of demons getting closer and closer... Sam was cleaning up Dean’s bullet wound and he stole the secretary’s crucifix necklace while getting a fresh towel for Dean from her. I had to congratulate him on that thinking for the future.

“You know, it would really help if I had my gorgeous angel over here helping me,” Dean commented loudly so I’d hear him. I smiled for a brief second at him, then went back to thinking of a plan. I wasn’t in the mood for his smart remarks, even if he was in pain and was just trying to lessen it. The sheriff came in and demanded we left, but he was soon shot. By Henricksen who now had a demon in him. I stayed in the shadows of my cell, pretending to be invisible as he opened the boys’ cell door and walked in. They wrestled him well, despite being chained together at the ankles, and put his face in the toilet which now contained holy water due to the necklace. He started smoking and screaming as the boys chanted together. The demon eventually left its host body and the deputy, secretary and Henricksen now all believed in us, having actually seen a demon. Henricksen let them out of their cell after freeing them from their chains and Sam left the room immediately, but Dean walked across to my cell.

“How do I know she’s not one of them?” Henricksen questioned Dean after he hinted for him to let me go too. I looked at Dean and he nodded. I let my wings out, filling up my entire cell with them. Henricksen’s mouth fell open and he gave the keys to Dean before walking out of the room slowly, perhaps in disbelief. Dean released me and gave me a quick hug before running to join Sam. We started spray painting symbols on the floor and spreading salt around the entries.

“I need to go to my car. Where is it?” he asked Henricksen, who replied that it was out in the impound lot, which was out the door to our right. “I’ll be back in 5.” Dean walked over to the door, prepared to go out all alone.

“No way! I’m coming with you,” I said sternly. “You might need protection.” Sam stifled a laugh, which made Dean give him a weird look that said ‘grow up’. But Dean agreed and we went out to his car together, hiding in the shadows. He grabbed everything he wanted, then we headed back into the building, only just making it back inside before the demons got there. I had to fly him quickly back into the building, otherwise the demons would have got us. Sam and I started thinking aloud with each other, trying to think how we were going to get out of this one, while Dean handed out possession prevention charms to the remaining humans.

We heard a window break, so Sam and I hurried over to it, only to find Ruby standing there. Sam quickly fixed up the broken salt line behind her. She was not happy with us losing the Colt, but revealed to us the name of a powerful demon who wanted Sam dead. Her name is Lilith. And Ruby also had a plan for us to get rid of all of the demons. But we needed a virgin’s heart. The secretary was happy to sacrifice herself to save her friends, but Dean wasn’t having it.

“We are not killing a virgin!” he kept on saying. “No way is that girl dying without making love first!” I don’t think he realised how much that meant to me, since my host is a virgin and of course I am too.

“I say we fight,” I suggested.

“I agree,” Dean said with a cheeky smile. They prepared their weapons and then off we went; salt bullets, holy water and fists for the men, and the pure power and mental abilities from God for me. We were doing well and the secretary and deputy trapped them all inside, as planned. Then Sam’s voice came over the speakers, giving them all an exorcism at the same time. All the demons were gone and the people were okay. What a good ending. Henricksen said that he would tell everyone that the boys died in the helicopter explosion, and nothing needed to be mentioned about me since I didn’t exist in their databases yet. The next day, we were back in yet another motel when I sensed a demon whose signature vibe I was getting used to.

“Ruby,” I said casually 30 seconds before the knock on the door. Sam answered it and was not one bit surprised to find Ruby standing there.

“Turn on the news,” she ordered, so Dean flicked channels on the TV. There was a report on the news about the sheriff’s office that we were just at. Apparently, there was a gas leak which blew the place up, killing everyone inside including Henricksen. “We all know that was Lilith, so here are talismans. It’ll keep her off your trail for a while.” She threw 2 talismans at Sam.

“Where’s one for Jen?” Dean asked.

“Don’t need one. I can cover myself by myself,” I answered quickly before Ruby made a rude remark.

“You should have listened to me. I could have kept the body count low,” Ruby stated before heading out.

“Whatever. I don’t care about that bitch’s feelings,” Dean commented, standing up and walking over to me. “Dinner?” He threw a love token into my lap that had ‘Romantic Dinner’ engraved into it. I nodded while smiling, glad he was using his tokens, and linked my arm with his and we walked out to the Impala. Once again, we were going to have a lovely romantic dinner which would make me like him ever more. Or possibly love him...
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