I'm the Angel on His Shoulder


We burst into the haunted house and identified ourselves as police. The people inside freaked, but then they recognized the boys. Apparently, they had already met in a previous supernatural altercation, but nonetheless, they needed to go, which all 3 of us attempted to tell them. They wouldn’t listen. We said that anyone who spent the night here died, but they were far too stubborn. A girl called Maggie had just caught footage of the ghost that we were hunting, so we watched it together. Sam straight away identified it as a death echo, which I said was harmless, since all those spirits can do is replay their deaths over and over again and can’t hurt people. Something else must be here too. We continued to try to urge the group of youngsters out, but they wouldn’t listen. Then, the last thing that we wanted to happen happened. One of them went missing. We followed his screams but couldn’t find Corbett. He had completely disappeared.

“Alright, we need every exit to be supernaturally sealed right now! Whatever this is, doesn’t want us to leave,” Sam ordered after jamming a chair into a door so the door couldn’t be opened. He was about to pull out the salt, but before we could do anything, the lights started flickering and the technology cut out. An echo appeared in the middle of the room; a man wandering around aimlessly. Dean rushed up to it, trying to jerk it out of its loop by shouting stuff at it, but it didn’t work. Suddenly, the echo was illuminated by a bright light, a horn sounded, then the spirit was swept away. We puzzled over the fact that the echoes couldn’t have died here, since there was clearly not a train running through the house, so what was bringing them here?

“How about we go exploring?” I suggested. “Surely there are some clues somewhere...” They all agreed and we soon found a room that looked interesting. Sam and I found a death certificate for Freeman Daggett, who was the house’s last owner, but his death was the usual heart attack. Sam also found a book on how to survive if a nuclear war begun. It was Dean that found the best clues though. 3 toe tags; one from a gun-shot victim, one from a train accident, and one from a suicide. It seemed like Daggett stole bodies to play with them, and their echoes were here because their bodies were here somewhere too. But now Maggie had disappeared too.

The technology started going crazy and we knew that something bad was about to happen, so we quickly headed to the next room. There was Maggie, searching for another clue, and we told her to stay close. That was when we lost Sam. Dean and I called out for Sam, hoping to hear his voice coming from inside a wall or something, but there was no reply. Dean got extremely annoyed so I held his hand, giving him some comfort so he didn’t feel as bad about losing Sam. I knew we’d get him back. We headed back upstairs to the room we were in before and luckily it gave Dean some inspiration.

“I’m guessing Daggett had a bomb shelter in his basement,” he explained as he ran past me quickly. I chased after him back down the staircase. “He’s probably in there.” We ran down with the others, Spruce being in the front with Dean, me further behind keeping an eye on Maggie, Ed and Harry. Once Dean and Spruce went through a door, it slammed shut behind them and I heard Dean swearing.

“His powers are blocking mine,” I shouted through the wall to Dean. “I’ll go back upstairs with the others. You find Daggett.”

“Okay. If I’m not back in 15 minutes, come back for me,” he yelled back with sadness in his voice. I went back upstairs with the other 3 and made a circle of salt for them to stay in. I paced the room, waiting for Dean to come back. Typically, the technology started cutting out and suddenly Corbett’s death echo appeared in the middle of the room. That was not good. His 3 best friends were about to watch his death in a replay.

“Don’t look!” I ordered, rushing over to stand in-between the circle and their friend’s death echo, but they couldn’t help it. I started chanting, attempting to scare it away, and it flickered out, only to return 10 seconds later back at the start of its loop. I sighed and glared at Ed who had just stepped over the salt line. “Get back!”

“I wanna try talk to him. See if I can get him out of his loop...” he mumbled as he approached the spirit who was trembling in pain. He talked to the spirit, who eventually listened and started calling Ed’s name. Ed asked him to help us, and Corbett nodded. He knew what he had to do. He flicked out again and I rushed down to the basement. The 3 men were okay. Corbett had taken out Daggett.

A week later, the Ghostfacers called us over to watch their episode that they had put together with us in it. We congratulated them falsely on how well they had done putting together the episode of their show and the tribute to their dead friend. Dean left behind a bag with an electro-magnet in it. As soon as they pulled it out, their equipment would go bizarre and destroy the footage. That way, no one would ever know the truth. It was better kept that way. We left them knowing we had done the right thing. As we jumped into the Impala, we heard them crying out agony of losing the footage. We smiled and Dean drove away, heading off to our next mission. We only had 2 months left to save Dean. I was getting more and more certain that we could. Dean was getting a certain look in his eyes when we had one on one time. I knew it was working.
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I know this one was kind of boring.

Any comments are more than welcome :)