I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Long Distance Call

The boys were arguing again about Dean and his deal. Sam wanted to figure out a back-up plan if mine didn’t work, and Dean wanted to work a case. Dean was getting so annoyed that he just burst to shut Sam up. I was not pleased in hearing what he had to say though.

“Sam! There is no way to save me! Ruby said it herself! I’m going to hell no matter what! So can we please just work this case so I can save one more person before I go?” Dean shouted. It was then that he looked at me, realising what he had just said in front of me. “There isn’t really a way, is there? God is lying to you. Ruby has been to hell. She knows their tricks and everything about their deals. You can’t save me.” He had tears in his eyes and I could feel some coming up in mine too.

“She is lying. The demons don’t know since no one has ever been good enough to be saved. People have been pulled out of the pit before, but not saved beforehand. I will save you Dean. I will,” I answered. After a moment of silence, Sam agreed that we could look into the case. We questioned the wife of a man who committed suicide and we learnt that he was talking to ‘Linda’ who called with the number SHA33, which was a phone number that was over 100 years old. At a phone company, we found out that the same number was being used to contact another 10 people. The Linda that the man was talking to was his dead high school sweetheart who was cremated, so this was not spirits talking.

We decided to do some door to door interviews to find out who else had been contacted by the dead, since they were most likely going to end up dying too. Sam found a girl who was being contacted by her dead mother, Dean found a very old lady who was being called by her dead husband and they were having phone sex, and I found another wife who was being called by her dead husband as well. Dean’s phone started ringing, so he answered it, only to find out that he was being called by his dead father.

We discussed how it wasn’t really their father as we headed to the Edison Museum to follow up a lead. We found a bogus spirit phone, so abandoned that idea quickly. Apparently later on Dean got another call from his father and he told him that he could kill the demon who was holding his contract. I continued to tell Dean it wasn’t really his father, but I knew he kept holding onto false hope, despite what I said to him.

Sam and I went to this girl’s house who was talking to her dead mother to try to help her. Sam felt that it would be better if he and I went, since she already trusted him and having a female figure there would probably help too. We ended up saving her little brother from committing accidental suicide due to talking to his mother. I suggested a Crocotta, which lures people with their dead loved ones so he can swallow their souls, was behind all of this. It must be one that communicates through technology and we called Dean as soon as Sam agreed by checking one of his father’s books.

Dean sent us after a guy at the phone company who we figured was behind it. I didn’t know what Dean was doing, so left Sam behind at the phone company to handle the beast alone while I tried to get Dean out of trouble I knew he was in. I flew around the town, searching for Dean. Since we were falling in love, I was getting more and more connected to him, so could use my powers to find him mentally. I sensed him in a suburban area, filled with anger and ready to take action with something. As I got closer, that feeling turned into pure combat energy. He was physically fighting with someone or something. He needed help. I got closer and closer, then landed inside the house I had picked out as having him inside.

“Dean! Where are you?” I called out. A cry and sound of flesh hitting flesh caused me to head into the hallway. Dean was fighting with another human male. Over what, I don’t know, but it had to stop. “Stop it Dean!” I couldn’t urge him enough. He had no idea that the man was innocent.

“He’s a demon!” Dean shouted back, pulling him into a circle which was meant to keep demons in it.

“No he’s not,” I said, shaking my head as the man walked straight back out of the circle and headed for Dean. I had to take action. I flew over and grabbed Dean in a split second and flew us outside and over a block. “That was not your father talking. You know that. Now let’s go.” Dean nodded sadly and I flew us back to Sam, who had killed the Crocotta. I knew Dean was extremely disappointed that he couldn’t kill the demon with his deal, and that he couldn’t actually talk to his deceased father. But nothing could be done about that. Dean cashed in one of the love tokens I had gotten him for Christmas, so I gave him a shoulder massage that night (me sitting behind Dean with him sitting in-between my legs) as we watched a horror movie together. The brothers drank a beer together, enjoying each other’s company while they still could, just in case Dean wasn’t saved. I didn’t bother trying to assure them that Dean wouldn’t go to hell. I had given up on wasting my words. My actions were more valued anyway.

As I thought that, I leant forward and kissed Dean on the cheek, getting a cute smile out of him. He turned his head around to face me and the happiness that I saw in his eyes was amazing. I didn’t realise he was that happy with me. I leaned further around his right shoulder so he could kiss me gently on the lips. He kissed me again with slightly more pressure and he twisted himself so his right arm came around me. I leaned further around and when I was about to move myself so I was beside him instead of behind, Sam interrupted us with a cough.

“Really don’t need to see that...” he mumbled and we broke our lips apart, grinning mischievously. Dean winked at me, leaving me wanting more of him while he watched the movie. I moved myself and sat in Dean’s lap, cuddling up to him and falling asleep instead of watching the movie. As I sat comfortably on his legs with our arms around each other, I thought about how great it would be to stay here on earth with Dean instead of going back to heaven and him perhaps going to hell. We liked each other so much now, and just in time too. Surely I would be able to save him. Dean had about 4 more weeks left before hell hounds would come to collect him. We needed to be completely in love before that deadline if I was to save him. And as we sat there on the couch together, I had a feeling deep down that we could do it.
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