I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

No Rest For The Wicked Part Two

Lilith raised her hand and a bright white light knocked me out. When I woke, Sam was still somehow alive, clutching the knife in his hand. Ruby’s body was lying in a heap on the ground, but without a stab wound. Lilith must have escaped. I struggled to my feet, feeling dizzy and weak from the blast of light and the reality of what had just happened. I walked slowly over to Dean’s torn up body, crying silently. I had let him down. I had let myself down. I had let God down. I had failed in my mission; protecting Dean from going to hell. It had been a year and we had fallen in love, well, I had fallen in love with him anyway. And now he was gone. I fell to my knees as Sam picked up his torso, staring into Dean’s eyes which were open, still with the petrified emotion in them. I could almost still hear his screams.

Sam and I cried for what seemed like ever. It was only when Bobby found us that he insisted we left before we were caught. We took Dean’s body away with us and found somewhere isolated where we could bury him. Neither Sam nor I could stop crying the entire time. Bobby and Sam dug the grave while I watched over Dean, ironically. I felt empty inside, knowing that it was because of me that he was now dead and in hell. This wasn’t fair. It wasn’t meant to end like this. We performed a few rituals as we put him gently into his grave. We erected a cross at the head of his grave and said our last few words before covering his coffin in soil. Once the grave was full, Sam and I kneeled on the ground crying as Bobby stood at the end of the grave, head bowed and probably praying. I let out my wings and cast a shadow upon Dean’s grave with them. I said a few words of goodbye in my head and then looked up to the sky. It was my time to go.

“I’m sorry Sam. I wish you the best for the future,” I said solemnly, standing up. “Please take care of my host body. She’ll want to go home. Just take her there.”

“What? You’re leaving now?” Sam stuttered in disbelief. Everyone was leaving him. I could only imagine his pain. His mother dies, then his girlfriend, then his father, his brother too, and now his brother’s girlfriend is leaving him too. He was completely alone.

“I have to. My year on earth has ended and I failed my mission. I have no other choice. I’m sorry. I really wish things had ended differently. I’m sorry,” I whispered the last two words and smiled weakly up at Bobby, showing him my thanks for the help he had provided me and the brothers with in the past year. He nodded back and I looked back at Sam who was crying again. I touched his shoulder in an act to try to comfort him, but soon let go. I looked back up at the sky and felt a warmth come over me. It was time to go back. I breathed in one last time, and as I breathed out I felt myself leaving the host body, flying back up to heaven. I looked back down as I saw my host body collapse backwards on the ground. Sam looked up, but only would have been blinded by the intense light he would have disregarded as the sun. He had no idea, really. I got higher and higher and closed my eyes as I let myself be absorbed by the light and warmth as I entered heaven again.

When I opened my eyes I was standing on clouds again. I looked down and saw that my cool human clothes had disappeared and I was now wearing a black dress to match my black wings. The first angel I saw was Castiel. He wasn’t hard to miss, since his wings were the biggest black wings I’d ever seen. He was such an important angel, one of the ones who had a lot of respect and authority. But then again, there were still many higher than him. He was standing in front of me, but off to the right. He nodded in the direction of in front of us, so I started flying towards him. When I reached him, he took off, flying at my pace.

“I have news about Dean,” he stated and I felt my heart jolt.

“What is it?”

“I have one more mission left, in regards to travelling to hell to rescue souls,” he explained and my mind flicked to a memory of when he told me about his job for God. Him and 9 other angels were involved in the rescuing valuable souls from hell, people like Dean who had importance to God. 2 angels held the right door of the gate to hell while the other 2 held the left door, making sure no more evil creatures had to escape than necessary to get the other 6 angels in. Castiel was one of the 6 who went in, travelling in pairs to find the targeted person. Once one of them found the person, they grabbed onto him or her and literally pulled them out of hell and out through the gate. The insane powers of those 10 angels meant they could all share thoughts while on those missions, so they could tell when a pair had found the person and they could open the gate and let the angels and the person through. “I have to find Dean Winchester and drag him out.” My jaw dropped. It was too good to be true!

“Why?” I asked. I had to know. Was Dean in love with me?

“God was distracted at midnight and has only gotten free. She wants to review Dean’s case here. She believes you two have actually fallen in love and wants to grant him his life back,” Castiel explained and my eyes widened as happiness flooded me. It had worked! I hadn’t failed my mission! In the end, I had protected Dean!

“When do you go down to the pit?” I questioned eagerly.

“Once Ezra returns from a secret mission, we will leave to get Dean to present him in our court in front of God for the ruling of whether or not he can return to earth,” Castiel answered and I was filled with joy and relief. This was not a joke. “Also, I have had a change of jobs. Another angel has been chosen to take my place in the 10 Free-ers while I focus on missions on earth, so if you are granted to return to earth, we will be working close together.”

“It would be an honour,” I commented as we flew to the huge palace where God was. It was surrounded by beautiful images that every angel enjoyed when they were not on a mission. It was a place of beauty and peace. Every angel knew that any angel who was chosen to free souls from hell had importance, so working another job with them was of high importance. They were special and closer to God than many other angels.

“God will see you in the almighty court once Dean has been freed. I shall personally notify you, since your job on earth was very well done. I’m sure She is proud,” Castiel said with a small smile. After that, there was a flutter of wings and he was gone. I paused in the air as what had just happened sunk in. I had received news that Dean was to be freed from hell. I couldn’t have been happier for him.
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Yeah that's right. God is female.